Aesthetics General

A thread for all non-fit inspiration (articles of clothing still welcome)




4k HD display monitor from the 70's




Looks like a little kid preschool phone





I don't disagree with you, but it reminds me of the Memphis Group which gives it points in my book



I actually just bought a picturebook of their designs. Ill scan it in for you guys when I get the chance.




Neat. Reminds me of this dish that was made to look like ashes/lava. It's potato mash covered in ashes shallots with an array of spices dropped in to look like embers.



dumping from my tumblr

Is there anything truly more appealing than the 4 primary colors together in subtly-muted hues?





hey thanks for contributing fampai!


np my dude





i think about this one literally all the time


done now! but if you like my taste then lmk and i'll post my tumblr. good thread OP, we need more aesthetics general stuff around here

That reminds me! I should upload some snaps/webms of the video art installation they have here for you guys.

They had this one project where they dropped five cameras tied together and pointing in different directions from the top of a skyscraper.































I can post a few pics






is this effay?









Why is old technology SO FUCKING COOL!


I'm fucking lovin this thread

Looks like it could be an Eggleston.


Sorry all I know is its from the 40's


You mean 3 primary colours

Yeeh that's my shit

As an industrial engineer, this stuff gets me rock hard. the aesthetics are amazing too

Massive heat exchangers


Done for now, I have an electronics lecture


king of aesthetics