Well, utilitarian morality implies some sort of rationality.
>Now that's straight bull
Why? Anecdotal evidence isn't evidence. Most people (perhaps not you, but it doesn't matter) need structure in their lives, and wish for it to be provided by an authority. Some people go further and want that authority to not only provide structure, but purpose. Either way, whenever a population destroys what it considers to be an illegitimate authority, it immediately replaces it with a new father figure, see the French revolution.
People might not consciously accept the idea of hierarchy, they might even resent it, but they remain subservient to it.
>it's very intuitive
Sure, but that doesn't make it more realistic. I'm not arguing against mutualism or ancom as ideologies, I'm simply stating that they're not fit to be implemented on a large scale.
>a state infringes on this
How? The NAP is irrelevant.
>Were it not for the state
You're taking as an example a very specific scenario that doesn't adequately illustrate your point. Marijuana's illegal, so deal with it. You can still promote its production and trade through agorist means, but it's a really unimportant issue.
>It isn't provided the state is aligned with everyone's interests.
Of course not, because "everyone's interests" isn't a thing. There's always going to be a guy who'll end up dissatisfied, but that's how it is. There's no countermeasure or alternative to that that can reliably replace the current system.
>the state is a hindrance
Not necessarily.
>cops and the taxes to fund them are undesirable
Most taxes are theft, yes, but some of them are legitimate. I say this as a citizen of the most heavy-handed country in the world when it comes to taxes.
Of course voluntary taxation would be preferable, but it's not sustainable.
>no government
That's not an alternative, it's a pipedream.