I look just like this guy. Is there anything that can be done about his hair...

I look just like this guy. Is there anything that can be done about his hair? Would he look slightly less repulsive if he shaved it all?

thats you isnt it?

Yeah, shaved would look better.

Lose the chinstrap while you're at it.

No, but we could be twins.

Does he looks any better here?

Shave and swole my friend
it's really all thats left


Own your faults with pride, to the extent where you don't really think of them too much. How would you behave if you were alone, or there was no bald stigma?

THAT is victory over the fear and the feeling of inadequacy that visits us when we age.

With confidence, your market value goes ups socially, sexually and financially. You are being asked, in a sense, "what're ya gonna do?"

I didn't let bullies take my lunch money. I fought. and win or lose, fighting well made losing irrelevant. Does that metaphor make any sense?

I understand your point but acting like that really doesnt feel natural to me. Sometimes I think only balding people care that much about hair, maybe the rest of the world isnt that obsessed about it. I'd like to think it's all in my head and this is just a perspective issue, but I'm not exagerating when I say I really want to shoot myself in the head whenever I see my balding head on a mirror.


This is about surviving, not acting.

What do you mean by owning it? Why cant I just wait until they find a miracle cure?

NOT GONNA HAPPEN. You'll be waiting till you fifty. Sixty. Dead. Who cares? You can have all the fun right now! Owning your bald head means not being ashamed of it.
"Yeah, I'm fuckin' balld! And I got rid of the rest! I DGAF!"
That's gotta be your mindset inside. When you really dgaf about what people think, and you are proud to be yourself, do you think it matters for a second if you're bald?

not to me.

Why should you be proud about having no hair? Do you think people catch on your confidence?

Of course they do! It's a way to project an image!

At what age did you start going bald? How old are you now?

32ish. Now I'm 36... No, just turned 37.

I decided to stop feeling that misery with the same mindset first gained when I quit bad people and places and substances with a vengeance, as a 17-19 year old.

"This is gonna be a painful separation, but I'm done being used. I'm out. No matter what."

In this case, that meant learning to love myself 100%.

>Sometimes I think only balding people care that much about hair, maybe the rest of the world isnt that obsessed about it
That's literally reality, nigga. Nobody cares about your bald head, but you look straight lame with that ass fluff on your dome. That's what makes people laugh and girls avoid you.
>Why cant I just wait until they find a miracle cure?
Not going to happen. Balding is a billion dollar industry because guys are willing to pay 5 figures to rub snake oil and mountain lion cum on their heads.
>Do you think people catch on your confidence?
Are you retarded? Absolutely. It's on display for everyone in this thread that you're an insecure, skittish beta male. Easy prey.

I worked with a guy who was bald and shaved his dome, scariest guy I ever met even though we never spoke a single word to each other. He just radiated that hardcore, badass caveman vibe. He wasn't even buff or tall, it was just in how he carried himself. He also dressed immaculately. My old man is bald, has been my whole life, and he pulls more girls my age than I do. All the time chicks tell me they want to fuck my dad because of how he carries himself, my most recent ex girlfriend admitted to having a crush on him and would say she hoped I looked like him some day. He rocks a shiny dome and no facial hair, he looks like Hitman. I got my mom's thick ass hair, but I'm debating shaving it and reinventing myself as a stone cold alpha male instead of a pretty boy. It's appealing to everyone.

>My old man is bald, has been my whole life, and he pulls more girls my age than I do. All the time chicks tell me they want to fuck my dad because of how he carries himself, my most recent ex girlfriend admitted to having a crush on him and would say she hoped I looked like him some day.

This has literally happened to me word for word.


>That's literally reality, nigga. Nobody cares about your bald head

Why would you lie on the internet? I just saw this thread on /tv/.

Girls like old bald men source i am old (43) and bald


That's more of a problem of being a shitty and angsty teenager that has access to the internet.

That's cause it ain't a shaved head, so it ain't smooth visually.
and because that kid's dad probably beats him too much, the angsty little fucker

I was wondering if that was a one-off situation

It's not? Wow. Kinda nifty.

>Not going to happen. Balding is a billion dollar industry because guys are willing to pay 5 figures to rub snake oil and mountain lion cum on their heads.

This is retarded logic. You really think Pfizer is gonna pass up the biggest cash cow since Viagra because some OTHER company is making money selling Rogaine?

The cure might not be here for 10-15 years but it’s coming.

Definitely be clean shaven and id give the hair a 1

The only viable solutions involve stem cell therapy. Works in mice. Fucking hairplugs and shite are obvious and besides, don't guys feel weird wearing a biologically implanted wig wo they can play dress up for the sake of their own fragile egos? Because you can do just fine with it. Chicks are held to a different standard in society, so I understand that 100%.

But if you're a dude? You can work it into your image and benefit from that, you really can. You just gotta have balls and not really care about whatever sad little mental picture you're holding onto up in your head instead of facing the cards you were dealt.

I used to hope for a cure. Today, I wouldn't take it if offered.

I was wondering why I seemed to be doing better socially after the leaves fell.
Mystery solved.

what if you have a weird head? im gonna be bald not yet but i already know it, i dont care about shaving, my fear is what if my head is weird or somesing like that

Shave bald and roid you fucking soyboy, then embrace the hat life

It's a confidence thing, even then.

Look, I'm no Adonis. Not by a long shot. But I *do* refuse to play the 'game', as it were. I choose to step outside of that self-centered fear paradigm. I do this by consciously reminding myself not to give fucks in certain day-to-day IRL situations.

After a while, not giving undeserved fucks becomes second nature.

Granted, I'm not perfect at this, but I have friends who are somehow even less physically handsome, yet more completely flippant than I am about the opinions of others yet maintain interesting personalities.

They still dress well, are great performers, whatever. They have other shit going for them, and they genuinely DGAF what people think unless that person poses a physical threat. Them kids get more ass than a toilet seat. They tear through life and can't be bothered to stop for some bullshit. They're social dynamos. I see it over and over again in numerous age brackets.

At the end of the day, the VAST majority of the world is gonnajudge you based on how you make them *feel*, not the contents of their wallets or their closets. Point being, it's really up to you.

Pic is me being an asshole to someone with a full head of hair. Not Shown: me laying in the dark, staring at the ceiling and wondering why I have no prospects.

go bald and get a beanie, dude.

Literally posts pic of a guy that isn't bald. The guy has a hairline, he's just buzzing his head. That's a huge difference.

Growing out balded hair is a lot worse than just going bald or buzzing. I think the world is pretty unanimous in that.

It's definitely him