Poorfag here, could someone lend me a little BTC? I'm planning on trading on whaleclub, thanks
Poorfag here, could someone lend me a little BTC? I'm planning on trading on whaleclub, thanks
Other urls found in this thread:
Guys, please.
Before you send it to someone wasting it at whaleclub, it would be better to help me out contributing to the Waves and DGBeco-system.
Richfag here
Glad to help fellow Veeky Forumsnessmen out gave 5 btc each
Lent ;)
When do I get that back?
I didn't get any?
This would be dicksucking worthy if it would be true ._.
But still thanks for the 5 seconds of hope I had!
You will its probably because I'm in Jamaica with my wife and her son and the internet here sucks
if you really did give me it then I'll make sure to send it back from profit if you give me your btc address
*with the mother of my child and my wifes son
can't tell if serious or not
That heartly kek is worth one or two satoshis :D?
I want to invest in coins and trade to heres my btc address
pls someone
Ok ok, I will invest any BTC donation in knee-pads for my new dick sucking business :(
just a little will help greatly
you fucking fag shit cunt fuck got just 1$ from me.
Is this the btc begging thread?
You guys still have a chance to make 45% on a long right now using turbo and make a lot of money.
post proof and some ... aw shit... you cand post some titty-pics as a "thank you" in this board....
Just post proof :(
sorry I'm a male
Where did you send that 1.5mbtc?
I know, I meant you should send one of your best from your titty pic folder.
It was me, and yes I sent 1.5mBTC
sent :^)
how much? and thanks
sorry, I don't have one... thanks though
dude... please...
user a asked
user b gives
user b ask for a little thanks
user a delivers
Today was a good day.
Please invest the dollarino wisely :)
:^ )
who is this semen demon?
Brook Little or Brook G
Can I has bitcoins now? :^ )
Coin give away?
Quality thread guys
@all: sent :^)
Hey every1 hear's my bitcoin address pls hook me up:
>Thanks in advance!
Did you really? :o
He did, check the blockchain
Desperate user here going through a crisis. Any help would be appreciated:
Thank you in advance, kind anons.
My 10 year old bearded dragon died of impaction today. I think it was the bedding in his cage that caused this. He was in a lot of pain all day long, he died in the sunlight so I hope he was happy when he gave in.
Can you guys give me like a tiny amount of bitcoin so I can afford to have him buried at the local pet cemetery?
What do you mean? How long does it take for it show up in my wallet?
Just got my paycheck today, I work at a well known bank and literally get paid to browse Veeky Forums. I have sent ;) to everyone in this thread, check yuor wallets.
Don't you know how Coins work? Transactions need a few confirmations first, but you can see them in the Blockchain Explorer.
I'm sorry :(
>I'm a newfag in terms of crypto
What do you do though? I would like to hear more about your job
np bro ;)
Veeky Forums has always been about helping each other
Do I just put my wallet address into the search bar?
hey there,
bla bla bla sad story, can someone send me like $1 worth of mBTC. leave your address or email and I will send 120% back what you send me, no I am not going to scam you + if you send only a little you can't get scammed that hard (and no I won't do anything weird) 1FzJzYJn7cLDbvNv7kKv76izupYCqzawTj
the address is from a bitcoinpoker site and I am quiet good at it, but I can't deposit yet, I have to wait at least 1.5 before I get my monies.
cu and please leave your "fake" temporary email behind, so I can show you some tricks and other stuff. I am also busy with websites (designing and concepts) and in the near future I want to develop an app with a coder I know. My new interests are concurrency and maybe we can use eachother.
user out
don't mind my typos pl0x
>My new interests are concurrency
fucking auto correct, take 4 action!
I heard this is where I ask for startup BTC so I can start investing and become a richfag.
Anyone willing to invest in a start-up that makes HUD mirrors?
>whale club
Fucking scam seriously. And their turbo trade is a turbo scam. But well just in case someone wants to drop coins, here is my address:
Seems like that I really am the only one who helped someone other out :(
gib btc, plz
I need this please :). I'm in a really rough situation right now because of a recent break in.
Nobody likes a beggar - even a virtual beggar on the internetz.
But this user would appreciate any help you can provide. Please help :(