Hair Thread

How does one achieve Jordan Barrett's hair? What routine/products should one use?

He’s balding

just grow it out til his length, and then get cancer so it falls out everywhere




>Tfw if you had a smaller nose you could look this good

>tfw opposite problem

That really is a nice head of hair, what kind of product do I need to get this look?

Since this is a hair thread do you guys agree I should grow it out?

I can pull off any hair style for the most part, buzz is prob my worst.

Do i trim the top before growing? Advice please

I'm not trying to throw shade if that's what this sounds like; I'm genuniely curious: is his body considered a good body by womens' standards?

you've got very aesthetic bone structure and since you have light hair, would look awesome with long hair

just stop cutting it dude, long hair is sex god status, and you've got the proportions

He either has a small frame or he has a big head. His neck game is ridiculous.

dunno, I'm just a fag but I think the chest stubble looks silly and his body looks just average. I see nicer bodies at the beach every time I go.

The only thing is when my hair gets to long, it becomes very flat and I lose volume.
I'm able to style my hair with just water if I dry it right currently.

Do I trim the top or just let it be? Thanks man.


Yeah, I have this problem too. You can get more volume using good organic volumizing shampoo, and maybe biotin supplements. Otherwise, as long as you have a good hairline, which you do, it should look good. A sea salt spray is also very good for adding a lot of texture, which I'm sure the model in the OP uses, unless he just swims in seawater a lot and doesn't wash his hair.

I think if you do want to grow it out, it doesn't matter about cutting it back now or whatever since it'll blend in pretty soon. Eventually, unless you want really long hair, getting it cut to add texture/layers is good.

No, rip.

Im thinking just above shoulder length, i want to rock a sweat band for my hair as stupid as it sounds.

I didn't even think of the sea salt sprays, literal god send man. Thank you.

the big furry ones look goofy


Your jaw kinda ruins it, but try growing your hair a little

Yeah Im pretty goofy looking and rely on lighting tricks in all honesty.

A skinnyfag could do 100 pushups in his bedroom and look better than Jordan in that picture. Good god

lmao at this intentional back lighting coupled with slight sucking in to try to create the hollow cheek look.
Not a bad face though

Not sucking in my cheeks tho, just letting my jaw loose and creating space between my teeth.

you should see the other guy

holy shit that nose takes u down 4 points

Jordan knows that FACE>body

Please shave and grow out your hair. Blonde stubble is unironically the ugliest shit ever

let it grow and use salt spray after shower will work fine

Dw user you can only notice if your less than 20 feet away or in the same room as me.

Just lazy, i got turned down by a girl

Go for like a 80s 90s surfer core look, you could look 10/10 easy if you were clean shaven and had flowing hair. Nose is and bit funky but everyone looks wierd at the photo angle you took. How tall are you?

He uses hair extensions

Fuck if this is a hair thread I'll also post this
How can I achieve this without the proto-mullet and with thicker med hair?

this is such a retarded question
have you considered growing it out and going to a good barber to achieve that style?
like what the fuck else could it be?
this shit is not difficult

The asshole from the other thread needs not respond. This /hair/ thread is clearly about that

I can't go to a barber
This shit is difficult because I don't have the same hair as this dude nor a 100k hair-stylist for me every morning

Im a manlet, in the prime zone, 5'7

>I can't go to a barber


he looks disgusting

what haircut should i get Veeky Forums?
i posted in the Veeky Forumscial aesthetics thread and an user said to buzz, usually i just get a skin fade(grade 1 to 3) on the back and sides, and leave the top curly/wavy facing forwards mostly.
any recommendations?

Also my hair was more messy in this photo too, but it's still shit regardless, send help

i think it looks good if you're rich

>Blonde stubble is unironically the ugliest shit ever
is it really?

I dont like red stubble, but blonde?

michael shannon

Dunno if this is the right thread sorry in advance
23 yo and im going bald already. Im losing a lot of hair in the middle of my head and have many bald spots now.
I used to cover them in the past by letting the hair from my scalp grow and keep the sides and back short, but i cant do that now due to all the hair that fell off.

I don't have cancer or anything like that, just shit genes and bad hygiene thanks to living in a shitty apartment without gas or electricity, that makes showering a fucking hell
Im white and very manly with hair all over my body like a bear and with a wide frame (not fat) i'm not very tall and im ugly though
What would be the best option for someone like me? a wig?

Depends on your head shape, some people look good bald.

Help. I have no fucking idea what to do with this mess. Every single day i wish i had straight hair, having curly hair is suffering.

Don't hate my hair, but need to get it cut because of work. What short hair style would suit me?

Trim the top and cut the sides desu

get balayage, no shampoo and sea salt spray

Stop fighting it, give in, let it do ita thong and it will look great in its own way.

>ita thong
*let it do its own thing

>see self in mirror, reversed image
>see self in picture, normal image, hair on other side
>immediately hate self
is this normal? I feel like I look fine in the mirror and then every time I see what I actually look like I look ugly
my hair is the only thing that changes

Is beard shampoo any better than regular shampoo for your beard, or is it just marketing?

Guys I got a problem. I grow a big jewfro and I notice that when the hair is dirty it is actually a lot easier to style (i.e. Puff up with my fingers) because of the grease in it. I've also heard that you shouldn't shampoo hair like mine, at least shampooing it daily

I like what the hair is like after a few days of no washing but the problem is it gets itchy and smells dirty as fuck and so I have to clean it but shampoo makes it like you know go flat and shit

Is there a solution to this, to get it a good greasy level but not be filthy?

Pic related it's my hair

is it even organic? it's just marketing but it will have jojoba and other beard oils I'd imagine. Otherwise, it's just the same toxic estrogenic shit, so any organic non-estrogenic shampoo would be better for your beard

Hmm may do that. But it may need to be even shorter than that. Any pics for reference?

How long is too long?

Longer than waist is too long. Shorter than to ears is too short. For girls obviously

those cartiers?

>tfw dandruff
>dandruff shampoo doesn't do shit, just makes my shit greasy
>hair keeps falling
I've lost so much volume it's ridiculous

But what about male(M) like pic related?

There is not really too short rule for men

When it comes to lenght it depends on age
Below 18 = longer than waist is too long
Below 30 = longer than nipples is too long
Until death = longer than shoulders is too long

Of course some men are exceptions

Is my hairline too fucked for a buzz cut

Your hairline is fine. Do with your hair what you want, there are many men who don't shave even though they are half bad and barely anyone notices it, and even if they do, nobody cares as much

Both are ugly for different reasons. Red hair is feminine and stubble goes against that idea, blonde stubble is too skin colored and makes your face look like its peeling off.

Try slicking it back, it'll look great. IDK how guys here can just let long hair droop, it looks so feminine.

I cut my own hair ama

He has good features but they're all mashed up without any fucking harmony, he looks like a fucking homosexual alien faggot.

Genetics: Have a fucking disproportionate skull, be blonde, and then let your hair grow.

first time growing out my hair, it gets really thicc curls
should i let it grow or get a cut at the sides or something?

He looks like a complete asshole.

that's so fucking hot, though

Seems off putting to me

Why you hide your chest hairs? Pls post body.

dye your eyebrows black, and you will reach chad status and gain a bit of muscle.

your hair already looks good right now. just keep it there. you can pull of long hair, but it wouldnt show off your bone structure

you look like xavier dolan


Speak for yourself. He looks like the biggest turn off

I agree with his bone structure but are you kidding me? Dark to Black hair, especially for men is clearly superior. Jet black being the best though usually unattainable except with dye.

It is very possible for everyone to grow their hair long but some people will take more time than others due to genetics.
Most guys just suck at taking care of their hair once they grow it long and in general so I'll just give some tips:
1. wash your every other day or 3 days, though not every day to avoid drying out too much. Please don't do that thing where you don't wash your hair because you want to preserve your "natural oils;" that is what conditioner is for. Doing that will just let all the particles and dust normally in the air that sticks to our skind and clothes and all other products (like gel if you use it) build up, retarding hair growth. Gunky oily hair and scalp is not good.

2.Stop with the 2 and 1 conditioner shit. Imo, that's just another word for moisturizing shampoo that doesn't strip away all the natural oils/ moisture from your hair since the conditioner balances it out.
Use actual shampoo and conditioner and let conditioner sit for 2-5 min, then wash it out.
If you have curly hair, using the 2 and 1 then following up with a conditioner might not be a bad idea since it is slightly harder for culry hair not dry out as much and become brittle though probably not necessary if you're Caucasian.

2. actually trim(cut less than 1/2 an inch off) your hair once in a while to rid split ends that can lead to more breakage and just ugly hair.

3. Deep condition every few months especially if you dye your hair(might actually want to boost that to once a month in that case actually). It will strengthen it to prevent breakage.

4. And actually most important, especially if you are having trouble lately: eat healthy! Hair is an extension of skin cells made of protein. So eat plenty of protein and a generally healthy diet with exercise and plenty of water. Also biotin and Vitamin E are good for your hair.
All this will ensure long, healthy(not thin) hair.

lol stay dating ugly people then

I'm dating beautiful people. But continue crying, it's hilarious

Crying? I'm telling you that a guy who is a giant dick is a turn-on to me. What's it matter to you?

I think I wanna cut my hair. But I'm not sure how much should I cut. What are your guys thoughts?


>U-Uh if you don't like some boy that looks like a drug addict, you date ugly people!!!! Btw, i-i am not crying, i-i am just stating my o-opinion

Guess you're right, it's a silly thing to say that all attractive people are dicks. Most are really nice since they're never treated poorly. But more than a few know what they can get away with, and I think that's hot. There is nothing that looks drug addicted about the proportions of the model in OP. Those eyes with that positive canthal tilt is beautiful, along with his lips, and hair... yum

maybe like an inch or two, long hair suits your face imo

No, but most probably understand that he's a model and those are the standards in that industry.

He looks dirty and like he sucks dick for meth from my point of view.

As a male is this sort of style (w/ bobby pins), a bad idea ?


id obviously get less yeah im into fashion haircut
just trying to be honest m8 not hating
a-are u friends with smokey nagata?
looks good to me

cut my hair yesterday am i overthinking or its too short
p-pls respond

also post face so we can tell u what do
perfect hair my dude
maintain like that

also should i trim my back and sides skin short? im thinking of that

p-pls respond im confused

it's great + u kinda look like Joaquin Phoenix

How do I achieve messy core. Theres gotta be something to it other than just messing up your hair right?

You need thick hair. My friend can achieve this any day. He showers daily, but shampoos once every five days or so. He just grabs his hands and it will stand up this way, without any product. The oilier it gets, the better it holds.

I have midweight wavy hair and i can in NO WAY achieve this

What to do? Dont wanna cut.
