How do you fraud being handsome?

yes lowbodyfat for jawline gains is obvious

Thinking of yourself as being handsome. Anyone who doubts that they look good whenever they look into the mirror is fucked from the very start.

Obviously there’s limits. You don’t want to tread into narcissistic behavior. But personally, I know that if I didn’t stop looking at myself in a negative light, then I would still be a fat neck beard.

that's everything right there, it takes time to realize it. - find hobbies, go outside, spend time with the right people, all of a sudden one day you'll just look in the mirror and see something better you know

google "looksmaxing"
you're welcome

definitely this. Thinking of yourself as handsome/desirable goes a long way


This. Confidence is most important. Women find average, even unattractive, men attractive if they’re confident + funny.

All you gotta be is hygienic

sadly we can't all be handsome yet

in a 100 years we can edit our appearance like a game, or have the virtual reality age... but not yet

Prime example where the truth is wholesum
Bless u user


you're miserable.

Who here /sogoodlookingyoucan'tstoplookingatyourself/?

Reporting in. But extremely insecure about it as well. Over 3000 selfies on my phone

Pretty sure even the most handsome people have insecurities.


You can't, you either are or you are not. Girls can literally even fucking smell how good-looking you are.


I can't wait for all the neckbeards to self-select into the virtual world. Think of how beautiful the real world will be when all the most miserable, angry and insecure people are sealing themselves away in little electric cells, leaving the rest of us here in the sunlight

look at this spongebob marble statue looking motherfucker
also this

neck pill on Veeky Forums

>Over 3000 selfies on my phone
same but just trying to get one that doesn't accentuate my flaws to use on dating app

(joke is that for guys, selfies perform terribly if you aren't a 9/10 and you need pictures take by other people)

I agree.
Although the trick is to have long arms and hold the camera as far away as possible. Removes at least some of the lens distortion

>Thinking of yourself as being handsome
Bit of a catch-22 imo. Being ugly has such a strong negative feedback loop that if you're able to think yourself as handsome then you probably aren't that ugly to begin with.

Being an acne ridden teenager and getting called ugly by other schoolkids destroyed my confidence

To clarify, I'm now able to think of myself as handsome, but it took years

Learn lookism and aesthetics, but there's only so much you can work with genetically without surgery. Building muscle tone in the face is important though. Take advice with a grain of salt, or you'll get obsessed with traits and measures like an aspie that regular people appreciate or don't factor. There's also plenty of handsome famous people with assymetrical or "distasteful" features according to the laws.

Lmao I knew a Chad in hs who just made farting sounds and at least three girls laughed every time. It's all in the looks

this isn't insecurity this is narcissism but they're usually mutual

Post face and I'll tell you what you need. Im a painter and know a fuckton about anatomy and aesthetics, but only broscience solutions.


well if its narcissism it must be covert narcissism because I'm extremely shy and probably the quietest guy anyone knows

pic OP posted is just 7/10, idk what's so special about it

Plastic surgery exists tho I believe you can lift yourself up 3 points in attractiveness before it starts looking unnatural.


What is this meme

a thick muscular neck improves the face

??? What? Obama looks worse with the thicker neck LMAO

jaw fillers

you know pencil necked is an old insult

i can do this myself by just slightly pushing out whenever i want to look hotter. you retards need to read on mewing. i basically am pic reltaed on the left whenever i'm alone and in public i'm on the right. just my a lil mewin'


Does this just come from lifting?

holy fuck you are actually dumb as shit

mewing has the instant effect of tightening the area under your chin, it doesn't make your jaw look any wider you fucking low iq foreigner

He looks like a thumb in the left picture

It comes from doing exercises that specifically target the neck, such as neck curls and neck extensions. Look up Mike "The machine" Bruce's channel on youtube for more info on neck training.

But wouldn't it look stupid if you had a thick neck and skinny body

To where? The internet?

went from chad to twink

But the question is, are thumbs attractive to women?

No. You won't get the biggest neck in the world just from doing neck training, as you'd have to do some more heavy lifting involving your traps and so on. However a thicker neck on a skinny will always look better than a skinny neck on a skinny body.

I don't know if it's because I'm good looking objectively, because I'm a a 20 year old kv sperg so I'm probably not, but all I know is I'm good looking to myself and I enjoy my reflection too much.

Seeing myself in a window or something always cheers me up, like if nothing else I always have that cute face with me. Sounds creepy when put like that though... I also say goodnight to the mirror sometimes.

Seriosly thank you for this... finally some true red pill info

are you me

A beard is like makeup for guys, helps frame your face correctly and give you some definition (accentuates cheekbones and squareness of jaw etc.)

yeah the right guy looks like shit, especially compared to the guy on the left. So you weren't born with impeccable genetics but just imagine the guy putting in serious work.

- proper hair cut + product
- eyebrows taken care of
- 1/2 year of tanning
- daily exfoliating + skin care
- squinting his eyes
- growing a 3 day stubble (minoxidil if needed)

Will he ever look like the guy on the left? No

Will he be able to bump his looks by 2-3 points? Yes

lmao are you me

I'm 22 though and fingered a girl one time and I also wish for a big dick because I think I would feel more entitled to sex. My dick isn't small or anything, but a big one would just make things better.

true to a degree

Now you just have to fix your innate faggotry.

yeah nah you're just polishing a turd

Can't polish a turd but ya can put enough glitter on it to make it a Christmas ornament

nope he'll always be st. blackopscel


you can't do this immediately but it's best to make it a habit to practice but don't ignore opportunities to make yourself more attractive such as losing weight (if you're fat), aiming for an ottermode body (if you're aushwitz mode) etc

Godspeed anons we're all gonna make it

Being slim, dressing well, worrying about my personal hygiene.
My girl loves me even when I wake up, but when you deal with strangers you gotta look good, and they will be good with you.