>Boston Massacre
>Only 5 people died
>Boston Massacre
>Only 5 people died
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Not only that but the people who were 'massacred' were pelting the redcoats with rocks and daring them to shoot them.
The American tradition of false-flagging to start wars goes back a long ways.
US census says the pop was 2,148,076 in 1770
Current US population is 341,442,019
5 people dead in 1770 is .00023% of the population
50 dead today is .000014%
it was a big deal
>implying 1 person dying in the US in 1770 would make a similar tragedy as 170 people dying in the US today
lol I guess you're right
That someway makes sense
Well yeah, it's simple math. Are you retarded?
>Veeky Forums in a nutshell
>Boston Tea Party
>There was no party
The eternal Anglo strikes again
It was a simpler time in America, when five people being murdered was a massacre and not just the aftermath of a Chicago Memorial Day weekend.
>Diet of Worms
>they didn't even eat one worm
it's like the 'genocide' of Australian Aboriginals, which was about 20,000 death over 150 years
Stolen generations is a worse meme than genocide because the Government acknowledged it and apologised for it even though It's just as flimsy
Much like Rome, the U.S. built it's empire on a series of "defensive" wars
>Third Punic War
>Numidia is fucking Carthage over and raiding their land
>Carthage raises an army to fight back
>Rome claims this breaks their treaty from the Second Punic War
>Rome demands Carthage comply with insane demans
>Carthage tells Rome to fuck off
Now compare it to the average liberation of a Spanish city by British troops during the Napoleonic Wars
>Enraged at the huge amount of casualties they suffered in seizing the city, the troops broke into houses and stores consuming vast quantities of liquor with many of them then going on a rampage.
>Threatening their officers and ignoring their commands to desist, and even killing several,[3] the troops massacred about 4,000 Spanish civilians. It took three days before the men were brought back into order.
>The wanton sacking of Badajoz has been noted by many historians as a particularly atrocious conduct committed by the British Army: many homes were broken into, property vandalized or stolen, Spanish civilians of all ages and backgrounds killed or raped, and many officers were also shot by the men they were trying to bring to order.[3]
they were just looking for an excuse at that point
>tfw John Addams just called the mob out on their "dindu nuffin" bullshit and had the Brits acquitted
Sounds like Brits in Spain everyday.
Just some fun with the lads on tour.
>tfw rome being sacked by snownigs
Even today Badajoz has not recuperated from this episode. The whole region of Extremadura is a shithole, basically Africa.
The Eternal Anglo commemorates this "glorious" "liberation" every summer by repeating the atrocity and vandalism acts all across Spain.
>decision event
>blame on officers or blame on troops
>chooses blame on troops
>writes history that way
Nigga you know those wig wearing weirdos were first in line for the raping.
>no turbos
>no deaths
>4,742 enemies
>4,800 losses
LMAO Britain
I'd be mad too
>Crispus Attucks
Ol' potato chip nigga. Friends called him Pringles 'cause once dat nigga got popped, the Revolution didn't stop.