Beard or No Beard?

What do you say, Veeky Forums? Beard or no beard?

really depends on your beard and your face for example this guy looks so much better with a beard

I don't see a beard,nor do I see a clean shave, all I see is two different degrees of five o'clock shadow

on the left you look alpha male as fuck

Left has a thicker neck also

Did you lose 20 lbs of muscle in between these photos? You look way better before.

before soy diet

after soy diet

Beard or no beard
You weight is bad
Due to eating bread.

Keep the left look

You look better on the left not sure what a fuller beard would look like though. On the right you look like an awkward age

beard with buzz not that spiked shit

Here's when it was fuller. The pic on the right in the OP is current.

Do you want us to say yes to beard?

Left with beard has different lighting, different angle where your neck looks bigger, social environment so you are likely to be more defined, confident smile when compared to the right without a beard.

also one is a selfie, the other is a candid proper photo.
Lens distortion is a major factor

>small face
>big head
>still spikes up his hair
>dresses like a chud at a trump rally
>embarassed of his fat eurasian wife
gay lol

Cartoon faggot talking about soy...

Back to the thinspo threads with you.

>weeb calling others soys

Get a real haircut, nerd. Shave that shit off and rock the shadow. You have Chad-esque potential.
Kek! Are you embarrassed of your Thai waifu?

What do you mean by "real haircut?" And she's Korean.

She's definitely not fat.

You look like ben affleck.

You look dead inside

Personally its more weather dependant.
And significant other dependant.
If its winter keep te beard. Or chin and cheecks wont dry out and crack and your mustache is like a humidor that keeps your lips moist.
Or if you lazy as fuck
Or got a weak chin
Not a big fan of making out with stubble. Id imagine beard hair gets in the way of making out necking, or sucking on their ear lobes.
But the ladies ive been with say they dont care. And i actually preferr a nich buch of fur when i go down on milady.

Beard surely are make up for guys

I always feel bad about guys growing beard to hide their double chin

You look like a middle aged white dad

op you might wanna take a month or 2 and experiment with beard growth, see how it comes in. it looks pretty even and not patchy so i think it'd suit you fine. the pics you posted initially aren't really indicative of how it would look, either way, cause it's just barely longer stubble. just keep an eye on it and see what your wife thinks, or another friend, as its growing and remember that if you shave it it grows back, so nbd