Is government bureaucracy destroying small business?
Is government bureaucracy destroying small business?
i'm pretty sure that graph is actually a tree that was drawn in the most convoluted way possible
Yes. I'm starting a small business. Hiring employees legally is so fucking expensive it's an impossibility. At the prices I would have to charge the work would just be done by illegals
No, businesses just like to bitch and whine so that they can get even more kickbacks than they are already
bureacucracy is one of the small businesses, theyre hiring retarded black people
>le red tape meme
Yes, regulations which protect workers, consumers and the environment are bad things.
Let's be more like Somalia! No red tape at all!
I like how fucking retarded this board is. Not one genuine non-troll reaction.
Well the thing is you have to consider regulations both hinder businesses and protect workers/consumers. So what's the necessary balance?
No, it protects small business by keeping the totally incompetent from starting a business.
If you can't figure out simple paperwork, you are going to fail anyway.
ITT a bunch of know nothings. Over regulate and you drive business underground where there are no regulations, completely undoing the point of the initial regulations. Like I said in . It's an impossibility to hire workers legally
>Thinks 100% of the law apply 100% of the time
>Thinks every three-letter agency is breathing down your neck every waking moment
>Thinks every gov't agency has the funding to hound business owners over every sing infraction
yea, suuuuure
Small business owner here.
For most things I think there is very little red tape.
> Starting an LLC is easy
> Getting a bank account is easy
> Writing checks is easy
> Getting insured is easy
It's when you get employees that the WHOLE FUCKING GAME CHANGES. It's honestly like the government does not want you to give people jobs and wants to deincentivse you paying them well
> Pain in the ass HR law and hiring practices
> Pain in the ass payroll
> Pain in the ass workmans comp
> Pain in the ass taxes and tax related tasks
> Pain in the ass Immigration shit
Basically you are just constantly making sure you don't get fucked by the IRS, fucked by an unemployment claim, or fucked by a workman's comp claim.
If it was not for that shit I could grow 2x as fast and 2x as easy.
The PROBLEM is that the government was forced to intervene to stop scummy business owners that want to treat employees like farm animals. But nice guys like me have to pay the price.
Such is capitalism.
I run a successful small business.
The govt paperwork is the hard part.
It's not that anything is complex really, it's more that the whole thing is just run like the nigger DMV. No one gives a fuck, no one wants to help you, and everyone wants to give you some long form then tell you it's another person's job to explain how to fill out that form.
This is 100% accurate. It's almost like someone wants big businesses to not have to deal with small businesses expanding and stealing market share
Bureaucracy is far from being synonymous with quality, there must be a corporate understanding and approach towards immediacy in supplementing the market as a gateway instead of a hurdle. Safeguards should be incentivized, the lack of "proof of concept" led protection being more of a requirement than bearing any substantial value; on a business spectrum the middle ground is messy, instead of unifying we're seeing a polarizing force that acts as filter to clear the market of small businesses that lack willpower and consistency. Policy isn't always geared towards vehicles driving independent economic activity but rather maintaining balance of the system as a whole.
they should remove unemployment entirely from companies under 10 employees, or under 50 even.
Government and Large corporations go hand in hand.
But the op is a troll
Biz is about profiting from the current regulatory environment
Pol is about changing laws
No, it's a meme pushed by big businesses that control the government and swallowed by people who A) don't have any ideas, B) don't have good ideas, and C) don't even try. The fact is that the problems a small business faces are almost entirely independent of government at any level.
I have a small business. My problems are sky high rent, suppliers not delivering anything on a schedule, and the fickleness/cheapness of customers. The fact that I have to make a 3-minute phone call once every 6 months to pay sales tax does not even register as an inconvenience, let alone crushing government interference.
Do you understand what trolling is?
>Look at chart
>Only shit you need to care about is IRS and the 3 green dots on the chart
You have no employees if you think tax is what we're talking about
>I should be allowed to pay my employees two cents an hour and physically abuse them
Your business is so shitty that you have to pay people slave wages to survive?
This is simple. If you make a thing more expensive, fewer people will buy it. If you make employees more expensive by increasing the red tape employers have to deal with, employers will "buy" fewer employees.
>american graphic representation skills
Not true
Yes it is.
It isnt the wage that is the problem.
Illegals will work for $20/hr cash
My employees cost $20/hr plus $12/hr of bullshit government fees before my profit even kicks in
Who is the client gonna hire?
Cant we have no red tape and still have the institutions needed for a successful society?
>japanese nasal representation skills
Taxation is theft
>plus $12/hr of bullshit government fees
What exactly is costing you $12 an hour?
get rid of minimum wage and workers just git gud.also the freedom to unionize is a thing in most countries i believe
a thief walks up to you, jacks your money, spends your money in mutual funds that will pay off by the time you retire, college funds for the local kids, and a better driveway
you think to yourself, well i guess that's not so bad, but
1. i don't care about mutual funds 45 years from now, give me my money so i can make my own investments. pretty sure i can make better investments than some thief (Uncle Sam) suited to my own interests
2. i really have my own needs to pay for, let the college kid earn his own money like i had to
3. thanks for the driveway, but i ride the bus
That's what taxes are.