Get a job user!

>get a job user!
>you're a 25 yo grown man FFS!
>all you do is sit in front of the internet all day!
>i got married, a mortgage and a car loan at your age!

mfw never done drugs, smokes, alcohol or girls and this is how my parents treat me every single day.

If you are making at least 55k a year working then they should get off your back. If not and if you have no degree you fucked up.

Just like they should and you should hear them.
On your birthday you will be closer to 30 them to 20.
I'm 23 and your parents would be proud of me.

Go out and get a job, do drugs some day and fuck girls. Live a little.

Try moving out, you're a 25 year old man posting frogs on the internet

I would cry every singleday and ask why I'm so much worse than my friends at parenting to raise such a piece of shit

Don't listen to these cunts.

The US government doesn't give a shit about employing its citizens.

Programming is a real job. Just put yourself out there. Lose weight. Get healthy. Write a portfolio.

You'll get a job and just stick with it.

If your parents don't support you or help you, they aren't good parents. Have them read this thread.

Life isn't about making money or being famous. It's just about being true to yourself.

Understand that you can do fucking anything if you just change your beliefs.

You are still young and you are still capable of doing great things.

There's always someone worse off than you. Understand this and run with it.

>If your parents dont support a 25 year old NEET they're bad parents


Yeah"being true to yourself" is great, I'm sure no one disagrees. But "be true to yourself" when youre paying the bills and not your near elderly, exhausted parents.

That's because you don't drink, smoke, do drugs, or have a girlfriend.

Nobody respects a timid man, not even his own parents.

Experimenting with drugs, alchole, and girls is normal. It involves being social and devoloping social skills.

You parents know this which is why they like a looser.

I agree with you on the viewpoint, but he's right. If you turn your child into a NEET it's your duty to pay for it.

Stop making excuses. Never have children if you don't have the finances to take care of them for the rest of their life. If you have children just to exploit them for your own selfish pleasure/slavery and you are just continuing human suffering.

Everything has consequences. Never blame the offspring for your irresponsibility. The pleasure of impregnating a woman and continuing your lineage and the notion that child might become a millionaire is foolish thinking that only a pathetic homo sapien could conjure up.

There are people on twitch that play pokemon and 20 year old games and make 100k a year.

There are people on youtube that upload videos of themselves harassing people in public and make 100k a year.

There are people that create 1 google extension and make millions of dollars.

You're removing value from human beings that don't produce anything. That is inhumane and your ancestors will look at you in disgust for denigrating people for their lack of success.

In the future, automation will take over ALL jobs. What then? What are people going to do in their spare time? Shit post about how robots have their jobs? No, they are going to just enjoy existing and find a hobby. People don't have to work in order to be fulfilled.

Please understand this.

I'm sick of having to put up with this ignorant shit. Don't have kids if you wastefully spend it all on garbage instead of sustaining another human life regardless of their disabilities or circumstances.

>This is what NEETs actually believe
>This is how they justify their pitiful lifestyle

>being 25 means you need to move out from your parents

Are you guys serious lol? Where do you guys live that it isn't normal to live with your parents until late 20's

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
OP is a fucking NEET because of his parents, his parents made him who he is. But in fact we should blame the parents of OP's parents, that raised their children to raise a NEET.

Let's just blame everyone in the tree until OP's monkey relative, that was, for sure, the last on to walk on two legs.

Don't listen to boomers. They grew up in the most disgustingly decadent era the world has ever seen, and their character and perspective are severely warped because of it. There are some exceptions, but by-and-large they're poison.

>his parents made him who he is

Technically yes.
A man is on his own in this world, but if the parents fuck up so hard their kid ends up posting frogs on a Lebanese motorcycling forum - yes, they should shut the fuck up and pay their dues.

Also lol @
>I'm tired of having to put up with the "ignorant bullshit" of people refusing to support grown adult manchildren

Ohhh yeah you're so tired of your parents cooking your food, buying everything and doing eveeything for you while you play videogames or post on Veeky Forums.

Man you really got it bad, my prayers are with you. I hope your parents provide everythimh for you and then shut the fuck up like good little cucks and stop telling you to get a job. That's just cruel

Your parents are clearly the reason you're a neet and a virgin, am I right?

In North America it's normal


Op didndu nuffin, his parents are wrong for wanting a TWENTY FIVE YEAR OLD MAN to make money and contribute to the household

>Parents fucked him up

Yeah they did fuck him up, I agree.

Their fuckup was that at 18 years old they didn't say "Get a fulltime job, go to college or get the fuck out of our house". That was their biggest fuckup

I wholeheartedly agree. If you can't help your kid forward at least push them into doing it themselves.

Why don't you call millionaires that do nothing all day but masturbate in swimming pools NEETS?

Oh that's right, because somehow a millionaire is more valuable than an enlightened shitposter on the internet. Kill yourself.

Who says your parents have to do anything for you? You don't have to eat a buffet everyday to survive you dumb cunt.

>my prayers are with you

When are you going to grow up and stop following the religion meme? Does it get you virgin pussy?

>Your parents are clearly the reason you're a neet and a virgin, am I right?

Yes, especially if they don't help you and you had a rough childhood in poverty. Getting out of it is extremely difficult and embarrassing.

My parents didn't have me until they were 28-29 and didn't have a house until then. They are immigrants and have shitty jobs. It's their fault for having a kid and being addicts and wastefully spending their money instead of investing in their kids. A lot of parents have this mentality, "I SHOULD BUY HIM GAMES AND IPAD, THAT WILL MAKE HIM LIKE STEVE JOBS." It doesn't work like that. Escapism doesn't work. Immigrants don't assimilate well and most certainly don't raise their kids like normal fucking kids (me). This is the reason why most of us are here. We ran into very strange upbringing that led us to be needs.

Unlike you all, I'm only 22-23 and I've had a job before. I'm not a worthless 30 year old that has never graduated high school.

Just keep your head up. Experience new things and gain confidence in yourselves, even if it means experiencing it through a youtube vlogger.

This board really has become a joke...

What happened to actually taking responsibility instead of whining about your circumstances

>programming is not a real job
>I make more than most people I know
>chill as fuck job with great benefits
>maxing my 401k
>taught myself to do it recently even though I went to college for something different

Fuck the haters. Make a portfolio site of sites that show you know what you're doing and then apply to every place in your area.

>been programming since I was 9 years old
>everyone said programming wouldn't be viable as a job back then
>own two companies
>pay myself 90k because it's wayyyyy more than I need
>watch everyone complain about their shit life and shake my head

Honestly, stay with programming if you're good. Mother FUCK anyone that tells you not to.

People tend to go easy on parents of failures as to excuse themselves if they fuck up with their children.

Give a throwaway address I want to learn from you.

I'm 25 too and at some point you learn that parents are people too, and they DON'T know whats best for you because they AREN'T you.

Everyone has to move on, and the first step is moving out. Some people move out at 18 or 19, and by 25 have learned to be self supporting. You will be happier when your parents make none of your decisions for you.

Drugs and girls are seriously overrated. Until you are financially ready to settle down, don't waste money dating. Most girls are fine with taking advantage men who want to buy things for them.

Even if you made more money and had a bigger house than your parents theyd find ways to complain. Fuck em for real.

Millionaires that spend all day fucking around aren't actively leeching money off of their parents. 2/10 bait, made me reply.

You don't understand

He wants the benefits of his parents paying for him BUT not them reminding him to get a job every week

So this is what you hate? You hate it when the kids YOU had leech off of you because they need to survive or can't find a job?

Way to fucking go. Your kids are going to secretly hate you forever.

>Stayed home doing nothing but watching anime, masturbating to My Little Ponies, and playing video games since graduating high school at 18.
>Seven (7) fucking years.
>Y r muh parents so mean to me guis XD

Shit bait...3/10.

Well done OP. Successful troll is a success

How does one teach themselves

By doing.

>tfw 26
>have a mortgage and car
>do programming ("software engineering")

Not married though, so I guess there's that. No gf, not ever.

The problem here is that your situation should motivate you. You should want to provide a better an environment for your children than thebone yoibwere goven.

So you have to be a genious in math to be a programmer got me from customer service rep to full time front end web developer in ten months. Look into their Web Development track. There's a lot to learn though before you really can do anything worth charging for.

Learn, in this order, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Sass to get down the basics, then try building a site or two. Then, you should learn a Content Management System (CMS) like Wordpress, and probably some PHP. You'll also need to learn how to use basic Photoshop as the design comps you get will usually be in that format.

After you've made 5-6 sample sites, Put together a portfolio site and start applying. This industry really only cares about your skills so if you show them you know what you're doing they will hire you.

Without a degree?

I'm not a genius at math, just btw. My degree required a lot of math classes, and I did get A's and B's in them, but that's just a matter of doing homework and putting some effort in.

I don't use most of it on the job.

honestly if you arent doing drugs or have some other excuse you have no reason to not have made something of yourself at 25. im 27, but i wasted all my free time since i was 16 doing drugs getting drunk etc.. I highly regret not buckling down at a young age and setting up some kind of automated money making system on the internet.

if you arent doing drugs wtf are you doing with all your time?

i have a degree in sociology and program freelance, can make web apps and such, been doing it for three years. i would have a lot more money now though if i started with a comp sci degree.

I have no background in math.. that makes you a genious to me.
This morning I was doing the 9 table
And Im 28 years old

You are literally me OP.
Except I'm not 25 until November, but I don't expect anything to change by then.

I just want to wish you the best of luck man.
Please make it, so I know there's hope for me.

looks like you need some English aswell there mate

It's never too late to start learning how to reason mathematically. I hate to be that guy from Numb3rs, but being comfortable with even basic mathematics gives you a staggering advantage over your fellow man.

You start finding ways to use it everywhere you go, and it helps you solve problems that would seem impossible otherwise. And I'm just talking about shit like "making a budget" or "calculating a loan payment"

Saddest thing I've read all day. After 18 parents have Zero obligation to their children, legally or morally.

I made more in my first year out of college than my parents ever did

if the dumbasses on this board could have come up for a reason i should pay rent and utilities to move out besides having somewhere to take disgusting slampigs id have done it long ago

but they didnt so i havent

Based brother, thank you x

From 0 to college level, how many years I will have to self teaching math?
1year , 2.. 4 years?

Mine literally committed two felonies on me when I was 17 and 19 and I've been a NEET since because I'm very anxious about continuing university on loans instead of financial aid.

Well no, I haven't been a true NEET. I work part time.

And I still get crap from them about it. Yeah nah, after what they did, I'll take my sweet damn time setting up to never see them again.

I am not a teacher, so I don't really know. You've already presumably attended public school once in your life, so you've been given the concepts before. Reminding yourself of how they work should be no more difficult than studying for the GRE.

And at that point, you can either attend college to learn Calculus and whatnot, or you can give it a try yourself.

Thanks user

what if I blame my parents for not teaching me to have AT LEAST some level of confidence and some ambitions, what if they didn't teach me the value of working (even when they are hard working people) and, most importantly, the value of EXPERIENCE?
what if they, instead of letting me be myself, a perfectionist guy that loves technical stuff, they taught me that "perfection doesn't exist" and that the things I did (and do) are "useless" (and calling me useless, too)?

I myself am almost 30 y.o., the son of a poor single mom. right now I'm a NEET because of some grave illness I had. I used to work summers when I was a kid, but I haven't worked in 4 years, and never worked while at uni (even when I tried finding jobs) because my very own mom said I shouldn't. before the illness, I was studying engineering at 2 of the best unis in some south american country, but failed hard because I didn't have anyone to ask for help when studying.

surely I'm to blame, but, how is my family NOT to blame, too?

hey guys, I already know how to program, but.. how the fuck do you sell your services? simply list them on craigslist or something? also, what if you don't feel confident in your knowledge (as in, you don't know how advanced your knowledge is, compared to other programmers)?

>i got married, a mortgage and a car loan at your age!

How is "At your age, I chained myself to massive, long-term debt" a good comeback?

>what if I blame my parents for not teaching me to have AT LEAST some level of confidence and some ambitions, what if they didn't teach me the value of working (even when they are hard working people) and, most importantly, the value of EXPERIENCE?

Yeah that's like 99% of parents.

You seem to have this idea that everyone else's parents were perfect and that yours just sucked and dragged you down. News flash: The opposite is true. The vast majority of parents aren't very good, your situation is not unique in any way.

My parents never taught me any of that shit either, and neither did the vast majority of people on Veeky Forums or people in general

>because my very own mom said I shouldn't

You are well over 25 years old, why exactly are you still listening to your mother?

I really want to meet one of these "mamma's boys"
>M-my mom said i shouldn't do that! It's not good!

Holy fuck how low is your testosterone?

>but failed hard because I didn't have anyone to ask for help when studying

Did you have any classmates or were you taking classes alone?

>surely I'm to blame, but, how is my family NOT to blame, too?

No, YOU are entirely to blame.

You can blame your family up to about 16-17 years old, hell 18 years old. At that point you're an adult who can move out, join the army, own guns, move to a different continent, open a stock trading account, rent out his boypussy, suck cocks for money, and much more.

>And I still get crap from them about it. Yeah nah, after what they did, I'll take my sweet damn time setting up to never see them again.

So your parents "committed two felonies" on you, and you STILL Live with them and leech off them?

Don't you feel kind of uneasy about doing that?

>Yeah that's like 99% of parents.
>You seem to have this idea that everyone else's parents were perfect and that yours just sucked and dragged you down.
most people in engineering school had parents that were professionals, mostly engineers, so they did have someone supporting them. my mom, OTOH, didn't even want to go to a "talk with parents" session (I guess they do it to tell them that eng school is not a joke, and that students actually DO need help from their parents) in eng school when she was invited.

>You are well over 25 years old, why exactly are you still listening to your mother?
I'm not anymore. I was talking about uni, not currently.

This is exactly why you need to do drugs. Call your parents faggots, they lose control, and they will cry about it. pssht "I got married" What a faggot

>most people in engineering school had parents that were professionals, mostly engineers, so they did have someone supporting them.

I don't know what school you went to but I've almost never heard of that.

Taking your engineer example, all the engineering majors I've heard of/have known were either poorfags who worked extremely hard for 4.0 GPAs because they didn't want to end up like their financially illiterate and poor parents OR they were children of immigrants who didn't know a thing about the country they moved to besides working their ass off in a factory to get their kids to finish University.

Stop thinking your situation is so unique, take some responsibility. You're an adult, you do adult things. You can't control other adults, but you can control what you do. Your parents are one of those other adults.

people getting married in their 20s, what in the fuck? are they retiring in their 30s now?

If you're even vaguely competent with code, save up a few grand and move to the SF bay area. There's plenty of work to be done in tech for people who are willing to learn and grow. The problem is, there's only a handful of places in the US where tech jobs exist, and I would urge you to get to one of them as soon as possible.

Hard to say. I have a degree in biology, but this may be one of those cases where any degree will help them check off some box on their list.

To be honest though, I know a senior Ruby dev who only has a high school education. I would say knowing your shit and having portfolio pieces is worth way more to them.

You're welcome brother. Good luck with your learning and improving yourself.

>HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery

>a mortgage and a car loan

Yes, goy!
Don't you want to make your parents proud?
Man the fuck up and take a mortgage!
Don't you want to be a REAL MAN and impress your girlfriend with a new shiny BMW?
You need a car loan!
Also don't forget to max out at least 10 credit cards! The more the merrier!
It's your civic duty! Buy now, pay later!
All SUCCESSFUL people do this!

Time to be a big boy user!

Calm down /pol/cuck, no one said any of this shit

Don't buy the girls anything beyond drinks or the odd lunch, it's quite worthwhile. But ya don't be buying gifts and shit like that

>Make a portfolio site
>Put together a portfolio site

Don't you think that this train has already left the station? I mean, sure if you've learned it a couple of years ago then you have been able to cash in. But now?
I see these cliche advises way to frequently. How long will it take for the niche to be oversaturated with newbie applicants with '''''portfolio sites'''''.
Aren't there already a shitton of cheap competition from the entire world, from Europe to fucking India, especially on freelance sites?

Also aren't front end devs forced to learn all these hipster frameworks all the time? And what about burn-outs? I've heard from older coders (who also started to write code in school) that they can't stand programming anymore. Not just in web, but other devs too. Dudes are like 30 y.o. and they already HATE it. And they're fucked, because they haven't done anything else beside coding.

Can you guys imagine yourselves coding 20+ years from now, when you're 45-50 y.o.?

How long did it take you to get to the level where you're getting paid for it?

Nevermind - great and useful post. Thank you.

>Drugs and girls are seriously overrated


>girls are seriously overrated

this faggit thinks he can escape the curse

>what are wizards

Ffs, there's an entire r9k full of them

>done drugs, smokes, alcohol
Doing what's expected of you won't get you a pat on the back
>or girls

If you can program you can get a job

>girls are overrated