What's your endgame, Veeky Forums?
What's your endgame, Veeky Forums?
I will always be unhappy and hungry for more and constantly insecure
So in the mean time why not get rich and shredded? :)
I'm there, meng. Recently tried to retire, got bored and restless, so am back to work.
Honestly, right now my endgame is a bullet to the head when im 50.
I wanna make a neet mansion or a fetlife sex house or a house for troubled youth or something.
It'd have a full weight gym, lots of space, tile flooring easy to clean. I'd have my bloomberg terminal in the middle of the house and i'd artistically talk to people about markets.
I want to get to the point where I don't have to do anything
I want to get rich, swole, and buy this car
Why didn't you travel arould the world?
I'm CEO of Goldman Sachs and I bench 400lbs. I also have a 10x7 inch dick.
Probably hang myself.
I have no endgame. I just do things and hope it all works out.
be rich
kind of "funny" how we feel about the endgame
When someone aks me what I want to be/do later in life I tell them I will get rich, get into "illegal" stuff to be even more rich and have a beautiful wife. Between 40 and 60 I will probably kill myself.
I'm still not sure if this is how I want it to be going down or iif I will do the opposite and try to do some good. But atm life feels more like a burden so why not be the villain and have fun while it lasts
2-3k euros passive income a month and 100 acres of land in generic rural area
Sounds cosy.
I want to be the dictator of my country
honestly i am canadian and buying places to rent out while working a full time job when i have enough rentals i can live off them i want to buy a used yacht and sports car and move to miami and live in the yacht, my hearts always been in miami i go down there every now and then
Something more than the bitter end.
Live as cheaply as possible for the next 10 years (college student mode forever) and invest in super high risk shit. Once I hit 500k I am moving to a third world country to retire.
Accumulate a shit ton of wealth. Then pass it off to my son who I plan on sending to business schools and economic classes to figure out how to use.
I'm going to be a real-life version of James Bond.
Hopefully have a lucrative exit strategy. Party and be a VC for a few years, just living life as it comes. Ultimately move somewhere secluded where I can live out the rest of my days in peace. Somewhere like NZ would be nice.
To compete with the Rothschild.
>Achieve inner peace (Meditation, exercise, eating healthy)
>Enough passive income so I can not work and still live on a student budget. (I.e. "Fuck you" money)
I don't think I'm that extravagant.
To me, at least, Veeky Forumsness is more about a lifestyle than a goal.
I will always have the mindset of avoiding unnecessary liabilities, saving when I can, investing money to make more money, and focusing on generating my own independent income instead of a fee based one.
If I woke up tomorrow and my business suddenly made me a billionaire, I would have no idea what to spend it on.
I'm debt-free, I like what I do.
The only real problems I have at the moment are the self-imposed ones.
I would probably just get a car, and a bigger place to live. But, I don't even really want either of those things that badly.
I would probably just let my wealth snowball while I can't even spend it if I tried.
Have enough money to afford to eat frozen pizzas more than once a week.
Everyone on this board: the post
be fincancial independet and then only work on projects I enjoy.
>most likely endgame
a bullet to the head when i'm too old to work but the pension system is fucked a long ago by then and i'm starving and miserable and sick
>the endgame i want
acquire enough money to live off my assets, travel around the world do some jungle whacking and slay pussy left and right, get killed by some exotic animal or natural disaster eventually while i'm still in my prime.
starting a private military cell and destabilising regimes while doing goofy bullshit and building mechs
>being afraid of being old
I also hate snuggling and eating good food in retirement
I will be Kinzo.
Establish a whites-only nation, have a wife and 6 kids, and have $50k+ expendable income every year.
Create some amazing product that I can be proud of, that makes me money, become a multi-millionaire by 40. Spend my 40s working part time, take lots of vacations. Retire in early 50s, with a small private island for the summer.
I can't imagine being very happy retired and in my 50s, so I'll probably become a bitter old man while my family argues over my money. I want to look back on a life that I never worked "too hard" that it impacted my family or health. I'd also like to see an America with more equality than now.
Have a family and a career in aviation of some kind with a decent bit of land somewhere open and green.
>who I plan on sending to business schools and economic classes to figure out how to use
haha good luck buddy
If you don't find peace within yourself, then you won't find it in this world.
This sounds newage asf but there are only so many things you can do when you transcend your own physical being and genuinely renew yourself. I mean, it says in the Bible, its more difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Considering this you have a responsibility or rather, a capacity of perception as a freeman towards humanity chasing that high. Ultimately its the path to perfection and the renewing self and it starts within you. Cash is just a tool, are you a tool to yourself? Remember you will die. Have fun.
Owning somewhere between 10-100 acres of prime agricultural land with the glory of automation technologies keeping me self sufficient. I envision it as a new wave of futurist homesteading.
>finish PhD in applied physics
>invent or innovate on some technology (or technologies)
>start company dealing with said technology/technologies
>become jizzillionaire
>Gradually move from entrepreneur to investor
>Pour jizzillions into scientific research
>Hopefully make some contribution to the advancement of the human species
>die and have my cremated body placed inside a pod and be shot out into extragalactic space, forever drifting through the vastness of space until the literal end of time
>Also staying Veeky Forums as fuck and rail untold numbers of models pic related
Prosperous finance career followed by relatively successful political career either on the backbenches of parliament (not the UK parliament, though I am using their terminology) as a successful back bencher like Jacob Rees Mogg or on the front lines as a cabinet minister. Considering my family history it shouldn't be too hard to get elected into parliament, the cabinet post will be much more difficult though.
Dear, poster,
I happen to find the depicted lady very attractive sexually. Would you happen to know her name by any chance? Unfortunately, the 'reverse image search' feature from Google wasn't of help and I am in dire need of immediate masturbatory relief.
Dear user,
Thanks for your message. I understand and can relate to your need for masturbatory relief. In this instance, I do not have the requested information on the name of this lady.
In this case, I would advice you to visit a HD porn website and indulge in any one of the sluts from there.
To be a fucking billionaire with enough money so that my children's children's children's children's children's children would never know want.
abby champion
wageslave until i snap, lose all empathy, and go into an economic panic mode causing me to step on even the purest most honest hardworking people to get rich.
then put into place my massive scam that I've been formulating for a year or so now