>Ethereum would be worth $100 a coin right now if this autist had named it something catchy like "bitcoin" and not something that sounded like startrek gibberish
This fucking rat ruined Ethereum. No normie will ever talk about Ethereum, it sounds fucking retarded.
Anthony Clark
I like the name. I hate ethereum shills, and I'll never buy, but I like the name.
Gabriel Carter
It being designed as another shitty p&p ruined it
If you have to buy bitcoins before you can buy your coin, then your coin is a pump and dump
Bitcoin is the one and only crypto. The rest are just there to scam people
The only reason shitcoins like Litecoin and Eth are not zero is because too many bagholders bought in at the top and their ego won't let them realize a loss, so they pray to an autistic Russian.
Can't wait to see Trump crash in another month or so.
>muh technology
Lincoln Roberts
Hehe nice ID.
I agree that no matter what else it may or may not have going for it, eth is a shitty pump and dump scam, and therefore will never be taken seriously. You can thank the 'crypto community' for that.
Also, OPs pic. I mean, really. He looks like a little tweaker kid and he probably is. He'll continue to cash out his share to fiat, you can bet on that.
Levi Wright
>nice ID
Are you implying it is similar to pump and dump? I can see the resemblance I'm just tired and don't know if I got you correct.
Julian Hernandez
How do you pronounce it? I've been saying >you-re-th'e-um
Jaxon Walker
u wot m8?
Aaron Rogers
No dude Pandacoin. You know, it's just been the same shit over and over. It's fucking monotony.