Is China the mother culture of Eastern Asia?
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Yeah, pretty much like Germanics are the mother culture for europe and its various spinoffs (australia, canada, usa and so on)
>so this mother got raped by her sons ?
>Germanics are the mother culture
That's a weird way of saying greco-roman.
the greco roman stuff became window dressing after the germanics took over...after all the holy roman empire wasnt holy or roman
Look at how pervasive classical Chinese was used for communication. It was basically the lingua franca. Also look at how Confucianism and Chinese modes of Buddhism became dominant ideologies in Korea, Vietnam and Japan.
I guess it depends on where you demarcate Eastern Asia though. Many parts of Southeast Asia were more heavily influenced by India, while Central and Inner Asia had influence from all over the place depending on time and location.
>he has greek or latin name
>follows greek or latin religion
>lives in system inspired and piioneered by greeks and romans
>cca 30% chance that he speak romance as mother tongue
There's no mesoamerican root civilization?
We have no idea who they were.
The Olmecs weren't the first
Ayy lmao.
And now the fathers of capitalism are being raped by China lol
t.Deng Xiao Ping
China is what happens if Rome never fell
It would reasonably have to be the Indo-iranian or what is now Chinese if genetic evidence is anything to go by
China is to east asia as Greece & Rome are to europe
What's the green dot? And no Egypt?
> Christianity
> Greek or Latin religion
Yyyyeaah. Egypt is a weird won.
>Be ancient power.
>Nobody copies your culture.
>At all.
Prolly only Nubians did.
Literally judaism for romans.
They were relatively ilationist up until the new kingdom.
Forgot to add that it's not like they didn't influence Crete and Canaan.
That's not true at all! Romans and Hebrews had massive cultural exchange with the Egyptians, many of which later developed into premodern and modern European/Near Eastern occultism.
>modern veneration of the Virgin Mary is basically Isis-worship
>the book of revelation penned by john of patmos was heavily influenced by the egyptian amduat
>kabbalah and gematria
>probably some Roman mystery religions that died out before we could learn about them
And that's only as far as religion goes, let alone their medical and pharmacological knowledge. Someone get the Ape of Thoth in here to slap your shit
I wanna see /ss/ with Mother China!
Germanics are like the Mongols--barbardians who conquered classical civilization and ended up being assimilated by it. Greco-Roman culture is the mother culture of Europe.
No, the glorious Choson people, being the mother of all human civilizations, is the rightful mother of East Asia.
This. Claiming germanics to be the mother culture is like saying jurchen, mongols or manchus are the mother culture of east asia.
The European middle ages were a fusion of Germanic and Graeco-Roman culture.
>Not Peloponesian-Christian
You know I'm right.
They separated thousands of years befire these two even stopped being hunter-gatherers.
Greeks definitely did, a lot of Greek civilisation's characteristics can be traced back to Egypt.
It was literally Greek Judaism.
You can probably find many Christian concepts around in the contemporary pagan religion of the Greek gentiles that are completely absent from Judaism.
That doesn't mean they were the mother though. It was the Germanics fusing with Rome, not the other way around
I'm pretty sure we have 24 hours in a day because of the Egyptians.
Also, it seems every surviving writing system that's not Chinese ultimately derived from their Hieroglyphs.
It does seem weird that Egyptians were so quick to get Hellenized and then Arabized despite being such an ancient power, though.
A better example is perhaps:
Germans are to Rome as Arabs are to Persia.
Not that user but I did my own map.
> see thread talking about china culturally rolfstomping
>entire thread is about rome/greek fuckboys V Germans
no, it's the one with the most influence. just like roman and greek culture heavily influenced all the cultures around it, chinese culture heavily influenced cultures like those in japan, korea, mongolia, etc. other asian cultures didn't descend from chinese culture, they've just been heavily influenced by it.
welcome to our board i guess
Olmecs were the first.
What's the spot under China?
That Hinduish influenced Civilization that was the Origin of Cambodia and Hindu Java.
The Khmers.
We've had the China talk several times already, though.
Are Egyptians more cucked than the Persians?
China a shit, no one cares
China is not the mother culture but the father culture.
That's why other Asian nations respect China greatly and hold Chinese culture in high regard, but also maintain a huge 'penis envy' complex towards China politically and socially.
I like how the points follow a very simple line before splitting at the Mediterranean and then continuing only through Europe because Rome fucked Carthage's ass good during their wars, as if to avoid having parallel lines competing with each other.
The fact that Egypt was a cradle of civilization but the region eventually got taken over by Greek culture (however fused with Egyptian culture it was) almost makes North Africa look like a dead end in the line of evolution of cultural spread.
I'd argue that a "center of influence" could very easily be located in the vicinity of Paris/London.
I was extremely confused by this map until I noticed it did not feature the Caspian sea. Fuck you.
It's also the only culture that did not die in childbirth or become pregnant with another's child.
I get what you're saying, but I don't think you get what I am saying.
I mean, for a big ancient power, it did not have the same level of influence as, say, Greco-Roman or Chinese. By that level of influence, I mean living/breathing/eating.making the culture of the dominant power.
Look at all those Germanics going WE ROMANS NOW N SHIEEET aping the costumes, architecture, and language of the Romans.
Same in China. China's immediate neighbors. Pic related, Vietnamese/Korean court dress is *very* Chinese.
But Egypt? Seems to me only the Nubians went PHARAOHS N SJET. The rest did not seem to care.
Sorry, I grabbed the map from google and didn't even notice.
I only considered places up to late antiquity.
Look at Orientalizing art and Kourous statues in Greece. See also the Ptolemies who went WE WUZ PHARAOHS much like the Germanics who took over the Western Roman Empire.
But really, you're right. By the Hellenistic period Egypt had long been in decline. Their golden age was many thousands of years ago. None of the civilizations that bloomed in the Bronze Age had much impact.
Yup. On first sight without any annotations most people would assume that these are depictions of the Chinese.
Also the vast majority of Vietnamese people have more 'orange' than 'yellow' or 'white' hued skin, yet their depictions of themselves are always that of lighter hues
>But Egypt? Seems to me only the Nubians went PHARAOHS N SJET. The rest did not seem to care.
Southern Greek city states?
But they Mesopotamians had their own thing going.
After the rise of Egypt in the New Kingdom era, they started copying some Egyptian stuff as well.
There's a lot of theories on what and how Egyptians influenced ancient Hebrew culture even.
What is the mother culture of the Middle East? Persia?
That would be India
I've heard it was the other way around. That Mesopotamia's ziggurats influenced the pyramids and that they learned about writing because of Sumer
Greeks went all >we Pharaohs n shieeet back in the day.
My guess is that emerging cultures 2000 years in the future will go >we wuz Presidentz n sheeeeit and people in imageboards will go
>how come Roman and Chinese influence was so small and everyone went with Western influence in the end?
Every writing system that doesn't use Hanzi is descended from Egyptian hieroglyphs.
>mfw centuries from now people will be idolizing the time when the meme/gene dichotomy was still in effect
Don't forget that the Persians did that too. Also, the Persians wrote using cuneiform and their administrative language was Aramaic, so I would say that pre-Islamic Persian civilization was an offspring of Mesopotamian civilization.
Sidenote, Middle Persian had a hilarious system of writing Persian words using Aramaic. Thus, the word for king was written as mlk (melek) but would be pronounced as shah.
Tell me how Mayan hieroglyphics are derived or inspired by Egyptians
>Caspian sea
*Caspian lake
This makes absolutely no sense. There are four 'cradles of civilization', for some reason excluding the Andes, Mesoamerica and West Africa, and then a bunch of 'secondary centers' which just seem to be placed on a bunch of random different civilizations while ignoring everywhere else.
He should have said every writing system in current usage.
Kind of like the Hittites and the Akkadians with Cuneiform?
There's four cradles of civilization in the Old World: The Nile, the Tigris and the Euphrates, the Indus river and the Yellow river. I didn't include the Americas because that user didn't.
The "secondary centers of influence" are the places of large-scale civilizations that made a dent/heavily influenced their neighbors. For my map, these are: Persia, Greece, Rome, the Levant and the area of the Khmers.
Thai is derived form a Brahmi script, which was derived from the Aramean one.
>tfw I realised that i have been thinking the aral "sea" was the caspian sea
>tfw I for ages been thinking the caspian sea was disappearing
I knew something was not right
>he has greek or latin name
It's English
>follows greek or latin religion
Funny way of saying Abrahamic, but this variant of it was pioneered by a German Monk
>lives in system inspired and piioneered by greeks and romans
Political systems are pretty meaningless, we didn't get it FROM Rome or Greece, we simply looked in the past when we decided to do it ourselves
>cca 30% chance that he speak romance as mother tongue
I speak only English, and you of course most be bilingual in a Germanic-language
>isn't even able to speak a Latin language, yet 60% of his vocabulary comes from Latin
>uses the Latin alphabet
>proud of being monolingual
>denies his legal system is directly derived from the Roman one
Americans and Anglos should be banned from Veeky Forums.
>yfw this is what Japanese women wore before Chinese culture (Kimono) arrived.
This already looks pretty Chinese.
This kind of looks like a mix between Mongolian and Mayan.
It was irreversibly raped during Mao's Cultural Revolution, however.
>This already looks pretty Chinese
Well, it's a stark difference from Chinese-inspired "modern" Kimono, which looks very similar to pre-Qing Chinese Hanfu
What was that madman even thinking?!
Objectively best denomination
>isn't even able to speak a Latin language, yet 60% of his vocabulary comes from Latin
Nice meme, see pic
>uses the Latin alphabet
It came from Egypt at its source. Runic and Latin script both came from Italic, which came from a line of scripts from Phoenician and Egyptian.
>proud of being monolingual
I live in a world where English is the world language. We've won.
>denies his legal system is directly derived from the Roman one
It's not like we met with Romans to get it. If I like blue, but someone liked blue before me, I didn't learn blue from them.
that graph is bullshit
it's impossible to separate words that came from old english from words that came from middle english. middle english is just a later form of old english after pronounciation shifts etc. the words are the same
thats a funny way of saying japan
where can I find a Jing girl
i need to know for reasons
Wheat and common millet were introduced to northern china from the west. Although westerners think of china as a solely rice-based civilization, wheat and other grains are very important in northern china even today. Also vines and wine and other foodstuffs were introduced from the west.
It is important to remember that Xi'an, the capital of the Han dynasty , is quite far west, and close to the western corridor of Gansu, which leads to the tocharians.
The importance of the horse and chariots to chinese ciliizations can not be overemphasized. It was clearly inteoduced from the west, from indoeuropeans who developed the technology.
The tocharians, bactrians, soghdians were all city based, and highly developed ciliizations. The Han dynasty refers to greek bactira as DaYuan, and chinese travellers highly praised their cities and products, and the prosperous, industrious and peaceful inhabitants. The silk road was created to trade with DaYuan.
The nomadic steppe peoples such as scythians also had aspects of highly developed civilization, such as techincally refined and beautiful gold and iron working and clothing. Also they must have corralled their horses somewhere, implying they had at least semipermanent settlements. Probly similar to how the huns had one major tentcity as their capital in europe. They werent just nomads, but probly a seminomadic civilization.
The chinese learned of buddhism from the missionary efforts of grecobactrian buddhist kindgdoms and tocharians.
There are more examples of cultural and technological innovations that spread from the indoeuropean west to china, and there was a lot of back and forth even before the silk road.
you should really stop your cidf shilling and read up on serica as the kingdom of silk
persian, greek, roman sources all precisely detail the production of silk in serica and the location of serica to the west of china.
the geography and production details are all accurately detailed by these sources
>Qijia culture region of Gansu (centered in Lanzhou)
>The Yuezhi (Indo-European) originally lived in Gansu and lasted until around 100 BCE, when they finally succumbed to Xiongnu (Turko-Mongoloids) and were forced to emigrate.
>Siberian and Central Asian cultures, in particular with the Seima-Turbino complex.
>domesticted horses found at many Qijia sites, of Indo-European culture
>The Qijia culture and Majiayao culture took root in Gansu from 3100 BC
>The State of Qin, later to become the founding state of the Chinese empire, grew out from the southeastern part of Gansu, specifically the Tianshui area. The Qin name is believed to have originated, in part, from the area
>The IE people extensive contact with Chinese in this area birthed the Qin
A powerful red-haired Caucasoid from the Western frontier uses Western inventions such as the chariot to invade the East and conquers all the yellow-skinned submissive Mongoloids and rules over them. He institutes strict laws and standards throughout his empire to dominate and control his subjects and this leads to the Chinese cultural identity.
Chinese Mongoloid peasants rebel and oust their Caucasoid masters and make a peasant their supreme emperor. Thanks to all the technology and culture brought to them by their Western conquerors, the Chinese experience a golden age.
>3 Kingdoms
Constant warfare between a bunch of peasants who want to be emperor. Someone writes a bullshit novel about them 1000 years later making them superheroes.
>Sui then Tang
A northern Turkic people called the Xianbei conquer all of China. Tang is another golden age where Western culture is prevalent. For instance, the beauty standard is imported from Caucasoid Turkic northerners and fat lewd chicks are seen as the ultimate sex symbol.
>Liao then Jin
Northern steppe warriors invade and conquer half of China and enslave the Chinese population.
The remaining southern half of China.
Founded by Genghis Khan (who had red hair according to historical documents) and his Mongolian descendants. They first conquer Jin, which is already foreign-occupied, and then they conquer Song and rape all the Chinese women. Chinese are relegated to the lowest social class in the multi-ethnic Yuan empire.
Chinese peasants rebel and oust the Mongols. They once again make a peasant their supreme emperor.
Northern steppe warriors called the Manchu invade and conquer all of China and subjugate the entire population. They force all Chinese men to shave half their head and massacre 30 million Chinese.
Japan defeats Qing in a war and liberates the Chinese from 300 years of Manchu domination. Later, Japan weakens the KMT, and Communist peasants take over China.
Our original colonizers were the first proto-Aryan that created China (yes, they were whites), the Tocharians that created China, India, Babylon and Persia:
The royal blood of Tocharians, founders of China, India, Babylon, Persia, Greece and all the ancient world,
>Shitposting this in multiple threads.
Why is we wuzism so prevalent on /his?
>Objectively best denomination
Literally the niggers of Christianity.
>Nice meme, see pic
>I totally only use Germanic words in my everyday speech! Who cares if people think I'm an autist? I wuz vikings und sheeeeeit!
>It came from Egypt at its source. Runic and Latin script both came from Italic, which came from a line of scripts from Phoenician and Egyptian.
So Protestantism counts as Germanic because a cuck priest rebelled on the Roman church, but the Latin script doesn't count as Latin even though it literally came to Europe through Rome? I guess anyone can deny any part of their heritage they don't like if they go through such double standards to ignore it.
>I live in a world where English is the world language. We've won.
>proud to be monolingual
Most people can speak their native language, sometimes a national language (if their native language is different), English, and probably some foreign language. Being proud of being monolingual is being an anti-intellectual nigger.
>It's not like we met with Romans to get it.
It literally comes from Roman tradition you anglonigger. Why do you think the legal systems not directly derived from European ones are completely different?
/pol/ sometimes gets bored of their echo chamber and decides to step out towards boards with similar topics.
>But Egypt? Seems to me only the Nubians went PHARAOHS N SJET. The rest did not seem to care.
The Ptolies led very Greek lives though, but had Temple names and called themselves Pharaoh.
Hold up, that's a Roman dude. Disregard my shit.
To the uninitiate, Dendera would look like another Karnak, yet it's a Ptolemaic temple complex.
They actively kept Egyptian culture in its most late of stages alive.
And it isn't too far fetched to claim the Roman imperial tradition of being literal gods ( Marc Anthony was hated back in Rome for acting too much like an Egyptian ) started because of the influence from the god-king traditions of the East, and most notably Egypt.