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Feelin' comfy
the biggest limiting factor to bitcoin's growth is the buying limits on exchanges.
Get ready to dump before the halving. Don't be the last one off that bus.
>tfw breaking the conditioning
I am a cryptofag and own bitcoin and others but shit like this thread is just obnoxious please fuck off and keep it to one thread faggot.
this is Veeky Forums after all, check out /r/ethtrader if you want a better experience.
what up cuck
How high can we go before the halving dump?
>tfw 2 BTC less than would have if hadn't traded for alt coins for the past 6 months
The shitty part is I lost hard in the beginning. Won it all back and then some, then lost even more later.
Have to take profit even if it goes up after you sell. Wait for the next profitable trade and don't EVER think one alt will make you rich. It's a slow accumulation.
I'm thinking $2500/BTC
>coping nocoiners everywhere
is this because of the upcoming halving?
or just general demand?
Yeah, it's all good though. Just happy to be apart of crypto before everyone else.
Also $621 bitches!
>expect a halving dump
>we are past ATH
>halving day arrives
>"time to dump!"
>price goes down
>"see, I knew IT"
>goes to sleep
>wakes up
>price already recovering
>"dead cat bounce..."
>goes to sleep
>wakes up
>price still creeping up
>"I will wait, will correct more and will buy back"
>goes to sleep
>wakes up
>"fuck... ok calm down, it must correct, it was the halvening dump after all.."
>goes to sleep
>wakes up
>bitcoinwisdom shows an huge bull rise
>you are left out of the game with your deprecating dollarinos
>meanwhile holders keep rising since party has not even begun
>"FUCK! ;_;"
>10 years later
>"36 year old male found hanging from a tie, a computer with was found on the scene"
what the fug
I'm literally making free money
upcoming halving, greedy chinese, and even some dirt poor Venezuelans
nigger im buying back in right after the dip
this is china's way out
it's going to be huge
$2500 seems kinda unremarkable. $10,000 would get BTC actual attention.
>Not knowing this is the time to sell
Dumb cunts don't even realise you aren't making any profits unless you actually sell
The problem is, you never know when the dip stops.
It's easy to get greedy in shorts and miss a position.
>muh shorts
>6 months ago
>Veeky Forums is screaming halving is already priced in BTC is dead
>this is the top, surely it'll dump
>wait for the halvening peak
>buy eth
>buy back after the crash
>buy eth before proof of stake
>buy your new lambo
Underrated post.
Feels pretty good sitting on 212 bitcoins
Feels even better I never sold and never bought a scammy altcoin
Wow that's a lot. Congrats on being rich
Post proof
See you guys at $1500.
if you had bought ethereum in january you would have 4000btc
And if I continued to hold eth until next year I'd of lost all my money because it's a pnd scamcoin
Even with 212 bitcoins there's still thousands of people sitting on more coins than me
>it's a pnd scamcoin
I don't think you know what that means.
Where can I exchange BTC to USD and vice versa? I'm from a third world country and want to sell my coins during halvening peak and buyback when it crashes.
I just averaged up to 10 bitcoins. bought most of mine at $443
pic related is where i go to dinner every night
Will NoCoiners ever recover?
what a fucking liar
i spent some coins recently and forgot to rebuy
ETH is 100% speculation. BTC at this point was at least being used to buy pizzas.
He's got a point.
Meh, not falling for this shit again.
There's literally nothing tangible driving this growth, so you know it's greedy little neckbards thinking they're going to become e-moguls from behind their cum-stained keyboards.
No, you actually have to work for your money.
It's hard to say. The coping has never been so high
Hey Reddit, good to see those suicide hot lines helped. Just try not to buy in too late again! :]
times like this, im glad to own bitcoin
BTC has so far surpassed all my other investments
No-coiners cope
>No, you actually have to work for your money.
No, YOU actually have to work for YOUR money.
Oh and large fries please.
>coping this hard
It isn't 1950 any more grandpa, the future is automated
>had 11btc
>spent 8 of them at around 430
kill me
>tfw holding nothing but BTC and TRUMP
feels good lads
Ethereum will be bigger than bitcoin
>you need bitcoin to buy ethereum
ETH hasn't bared any fruit. All hype and with BTC stealing the limelight, it'll fall long before any breakthrough occurs.
Check em
Okay I understand nocoinercope.
But what about notenoughcoinercope?
>tfw only 5 BTC
The only way i'm gunna make some solid cash is if this shit goes up to like $10,000/coin and even then it's only $50,000, which is a good gain for doing pretty much nothing but still I won't have enough for a lambo or hot sluts or anything.
Does anyone here have enough coins to make them rich or all you all notenoughcoiners like me?
Check em.
Chickity-checked 'em
Same bro. Might buy more, but will never be enough.
thanks for the (You) lad
>dat price doe
Honestly haven't seen the price rise like this since late 2013 when I only had 14 coins
Check these triple dubs
Up up it goes where it stops nobody knows
U guys got your seat belts on?
Shits gettin real, yo
It... it just keeps going...
Not bad my dude. Summer would have been a better buy, but that is still an excellent time to hop on the train for sure.
BTC confirmed $13,000
leave it in eth ya lil bitch
Praise kek!
Just think, if it keeps going, it might someday be worth half as much as it was a couple years ago!
It's up again.
Might see 700 when I wake up.
If you don't sell at 4k you are insane.
This shit is insane,it's happening,it's going to the moon
I have about 80 left... In Australia. Nearly $70k.. Paid about $18 each. Had thousands but sold them and bought a house in the first rise in 2012..
These I'll ride until I'm 50 years old. Already set myself up for life off pure luck. By all means bring on 10,000 in the next 10 years and give me another million but.
Jokes on you, I never had enough money to buy BTC fgt
Technically he could cryptographically sign a post with the Bitcoin wallet from an address containing his wealth but lets all just pretend that we believe him ;)
Up to $644 on Bitstamp
This is it boys. We're going to break the $1000 sound barrier.
you're probably better off buying ethereum right now.
No. Wait for bitcoin to hit $1k, then buy eth before the bubble bursts
How many BTC are you holding?
15 BTC here
Only 1 sadly ,bought in at 450 ,would have bought in earlier but just couldn't work out how to buy the fucking things ,I'm buying every week regardless of the price now
havent seen such a relentless march upwards in quite some time
when do we sell these things tho?
when the price finds its equilibrium, but i doubt that will happen for several years.. the feeding frenzy is still too high
Sell only what you invested, maybe a tad bid more. Keep the rest for years
What are your price targets?
I bought at 300. Sold now at 637. Tahts because I promised to sell at 600 and was on suicide watch when it fell from 450 to 350.
Tfw only 2 BTC.
Probably a dumb question but why do people expect the price to drop after the halving? The halving is an entirely known event down to pretty much the day it will happen.
the chinese who want to get out of mining will possibly dump.. but Im bullish on BTC
Feels good to be sitting on 300 :-)
Pic related my hot wallet. Wouldn't show my cold wallet keys because muh privacy.
Hodling since 2011.
The next pump is going to be a sight to behold. Barely any way to buy Bitcoin in 2013, now there are millions of ways, easy ways any pleb can use. And waaay more awareness. And it's lost the Silk Road stigma and being actually used legitimately.
Lightning networks in last stretches of development which will also bring massive scalability and machine to machine payments.
Don't know if this will be the next spike for certain... But one day it's coming, motherfuckers.
Well, you gotta hodl for longer. Five years here man. Or take risks on the more promising alts. (But that's haard - just as hard as recognising BTC was actually worthwhile back in the day. And getting in early is difficult because people just throw money at them).
and I also make 400$ btc a day from my business
suck my huge epenis