ITT: Post people that were 100% of pure evil
ITT: Post people that were 100% of pure evil
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This is a humanities board, anyone who uses that term should be auto-banned or redirected to /pol/ on sight. Please.
Fedoras are a spook.
Define evil
Evil. Good.
Neither exist.
Someone you call evil, to another might be a saint. And vice versa.
Hillary Clinton
>H.H. Hughes
>muh autocracy
He claim it
What a stupid post
>speaking of history with modern moral standards
You know that he'd be a hero if the Nazis (fuck them) had won, right? Even the most noble struggles require the enforcement of violence and acts of horror from time to time.
See every religion, the root of any political belief or social struggle that's worth something in history, and see for yourself. Greatness is covered from head to toes in "evil" deeds. Welcome to real life.
I bet my fucking testicles nobody that knew Dirglewanger ever considered him a saint, not even in an ironic sort of way.
This guy wasn't even cartoon villain evil. The closest parallel I can draw him to would be the anti christ, and even that's not true because the anti christ was supposed to be charismatic and good leader and all of his men fucking hated his guts he was so evil.
>investigated multiple times by the SS for being too fucking brutal
>investigated by Goering himself for being too fucking brutal
>all of his men hated him
I doubt it. He was allowed to live because the Nazis were desperate and he was a cruel sadist perfect for repressing any rebellions in their numerous conquered territories. Had they won he probably would have been taken out back and shot for being a mentally unstable necrophiliac pedophilic sadistic homicidal fuck.
>his men hated him
Dirlewanger Brigade were some of the most notorious criminals, murderers, rapists and child-abusers, even complete lunatics. I'm sure they never hated their commander who was pretty much all combined into one.
Good, you focused on the individual, that can indeed be a full fucking sociopath, and even you realize even the worst examples of politics of modernity would condemn him.
I actually agree, guy was a fucking scumbag without a conscience. But this was necessary for the thread, let's keep it focused to an individual.
Read the memoirs of the survivors of his band of ne'er-do-wells. I mean most of them died, because he was a shitty leader and just as brutal with his own men as the enemy. Nobody dared say anything to his face or he'd shoot them, but he became unofficially known as the butcher after he ordered his men to kill over 200 Polish children, specifically without the use of bullets since they were "low on ammo."
They hated the guy.
>Neither exist.
Jews are evil, what now?
You know it's bad when the Heer and Waffen-SS would place joint complaints the very moment the 36th showed up in their areas.
>credible source
I mean they're fun to read and all but historians tend to avoid them because they usually smell off "dindu nuffin" material. Everyone tends to put themselves in better light and pass the guilt on another one.
These memoirs are how we know he did half the fucked up shit he did. They didn't write these things down in the reports.
Either he was an evil bastard or his soldiers made it all up, pick one you can't have both.
At least at the end of his life, McNamara was self aware of what he did and showed some regret.
>advocates banning a simple word
fucking communist
I'm sure some members were forced to participate in crimes but let's not forget that unit wasn't exactly composed of angels. Truth is probably somewhere in between.
But i don't think anyone will actually admit in his memoirs how he willingly killed and raped civilians and such.
They did it "under orders" and most did so willingly to a point. It was the Warsaw Uprising where his men start commenting on their distaste for their commanding officer.
I'm sure very few of them would have done a tenth the shit they did in a vacuum, but under orders, under peer pressure, under threat of life and hopped up on adrenaline they followed orders just fine.
It was really the beating several hundred children to death thing that soured their taste though.
Every single word on Veeky Forums could just get filtered to spooks and you autists would still argue each other
>At that point, the CVR recorded the cockpit door opening and Flight Attendant Deborah Neil telling the cockpit crew, "We have a problem!" Captain Lindamood replied, "What kind of problem?" A shot was heard as Burke shot the flight attendant dead, and announced "I'm the problem." He then fired two more rounds.
Cold motha shutyomouth
Biggest Edgelord to go to war since the 1600s
You have to admit that's pretty logical. Those bullets are needed for the war effort and knife are just as good. This guy seem's like a smart guy.
Personally I think /pol/ should be filtered to Reddit.
i thought they clubbed them like seals
anyway, getting your soldiers' shooting arms tired and sore as well as making them grossed out doesn't seem to be a good logistical choice either.
could have put them on a burning building or something.
He should've moved to and hid in Canada or the Faroe Islands then. Him and his clubbing ways would've fit right in.
Fuck off back to your le funny wehraboo subleddit you shitlib cunt
The shit he did could be said to be evil, but I'm pretty sure as a person he's not that bad. And it's questionable whether US presidents are even really in charge any more, so I don't think you could really call him 100% evil.
Spook is a spook.
Could it be said that he... crashed the plane with no survivors?
We wuz King and shiet
Couldnt find any historical depiction of the prophet so im going wit this one
He didn't do anything wrong, all the "crimes" people attribute to him are fake.
You mean in the biblical sense? that presuppose the existence of the biblical god?
Or do you speak of simply an objective morality?
If so you are simply a proponent of moral reletivism. I personally detest this point of view.
That is not nessecarily how it has to be for all times though.
such clashes occur when change and oppinions are blocked as oppose to allowed to flow freely.
Dictatorial regimes and a lack of proper infrustructre and are examples of such blockages. They create tension which is released through violance.
he wasn't evil just some edgelord, unless you consider racism to be "omg le greatest evil evar"
if you really believed that you'd be out making money and getting pussy
Most of his actions were completely unnecessary from a tactical viewpoint.
I remember good old Oskar
>injecting strychnine into young Jewish female prisoners, previously undressed and whipped, to watch them convulse to death in front of him and his friends for entertainment
Good times, good times.
One the one hand that's objectively awful, but on the other, that's a pretty smooth post-mortem one liner.
Evil is basically a meme word used for people you disagree with
>Couldnt find any historical depiction of the prophet
You weren't looking hard enough, which is to say you probably didn't try at all. Pic related took me like 2 seconds to find.
e z
That's him in a burqa
Here he is on his prayer rug, going Super Arab
Crazy not evil.
What if I define it to mean any choice that advances the individual or a small group at the expense of everyone else?
PS. Good job derailing the thread on post #2.
pic related
It's not a Burqa. His face is merely censored with a supernatural veil. It's an artistic convention, like the mandola, or the flaming head.
>Some former girlfriends, neighbors, and law enforcement officials described him as a violent man before Flight 1771.[11] He had seven children, but never married.[3]
What a piece of shit. Bring seven people into this hellhole we called reality but take responsibility for none of them. Then kill a whole flight just because he's bitter at his employers for firing him for being a thief and a drug smuggler?
Yep. This is a good one
I always refer to his administration as President Cheney's administration. George Jr. was a handsome tool, just like Reagan.
Bush's father and brother are more genuinely political, though.
pseudo intellectuals need to get the fuck off this board
Martin Scorsese's making a movie about this guy.
Played by Leo, of course, because Scorsese always uses Leo even when it doesn't make sense.
>implying he's wrong
C'est Magnifique
dude was dick
He may not be but that doesn't change the fact he's an entry level pleb
Hans Dinkleberg
>What if I define it to mean any choice that advances the individual or a small group at the expense of everyone else?
That applies to literally everybody then.
When a shop owner goes on vacation, he is "injuring" his regular clients and he advances the individual.
In practice, you will just use the term to mean "people I disagree with".
thanks, just read his wiki, wow!
It doesn't matter you fucking autist. You know exactly what the fucking thread is here for and what the OP meant, you're just being pretentious. Fuck off.
Looks like an 80's yuppie desu
Pope Francis, the false prophet.
The Antichrist, whoever he is.
>a person or entity that seeks only to achieve the destruction of all living beings including itself
This is the definition I use anyway
>a person or entity that seeks only to achieve the destruction of all living beings including itself
So, syphilis is "good"?
"Good" and "evil" are a spectrum, absolute evil would be what I described above. Ofcourse this too is open to interpretation. For example if an individual perceives life to be nothing but torturous suffering for all involved, he could justify killing everything and everyone as "good" since he believes he is liberating them from such agony
[spoiler]kill yourself[/spoiler]
Unless you're one of those new age deprogressistis you better thank this guy. If it wasn't for him we'd all be living in warlord states competing for scarce food in an overpopulated world.
Not the guy you're replying to, but you realise we are simply passing the buck, right?
There is no escaping the Malthusian trap. There is only a series of traps, one set after another.
Albert Fish