Rate this fit

Rate this fit



you forgot socks



you should consider applying to be a model

I would consider going to an orthopedist, looks like you need special soles in your shoes. Google overpronation.

Only on Veeky Forums lmfao.


my ankles over pronate so much it looks like they're constantly broken

can you guys rate me too?

you are wearing a black shirt and brown joggers

Are you skater? If not, the fit is kinda weak. you'd blend into the crowd easy.
Try black/white clothes to go with shoes. And because it's winter all black plus those shoes is a go. Not to be rude hope this helps winar


Is this any good either?

c'mon guys just a little rating

nice heels

Honestly it just looks like you closed your eyes and reached into your closet, like you put zero effort into your fit. Your hoodie doesn't go well with those khaki joggers, I suggest wearing them with some plain black skinnies. Also, you're wearing some 'basic white girl' shoes.

not even a fit. you put maybe 1 second of thought into this shit
