Why are people still running down the biotech sector, Veeky Forums?
Okay, a lot of the companies people invested in ten years ago have gone nowhere. But serious progress is now being made in developing new small molecule and genetic therapies for a wide range of indications, including in dermatology, oncology, gerontology and ophthalmology.
How much longer will the 'biotech bubble' meme go on for?
If you wait for final FDA approval for some of these extremely promising drugs in stage III and stage II clinical trials, you're going to miss the boat.
A few particular stocks I'm watching in this space:
Nathaniel Anderson
Nobody interested in biotech? Really?
We're on the brink of the most rapid and profound advancement in medicine ever, and nobody here is interested in profiting from it?
Hudson Rogers
You think these will be moon rockets within the next couple of weeks/months?
Luke Lopez
ACRS will do well this month, and potentially skyrocket over the next 3 years. They have a few very promising dermatology products in the pipeline. The others are going to be slower and steadier, with considerably less volatility.
Robert Bell
>They have a few very promising dermatology products in the pipeline.
need source, want to read myself in, also post research on other stocks I am interested. bio-tech is not my field I cannot differe between promising and unpromising products, but would like to read myself in the field and maybe dip a toe or two.
Carter Young
ZYNE is the most unusual of the picks. They're working on synthetic cannabinoids. The science is good; but how regulators will react is a little uncertain. I am confident that when the drugs are shown to work, the public will demand access.
They just raised an additional $20m to develop a new class of JAK inhibitors, which have the potential to be a genuine multi-billion blockbuster. Went public last year and the stock is up 100% since then; clinical trials going smoothly and they're currently doing a round of presentations at dermatology conferences, so press attention is possible.
Colton Williams
what does phase 3 mean in FDA terms?
Hudson James
nevermind, just informed myself on wiki.
thanks for the info.
Caleb Cruz
These are the clinical trial phases; once they're completed to demonstrate safety and efficacy, the data is sent to the FDA for independent review. The FDA doesn't test the drugs itself. Phase 3 is the final phase of clinical trials before the data is sent to the FDA for approval of the drug.
Jace Reyes
Well I mean something that will be big in the short term. Maybe moon rocket in the next 2 or 3 months is fine, but I'd prefer to be doing something that's shorter term.
Jaxon Walker
Anyone else interested in investing in the future of medicine?
Justin Nguyen
I am but long term as these things take years. Like big Pharma good old $27 now about $35 I could sell but no. In GSK (EU) not going to sell until that Malaria vac comes then sell as it would jump.
Caleb Sanchez
Are there any good companies out there dealing in stem cell / genetic modification therapy or am I still too early?
Mason Lopez
Genetic mod is still illegal for humans. Stem cell for the breakthrough is past things to do with in to early.
Henry Roberts
That phase when you have gone so deep you actually are advertising for other companies to invest in on a mongolian throat singing blog because you invested in it realizing afterwards it was hopeless and you want drag others down the road with u
ARRY yes ACRS long maybe Those other 3 you're going to have to sell me on them, I see absolutely no reason for them to spike that being said I have done little to no research on CALA and a moderate amount on ZYNE and RNN. Fill me in on why CALA ZYNE and RNN will spike in the future please.
Luke Robinson
Half-correct The big deal with phase 3 trials is that they are done on HUMANS. the trials are on LIVE HUMANS suffering from said ailment the drug treats. Safety is not the main concern for phase 3 trials, Chemo is not safe. they want to know that the drug can in fact kill whatever microorganisms its meant to seek and destroy IE cancer cells.
Source: Medical doctors. Ask any of them.
Aaron Reyes
side-note my father is an MD currently still practicing, he thinks ZYNE will eventually skyrocket in price due to the efficiency of their what he calls "pot patch" since they are making marijuana available like a nicotine patch. He made me a lot of money off of the GWPH spike from $30 to $80 over night.
Jack Clark
Now, I'm relatively new to financing, and I know this runs counter productive to the aims of Veeky Forums as far as making money in concerned, but if you became successful at stocks or any other way of obtaining money, and you dumped money into biotech stocks, would that assist new discoveries and advances in medicine because you're essentially financing them, or are they effectively financed once they're introduced to the public market, and it's just a question of who'd holding the bag, for good or ill?
Alexander Brooks
VBLT? They have incurred an increase in net loss compared to last year. Their prices have fluctuate quite a bit just in the last month. I have no real reason to believe they'll take off. Their trials are in phase 3 right now under FDA watch. The results for progression free disease (or w/e it is) has beaten previous or compared products by many months (almost double).
Juan Ward
Check out $CARA. Non addictive kappa opioids that target the peripheral nervous system instead of the central nervous system like my opioids. Beaten down right now and will be a long ass hold, but avg price target is $23 b/c their compound CR845 can service acute pain, chronic pain, and pruritus.
Also $SGYP, buyout is a very high likelihood, you can look up the factors. (CFO left, not looking for a new one,blots of rumors, strong pipeline)
Gavin Allen
Stock market is an auction house, we buy and sell shares of a company for the price we see fit. The company got their cash by selling those shares at the initial public offering. They can issue new shares and sell them on the stock market through a following public offering if they wish to get more money. What the share price is, and how much people are buying and selling, doesn't reflect in the funding of the company, but in their market capitalisation.