Is the Dollar going to collapse?
What will the US Reserve currency be afterwards?
Is the Dollar going to collapse?
What will the US Reserve currency be afterwards?
All fiat currency is eventually worthless.
Right now we're waiting on 2008 Recession: Part Deux. It will be worse than 08 was by far.
None of the fundamental problems that caused it have been addressed, only papered over. Banks and business that fail are not supposed to be saved. If the government had only let the system fail and work itself out rather than prop it up, we wouldn't be so fucked.
These bubbles will pop, and when they do, it will be ugly.
>What will the US Reserve currency be afterwards?
Bottle caps.
If you want your answer. Look into Roman's currency, as we're following in their foot steps exactly.
> gold currency
> fiet currency
> economic boom
> gold currency*
> end of Rome
*Our gold currency is China.
History repeats itself all day everyday.
i dont think the dollar will collapse anytime soon but the possibility is always there.
Most likely it will continue to lose value over time like it always does.
its always a safe bet to store your portfolio assets into something not related to the dollar, as a store of value
with that said, the dollar will always be king due to ease and liquidity, for the time being.
The dollar is facing tremendous deflationary pressure, and has been since the financial crisis. Don't expect your money to appreciate in a bank though, as much of it will be seized to service the bank's debts and prevent insolvency.
>Is the Dollar going to collapse?
It won't. It's THE ONLY currency that matters in the world.
The US and its institutions are the most respected and trusted in the world. As long as the US remains solvent on all of its debt, the US dollar will be the only currency in the world that matters.
>What will the US Reserve currency be afterwards?
If that happens probably rice or ammunition.
The funny thing is that America's monetary authorities will soon enough be actively trying to get rid of the US reserve currency status.
That's very cute Alex Jones. I like your water filters BTW/
Of course it will
Ethereum or trumpcoin will replace it.
Eventually yes it is a goal of the nwo and the debt is to high now to be resolved without endless inflation. Put money into physical assets without a paper trail
The reserve currency status hurts America.
>Ethereum or Trumpcoin
I don't think crypto-currencies will become popular, at least not while old people who are unfamiliar with the concept are a majority of the people, personally I don't like it, it's not physical, I like having something physical that you can trade. Does anybody else agree/disagree, I don't know much about crypto?
What the fuck does that even mean "the dollar will collapse"
The barter system will come it to play in a matter of time. That's why actual skills are becoming more and more necessary. Numbers and paper really won't keep people alive.
something physical like fiat cash, thats also a bunch of numbers typed into a computer?
This guy is correct. We'll move towards a currency basket, most likely. Might be 2-5 years out yet though.
At least you can hold and verify the existence of cash. Your crypto currencies go poof with a major electrical outage or a virus/bug.
I also agree that the rich will steal physical currency from us. Uglifying it with weird colors, fonts, niggers, etc is part of their plan to make it unrecognizable and untrusted.
We already have if you haven't noticed our monetary policy the last 8 years.
How so?
How do you manage to type so many words and say nothing?
Daily reminder.
Bitcoin onviously
daily counter reminder that this chart is fucking retarded.
lmao how cute
this guy thinks he knows about the financial system but is too stupid to understand the dangers of contagion.
Bartering was replaced for a reason.
It was a shit, inefficient system.
>Dollar collapse
The Fed will eventually raise the cash rate in near future and the fundamentals of American economy seem very strong at the moment. If you look into developing countries, such as BRICS nations, you can definitely notice that their economic growth has somewhat stagnated.
Trading goods and services without being tracked and tax. Yea pretty shitty.