Name 1 better thing that ever happened to Central-Europe
>nationalities get their own nations
>hungarian tyranny is over
>nations can decide their own faith
>every country becomes better after the split
Name 1 better thing that ever happened to Central-Europe
>nationalities get their own nations
>hungarian tyranny is over
>nations can decide their own faith
>every country becomes better after the split
>every country becomes beter after the split
>every country becomes better after the split
Not so fast.
Romania became worse though
>>hungarian tyranny is over
yeah over that 900 years the minorities had such a bad life
Romania can't become worse, just take another step in their circle of shit.
I think you mean
>every former Austro-Hungarian nationality becomes totally irrelevent and subject to the whim of whatever conquering power comes through next to fuck everything up
Romania have bigger GDP than hungary
better than
>every former Austro-Hungarian nationality being the plaything of inbred habsburgs and opressed by a totally useless and pointless monarchy
Bosnian rolling through, according to everybody grounded in reality than I know, the Austro-Hungarians were the best for Bosna. They built almost all the railroads and stations, installed trams in Sarajevo, built and paved roads, and really invested in the country, all during only forty years.
Religious fucks will praise the Ottoman Empire for everything, even though they did jack shit and left the area as backward and rural as it was in the 1400's.
Old Gommies praise Tito and communist Yugoslavia. They did build industry and make Yugoslavia modern, but not in any kind of maintainable way.
Nobody praises the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, fuck that piece of shit.
Building railroads and paved roads would have happened without being opressed by a tyranny
Probably not to the same level as if they had remained an Ottoman territory.
probably yes
If there's no tyranny in the Balkans, there are no people in the Balkans. If the government doesn't do it, they'll prevent a private company from doing it, either by taxing the surrounding people to death for luxuries, so they can't pay for it, or by driving all good non-crony companies out.
And India got a bigger one than Sweden.
when was india part of sweden?
I kinda got the feeling you are implying they weren't oppressed by a tyranny with everyone else.
When was Romania a part of Hungary?
And point?
point? if you cant see it i suggest you use a rope
You implied a higher GPD somehow made Romania better than Hungary.
How exactly is that the case, unless you aren't gonna give a shit about the people and only care about the power of the state?
Better GDP=Better economy=Better country
do you get it now
So this isn't with putting the wellbeing of the invidual into the equation?
Are you saying Romania is a better country simply because it got a bigger economy while ignoring the invidual well-being?
how can you prove that invidual well-being is better in hungary?
By looking at things like HDI and GPD per capita?
Also, the amount of gypsies as well as corruption in the country.
>hungary have ton of gypsies too
>hungary have ton of curruption too
Don't stop them from better than Romania in both.
This, Slavs are just meant to be under German yoke.
>shit is better than crap though
>no!!!1!!11!1!! crape is way better than shite!
>uh-unh, shit is way better!
Fugg u m8, the Romans started it all. Look at a map, every nation that was ever under Roman occupation and didn't receive an influx of German people (not just German rulers) is now full of corruption and bullshit.
hungarian corruption is comically big
And the Romanian one is even worse.
Are you a Romanian yourself btw?
Ohhhhhoooo here comes when the hungarian calls me a gypsy or something, but unfortunatly im not a romanian
And no, hungarian corruption is much worse and ridicolous than romanian one
You pol faggotry does not work here just like how it did not worked at Trianon
M8, you are the only one so far to act butthurt enough to come from any of said countries.
>a bigger economy means we got a better economy
Only a Romanian would rationalise something like that
At least Romania have Transylvania and made hungarians eternal butthurt
>oh m8 u say bigger gdp means better economy you must be a romanian!!!!''
>hungarian train comany is lost billions of huf under "unclear" conditions etc
Its shows how dumb and gullible hungarians not how little is the corruption there
The Austro-Hungarian empire was the greatest
Greatest failure
I guess that's why inter-war central europe was such a peaceful paradise.
Too soon, OP.
Still hurts.
>at least our stronger allies gave us some land
And Romanians seem to be a bit dumber, IMO
Its not the romanians who lost most of their land desu
But its the romanians who annexed budapest
>inb4 they were traitors
They made the msart move what hungary wanted too but nazis cucked them too much
>annexed budapest
Wtf am i reading?
And if not a Romanian, what are you? I am a Swede.
1919 romanian took most of hungarys east clay and got into budapest
And great of you to defeat some unstable revolutionary regime
Your hungay butthurtness is showing
I am more butthurt about your belief a Better GDP=Better economy
The Usa could have half their polulation go jobless and they still would have a better economy than most countries.
Bla bla, you will never get transylvania or the other parts back just like how you never going to get back all the money what mszp stole
>we may be living in shit but we are still better than you because something that happened a long time ago
Also, please stop sending people up here to beg on our streets
Rmanians live better than hungays :^}
Also i see you really are a swede...:D
Now i see you are a troll, fug
>he doesnt share my completly delusional right wing hungay views
Ur a troll lol
Can you fuck off? I don't even need flags to know where you're from, just go fuck yourself.
Whatever, gonna sleep now Gupsy.
Don't want Yamal to be able to catch me
Hungay shit kys loser fags
Furry pic
Just a smiling face, could be anything really.
>sewer dwellers calling anything shit
You say that, but look at Albania.
Why build raiolroads when you may build bunkers?
Trianon losers calling anything shit
As a hungarian, I always will be grateful for Trianon. It's the only reason my great-grandparents have met and I can shitpost here today.
How powerful compared to other European nations do you think a modern Austria-Hungary would be?
Complete shithole like Poland? or successful regional power like France or Germany?
Considering that hungarians are hated by nerly every neighbour even today i think it would be a civil war ridden shithole
>>every country becomes better after the split
lel thats why they were raped by Hitler, Stalin, Nato, and by each other
Chezslovakia's occupation, every Balkan war, Chauchesku, Tito, Ustashe, mass immigration to the West, high unemployment high suicide rates alcoholism and general depression and most importantly, from the bottom of the Alps throught the Carphatians to the End of the Black Sea and greek sea EVERYTHING IS FUCKING POOR
It was really worth it to destroy the only Empire that kept this place revelant and kinda strong
Stupid fuck
after 80 years once, gg
>attacks a country in civil war and in war with every neightbor while not even delcaring war on it, but on Germany ONE day before the end of the war after signing a peace treaty by the elected government
>lel we occupied budapest
here is fixed trianon, now fuck off
yellow parts the are arguable only
we have pretty good relationship with Croatia, Slovakia is just banter V4 got us closer, Austria OK, Serbia arguable but they are pretty nice to the magyar minority so they are OK, Ukraine is shit but who cares
Romania is the only really hateful bunch here
Booohooo they were unfair :'(
Newsflash, it doesnt fucking matter
Still better than without the split
>slovakia liking hungary lol
>hungay right wing retards constantly crying about trianon
>dirty romanians they are gypsies xd
>fuck u romanian ur poor (bigger gdp)
>fuck u slovakians ur a meme country
And romania is the hateful....
as long as hungarians stay on their part of based drava they are ok in my book
>Thread about Hungary
>Romanian shitters inevitably shit the thread up
>Thread about Romania
>Hungarians no where to be found
>Romanians claiming Moldovan independence is a Magyar plot are abundant.
Makes you think.
>be szekely in Transylvania
>romanians don't give you autonomy
>they tell you you are not magyar
>they tell you you have no right to live there even tho in the last 1000 years you have been there
>constantly hear lies how you don't give bread to romanians
>literally happy for every tourist
>go to Kolozsvar, once the biggest magyar city
>romanians, trash and flags are everywhere
>so insecure that they have 3 tricolors around the hungarian assembly
>want to play with german neighbor kid whose ancestors built every castle in Transylvania
>can't because they were deported lol
>bigger gpd means your country is richer
So you would rather live in Bangladesh than say Luxembourg?
>>fuck u romanian ur poor (bigger gdp)
I still make more here than in Romania ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
you got one of the richest pace on Earth, Transylvania, and you just got better GDP than a country which is nothing else just flat fields
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>all these butthurt hungarkeks
>romanian thread
>full of hungarian pol retards
Be hungay
Eternel butthurt for trianon
And many romanians make more than you
Butthurt trianon loser
>thread about trianon
>hungays arrive
>shit up thread with trianon butthurt
Christ, can everyone from this thread please fuck off back to /int/ ?
I'm so glad my parents left Eastern Europe and never looked back.
>GDP per capita Hungary 2015: 12240 USD
>GDP per capita Romania 2015: 8906 USD
These maps have to be bullshit
THey aren't based on your mum's crystal ball, so yeah.
Hungarians are literally retards, they can't understand why everyone wanted out (being treated like shit is not conductive for loving your state).
>b-but you still exist!
Yeah, so do nations occupied by Ottoman Empire. Wow, that means Ottoman rule was great.
And there 100+ ethnicities in Russia. Wow, Russia is even greater.
Dumb fucks.
Austrians actually had some sense, Magyars had none and didn't want to give up on any privilege they had for the sake of appeasing MAJORITY of their kingdom.
No, they literally thought they'll just force everyone to be a Magyar.
>>Thread about Romania
>>Hungarians no where to be found
>>Romanians claiming Moldovan independence is a Magyar plot are abundant.
I sometimes wonder if it is in the Hungarian genes to make absolutely ridiculous shit up
>>they tell you you are not magyar
Not true.
>they tell you you have no right to live there even tho in the last 1000 years you have been there
Not true
>constantly hear lies how you don't give bread to romanians
>literally happy for every tourist
lol what?
>go to Kolozsvar, once the biggest magyar city
>romanians, trash and flags are everywhere
>so insecure that they have 3 tricolors around the hungarian assembly
Lmao i can smell the butthurt through the screen
>want to play with german neighbor kid whose ancestors built every castle in Transylvania
>can't because they were deported lol
Literally made that up. Germans left voluntarily and the West German government had to pay us to let them go.
Try harder gipsy
"Muh functioning Romania"
>nationalities get their own nations
Not only does that not make sense, as nationality can only exist with a nation, nationalism is a bad thing and was the cause of WWI, WWII, the Cold War, ended European Empires forcing them to join under the influence of America to save them, and will cause the next horrible war that's stirring in the Middle East.
I can't wait for the nationalism meme to die.
thats why they are generally disliked
I dislike nationalism too, but the AH monarchy was an opressive force which only caused tension, an EU like being works better
>acting like hungary doesnt have a big gypsy minority
>trying to prove anything with a /pol/ thread
>statistics don't count
>other Romanians don't count
>only my opinions on Romania counts
>/pol/'s opinions count
Go back to your containment board Jobbik
>trust me, all those Romanian flags are proxies
Whole Europe btw
Where did i say that?
Praise the heroes who made all this possible.
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