Tfw no cutie hafu stylish gf, why can't we have them anons?

tfw no cutie hafu stylish gf, why can't we have them anons?

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cus we ugly

tfw you are a cutie hafu

being white and having an asian fg/wife screams I'm a low test beta

jerk off to niggers then faggot


I'm asian tho


what if shes a hot tall azn? usually the beta white guys that date asian girls date the nerdy/"traditional" ones

is living in japan as a tall white guy as good as leddit will make you believe, or is it just a meme propagated by japanese trolls to boost Japan's tourism industry?

Fucking this. Don't fall this anons. I know this is Veeky Forums and we all have had a fascination with asians thanks to this being an anime imageboard, but seriously as someone who grew up in a mostly asian part of town you don't want to fall for the asian gf meme

It's a meme lmao

ever get the feeling that every board except /a/ is just a version of /r9k/ or /int/ now

You know, I was walking around my neighborhood with my last gf and she said this. I laughed, so she started pointing it out to me.

Now, I can't unsee it. Of course there are exceptions, and it wasn't the case when I was in college a decade ago (rather the opposite, even) but sometimes I almost feel like we've commodified ethnicities to the point where they go in and out of style like the cut and fit of one's pants.

how high t are yuh anyways huh?!

well said user

tfw my ex gf was asian
>am high test
>am low self esteem


anons please tell me why asian gfs are bad

t. no gf incel

>tfw hafu
>tfw a ton of woman find me attractive
>tfw I find almost none of them attractive

They aren't bad in and of themselves. It's just like... You wouldn't want to wear Supreme (I dunno, maybe you would, no judgement) for many reasons, but largely because the average person wearing the shit is the kind of slim jesus marfan's poster boy you see getting robbed in subway at 8PM for his iPod fulla shitty music like Desiigner & Future and... You get the idea.

Losers tarnish more than just brand image. I think a lot of herbs buy into the old line of shit that they're gonna land themselves some submissive china doll stereotype etc etc etc, and they dig that because they themselves are bitchmade, so they think "mayhap I'll be the one wearing the pants this time around!"

Which, as you know (if you've ever been with an Asian chick) is an often laughable notion conjured by people without a firm grasp on reality or the intricacies of cultures beyond the tattered issues of Shonen Jump they've called 'Home' for far too long.

Some of the best sex I've had was with a hafu. Jap/French. I was too young to consider waifing and only saw her when she was traveling through town.

Not sure if the good sex was a fluke or if all hafus are gifted. Will have to more research.

are you a short or tall hafu?

am low test beta white male with asian gf. but hey at least im using my whiteness to my advantage and getting an easy pump and dump

fairly tall

My gf is Chinese and I can say first hand that if you dont have any interest in their culture (history, food, food etiquette, wearing fucking slides in the house) then you'll have a bad time. Im used to it at this point and honestly her family was alot more accepting of a white guy than most Asian families (mostly because I said I was learning Chinese).

Aside from familial reasons, asian girls are either just like your average white girl since thats the culture they adopted or they stay like the stereotypical china doll. My current gf is more like the china doll and it kinda fucking sucks because she is so boring at times but if you're patient it really pays off.

Also good luck getting a Korean, here in Toronto they literally only associate with other Koreans

Different guy but I'm 6'1 hapa, qt alternative girls are into me but every time some bitch brings up anime or kpop any attraction I have fucking vanishes.

Koreans are the same here in Australia. At least the ones I've met at university.
I met a girl here who said she had been living here for several years now, and didn't have a single friend who wasn't Korean

but why?

it's better than being a no gf virgin

are you me

My ex was korean. Did study abroad there for uni. She was pretty but a fucking rollercoaster ride man. Didn’t realize how crazy she was until I slept with some euros and slavs.

I’d say the majority of dudes into asian chicks are on the lower end of the testosterone spectrum but there are exceptions. If you go to Asia and go clubbing you’ll see some scummy douchebag types, dunno if you’d call that beta.

You’ll find the girls angry at strict daddy Koreans that want to fuck all the foreigners or had a foreign bf to rebel if you go to Korea motherland. Most Koreans statistically won’t stray outside of their own but when there are 50 million of them and you’re at the bar that is playing Troy Sivan and they orgasm from hearing his vocals there’s a good chance you’ll be fucking a korean sooner rather than later. Just go to the places that play western music

> girls angry at strict daddy Koreans that want to fuck all the foreigners or had a foreign bf to rebel
>implying anyone would want that for a relationship

To me, its kind of the same way black guys are treated by white girls in the USA.
Having said that, I probably wouldn't turn them down, even if it is just short term

Kinda similar but blacks are hated on even more if you were trying to introduce them to your parents. They’ll do well in the clubs if you want to fuck casually and get an std from the thotties. Had an awkward exchange last year where I found out a buddy of mine and I were fucking the same tinder hoe. Chlamedia for everyone. Luckily just one pill and you’re cured.

Whites are still that foreigner-whatever which goes against the homogenous thing but with my ex her family was cool with me but I think it’ll just depend on the family. They’d take me to shows, cook for me, take me to church, introduce me to their friends, but my korean language skill was a lot better than the average foreigner there, plus I loved all the food and tried to do full immersion.

I knew some people married with families there. Don’t take my own story like only hoes date the white dudes. I’m a dirty bastard and went clubbing every single weekend after my breakup so I got some confirmation bias.

Before I was a man whore I was in a loyal legit relationship with my ex for 2 years but we broke up since I was coming back to America.

At the end of the day, if you want to find a qt3.14 korean gf you can, couple-culture is HUGE in Korea. if you want to slob your knob and be a Casanova playboy player for a time you can find girls for that too.

What do hafus wear? I feel like Asian clothes look weird on me, but western makeup and the trends of today also look off.

Boy or girl? Are you trying to look like a girl? A pretty boy? A pretty girl?

Its weird though, they all seem a little crazy or unhinged in some way.
Like a lot of them (at least the pretty ones), are extremely dramatic in a way I'm not use to. I've been told its kinda socially acceptable in Korea for girls to act like that and they even have a word for it.
Having said that, all the ones I've known are very sweet and cute. Not sure if thats just because I'm tall and above average looking, or maybe I didn't know them well enough for them to act crazy.

Pretty sure I'll end up checking Korea out one day anyway because the fashion week is pretty cool there

Dude I'm 1488 as can be but don't pretend like the AP isn't a temptation. Especially the taller whites

Is a girl. Wanting to look cool I guess. My favorite compliment I've ever gotten was: "I was like 'Who's that pretty boy?', but then I walked closer and saw it was you, user".

I own ~8 blazers and 4 dark high wasted pants which I wear all the time, but I feel like dressing more feminine would be nice.

>tomboy hafu
sounds perf already pls be in sydney

depends how hafu you are.
Do you look extremely one race, or a genuine mix of both.
Some hafu's just look 100% asian sometimes

See pic related. There are of course exceptions, but I'm telling you now, as someone who grew up in a mostly Asian neighborhood (my high school was two thirds asian, one third everyone else) don't fall for the asian gf meme.

>tfw qt korean gf w/ insane libido and daddy issues

it really isn't that bad guys

Half Thai half Dutch, but sometimes people think I'm full Indo.

have you met her father?

Is that lauren? I got a big crush on this bitch

How do you have a big crush if you don’t even recognize her

Thats a dumb ass question

I’m in Toronto with a Korean GF. She’s more western but I feel it really depends on the person coming in then the ethnic group. Her immediate and extended family is pretty similar to mine and we both have careers so it may be the general age and disconnect. I’m not oriental either, I’m from Milan.

>low test beta
you sound like a jealous cheeseburger eating milkcow

lauren tsai is incredible...

toally wrong, youre on grovelling beta mode, thats alwasy the problem

Friendships are tame as fuck always in my experience. But the ones I got to know long enough showed their craziness.

Ya man, their fashion game is on point. You’ll have a blast.
It sounds like you don’t know what style you want. Figure yourself out, experiment with pieces and find your own. Look up inspo, check out fashion IG, lookbook, etc.

Lookbook definitely has the feminine pieces that you’re talking about.


unfortunately most girls that put effort into fashion don't have their priorities straight and are generally mentally ill.

Lookbook looks good、thank you.
How do you search for fashion on insta?

yea, she's amaing

>inb4 stormfag
my gf is 1/4 korean and you would’t know unless someone told you. but it honestly really bugs me because I don’t want my kids to have ruined genetics. i am 6’1 with blonde hair and light blue eyes. i know that if i ever had kids with her they would at the very least have either brown eyes or brown hair. I would consider surrogacy but i don’t know how to approach it with her.

Dont worry bro, I mean you must be 18 or 19 right? Ur gonna loose ur virginity soon ;)

Is it austistic for me to only be interested in seriously dating tall blonde hair blue/green eyed girls when I'm really only actually attracted to short asian and Spanish girls? Maintaining that aryan look in my kids is for some reason important to me, and I feel like hapa kids have a 25% chance of becoming school shooters

Lol get a different girlfriend asshole.

No problem. For Instagram just go to the threads here and find ones that you like, you can also use the hashtags to search for brands or styles you like. If you need anymore help. Lookbook users also have instagrams usually so check those out.

I find a lot of styles by using the fashion tags in other languages like russian, korean, Japan, etc. they got some cool shit. Find the translation for “street fashion “ or “ootd”, shit like that

Hmu if you need any more resources. Merry Christmas. Just finished homemade eggnog.

i know how you feel.
I’m considering it but i do like her and we have been dating for a few years now so that makes it harder. she is also embarrassed by it so i do feel sorry for her.

why is Veeky Forums so obsessed with testosterone? it feels like middle school tbqh

this is what high test looks like

Wah, thank you so much. Will try following some more people. I do feel like most looks are too out of the box for me though. (Your style is perfect actually.)

Merry Christmas to you too!

this desu
I cant help but smirk when I am out in public and see one of these slouching fags out with his fob gf, always needy af too

is this satire?


no he would probably flip at her for not dating another korean. she always talks about how people in seoul love white people but i think old people still hate whites

you know that 20+% of this site is below the age of 20 right? It might as well be middle school

whites with yellow fever are a detriment to the white race and need to be gassed pronto

half indian/half white dating chink girl here

i find persian girls the hottest, but personality wise asians are a better fit for whites. they don’t have shit tier value systems like middle easterners

cheers mate

things will look up if you want them to, no worries.

you wanna have an elliot or a mayli? you know how you feel when you see coalburners? that's how everyone sees you

Half Asian qt3.14 girl I know. I've talked to her a few times but haven't made a move yet. I'm scared that if I do she'll reject me. Team forever alone :(

Please enlighten me on how I am beta, because Im adopting their cultural norms? Because my gf is quiet and passive at times which is something you'll see in alot of asian girls if youre from where I live?

Im no womanizer alpha chad but Im not by any means a beta either

Just ask her out to chill or something pussy, dont let her think of it as a date but give subtle nods at the same time.

Getting a NO from a girl means very little to nothing after the 4th one lad


>every time some bitch brings up anime or kpop any attraction I have fucking vanishes.
I'm 0% Asian and have the same reaction.

Perfectly summed me up

most white people who race mix are generally uglier than average and almost always the uglier one in the relationship because minoritys see white genitals as a way of dating up

tfw dumped my light skinned black gf but now i cant get any matches with the tinder thotties i want despite being literal model tier in a four fig garm getup


bird in the hand worth more than two in the bush etc etc i guess

i do the same thing every time i hear someone talk about anime, videogames or some other faggot shit
