Faith. Family. Tradition.
Faith. Family. Tradition
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No thanks
this really made me think
>you will never be a union soldier with a Henry lever action
Putting aside the politics, bringing a level action, cartridge fed rifle to the battlefield when everyone else is using muzzle loaders is essentially the Konami code.
Especially if most of the enemy is unwilling to shoot at human beings and you are.
It gives me recurring Walter Mitty fantasies of riding in and slaughtering a bunch of malnourished 16 year old farm hands in tattered grey rags, for the sake of my country.
Dont forget to vote Huey Long
fucking South is mostly assholes
glad to be Northern born and bask in the Union victory over those slave owners
Bunch of backwards hicks
Cancer. Dogmatism. Inbreeding.
Is there anything that causes more asspain than Dixie?
Would be cool, especially if they gave you a horse
>dude let's deny people their inalienable Christian dignity and free will because they look different from us lmao
The asspain of knowing that the south lost
there isnt much thats more retarded than dixie
daily reminder southerners are the reason niggers are here
so deep
culture, faith, honor
boooo, get out of here with that shit
You lost and we won.
Memes. Epin. Dank
Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationality.
>daily reminder Jews are the reason niggers are here
>Fighting for the some plantation owner's right to put you out of a job with slaves
t'aint about that man
Fuhrer. Folk. Fatherland.
Never forget. I cry for the Empire all the time famalam.
Wasn't perfect, but FUCK did it get worse.
Hypocrisy, Inbreeding, Backwardness.
Here fixed it.
Reactionaries and their "mystique" and "spirituality" should just die.
Reminder Requetes and Catholics fucked up the National-Syndicaklist Revolution
Reminder the Völkisch nutcases and Industrialists fucked up the SA-Strasserite Revolution
Reminder the Pope and Aristocrats fucked up the Fascist Revolution
Don't forget how Comrade Stalin and Generalissimo Franco fucked you in Spain as much as the Catholics
Fraternite. Liberte. Egalite.
>tfw no harem of qt slave niggers
>muh noble lost cause
>muh states right
>muh Bible
nothing. All you have to do is just imply that we even exist and you get massive unwarranted anger and people posting Sherman claiming we're the butthurt ones for some reason.
Fuck the South. They consider themselves """real"""" Americans and choose to separate themselves from the rest of the nation.
Wtf is this, sounds like Nazi Dilbert desu
No, we consider ourselves Southerners. What the fuck is this post even?
pick one
Penis. Donger. Jumbo.
>Especially if most of the enemy is unwilling to shoot at human beings
This is a Veeky Forumstory board, fampai. Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums is more your sort of thing.
>Faith. Family. Tradition.
Loser. Loser. Loser.
Amen, brother.
>getting this butthurt over a southern pride image?
here. go home.
Spooks. Spooks. Spooks.
You know nobody likes a sore loser, right?
Southerners make the argies look graceful and dignified
it's liberté égalité fraternité you fucking counter-revolutionary scum
let's guillotine you that'll teach you
Racism. Slavery. Treason.
the best spooks
You seem pretty triggered people dont agree with you.
The south is the poorest representation of "faith, family, tradition" in the world. Even "I got ptsd from seeing an AR-15" liberals represent those values better than the subhumans that live in huts down south.
Long live the Romanov line.
I see no butthurt, just people calling the south out for what it is.
I can see the spooks like butterflies.
what people's motto is that one
jews ?
>getting this butthurt over a southern pride image?
More like victorious gloating over a vanquished foe.
Harry. England. St George.
Shaken. Not. Stirred.
>because they look different
More like: because we bought them as slaves.
what is sickle cell among other things
A genetic disorder isolated to certain ethnic groups, similar to cycstic fibrosis.
Is this justification for slavery?
Oppai. Loli.
Holy. Roman. Empire.
Come on man, as badass as the Confederate was, the good guys won in the end. Slave ownership spat on everything America and its democracy stood for in a world were most people still lived under despotic monarchies. If America committed suicide over a few southern aristocrat's greed, the world would be a lot worse off.
So abolitionist Britain would have been justified in reannexing the entire pre-Civil War United States?
Traitors BTFO
Traitors BTFO.
>calling anybody else triggered in conjunction with the butthurt garbage in your post
wew lad
Memes. Memes. Memes.
>Slave ownership spat on everything America and its democracy stood for
Then why did the founding fathers allow slavery in the Union? Did they just really have no idea what the USA was about?
The country was founded on the idea of states rights. States were supposed to basically be countries of their own, but united under one banner for defense against outside invaders. Lincoln went against this basic principle by trying to force a dictatorship over states that legally allowed slavery.
I agree with the rest of your post, but the founding fathers allowing slavery was entirely because they could not create the union without allowing it. Almost all of them (if not all of them period) were ideologically opposed to it.
I admit that most of them did condemn slavery, but at the same time a significant proportion of them actually owned slaves. And the fact is, they clearly thought that states rights was above the rights of black slaves. Black slavery wasn't against the principles of the US.
Thomas Jefferson wanted it banned. Most of the founding fathers that owned slaves did so because it was impossible to keep your business alive in the South without using them, because the competition would all have an immense advantage over you. I'm a CSA supporter and a Southerner but the elimination of slavery was clearly within the vision of the founding fathers and a responsibility of the federal government, as limited as I think the powers of said federal government should be.
Spook spookier spookiest
>Thomas Jefferson wanted it banned.
But he didn't ban it. He became President and he didn't act like a dictator to ban slavery. Because he respected states rights.
>I'm a CSA supporter and a Southerner
Somehow I don't believe that.
>but the elimination of slavery was clearly within the vision of the founding fathers and a responsibility of the federal government
Then why did the founding fathers never ban it on a federal level? They got it banned in the northern states, but they allowed the southern ones to expand it. Because northern states wanted it gone and southern ones didn't.
Spooks, spooks, spooks.
>didn't act like a dictator to ban slavery
Yeah, sticking up for freedom. How dictatorish.
>But he didn't ban it. He became President and he didn't act like a dictator to ban slavery. Because he respected states rights.
Banning slavery was a political impossibility up until the Civil War. I think the federal government should only exist to protect basic freedoms, and I don't think it's too far-fetched to consider the elimination of human bondage one of them.
>Somehow I don't believe that.
Virginia did not join the Confederacy until the federal government attacked our sister states. Support for Southern nationalism/rights of the states is not interlocked with support of their right to keep slavery. In fact I think an independent CSA would have abolished slavery within twenty years anyway (inb4 some yankee responds to me with Golden Circle garbage)
>Then why did the founding fathers never ban it on a federal level? They got it banned in the northern states, but they allowed the southern ones to expand it. Because northern states wanted it gone and southern ones didn't.
Again, the allowance of slavery was a necessary concession made to make sure that the new United States would be a cohesive union. Their inaction on the topic should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the practice. While it's undeniable that the US federal government was not fighting the war to ban slavery and countless infringements on the rights of the states did occur, I really don't think the issue of slavery is something that the federal government should have had no say in.
Just how retarded are these people? Is this the product of inbreeding?
Yeah, I remember that part of the Bible forbidding 19th century chattel slavery too. Oh wait.
The Bible doesn't condemn slavery. In fact, it supports it.
>protect basic freedoms, and I don't think it's too far-fetched to consider the elimination of human bondage one of them
What about the freedom to sell yourself into bondage?
Plus slaves and an hierarchical society that oppressed the poor.
Chattel slavery is treating human beings like cattle and Christianity teaches us to treat human beings as we would treat ourselves so you're flat out wrong.
God, Fatherland and Family
why does that mean faith, family and tradition is wrong
Fuck off hick
A conservative gay couple?
>Ephesians 6:5-9: "Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free. And, ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him."
>declaration written by a slave owning Thomas Jefferson
>Independence won by a slave owning George Washington
>Constitution written by a slave owning James Madison
>eight of the first twelve presidents were slave owners
>Slave ownership spat on everything America and its democracy stood for
Yankees actually believe this...
Faith. Family. Tradition.
How can one start thinking of this while this sort of thing is such an untrue thing. As it is known to most
Larp Zuckerberg
Wha ha ha
It is most unworthy to uphold this in some ways while the sex sex sex thing is this punily unworthy.
And if still upholding this: pay, pay and pay more. No you and now
Nowhere in that letter or anywhere else in the Bible for that matter does it deny that slaves are human so thank you for proving my point.
>does it deny that slaves are human
nice leap in logic, slave owners do not deny that slaves are human. Your "argument" doesn't exist outside of your own head. The New Testament condones slavery because it was an accepted social norm in the first century. I'm dying to hear your faggy explanations for the following passages.
>Col 3:22 Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything, not only while being watched and in order to please them, but wholeheartedly, fearing the Lord.
>Titus 2:9 Tell slaves to be submissive to their masters and to give satisfaction in every respect; they are not to talk back,
>1Timothy 6:1 Let all who are under the yoke of slavery regard their masters as worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be blasphemed.
>1Peter 2:18 Slaves, accept the authority of your masters with all deference, not only those who are kind and gentle but also those who are harsh.