Degenerate Inspo

ur not degenerate? lmaooo

fuking loser kys nerd

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consider suicide

everyone is a degenerate

>tfw entering the phase where even seeing a Chad gives me bad anxiety

i doubt hes a chad

hes probably gay

>Doing drugs all the time is the way you look cool
I'll give you guys one guess as to who came up with that one.

It is objectively true tho

I have a PhD in Math, Science, and a Bach in Philosophy

Drugs are cool, its a fact

Have you tried having a personality?

Yes. And I've found that drugs brings it out

is this from next generation?



You might think drugs are cool but actually only a few of them are

wake me up when you actually post junkie-core

Weed and caffeine are the only cool drugs. Everything else is gay.



What the fuck is wrong with you robots
pls explain

I have Bach on my iPod shuffle

Anyone have that russian underground edm music of the teens fucking around in the streets then they go to rave? Features a bald head girl

The only people that use weed are niggers and stinky leftists. The meds are the best. Oxycodone, Xanax, Ritalin are the coolest.

>heroin, suicide-inducing zombie pills, amphetamines are the coolest
no, you underage faggot

why don't you and weedboy both kill yourselves? just do it, fag.

Do you mean that one?

Its similar to this but different music and no vhs quality

The only cool drug is Ketamine

can confirm


I like how they're fucking up their lungs together it's romantic. He likes it especially because she breathes harder during sex


Too granola.

hurrr durr, tha onlyy cool drugz are

>the ones you do because they feel good and not as some tryhard to wants to look cool for doing a certain drug and shitting on other drugs


On the west coast, all the weed clippers are young libertarian types who long to live on private compounds far away from the government. Those types aren't considered leftists in America.

what the hell does that mean

black coffee & cigs, cocaine coup doin 6am techno clubs in underground warehouses in carol christian poell x fila getups

gang gang

I'm saying those are all too closely associated with being a dirty hippy.

>what did he mean by that?
>puts on Bob Marley's greatest hits

and weed isnt lol


God i hate commies with a passion

this girl would actually look cute without all of those tattoos and piercings


Weed is normcore. Dispensaries normalized public weed smoking fast.

>she will never become your buff, reformed, protective mommy gf

kill me now

How did you get into graduate programs for math or any science w/ a BA in philosophy.

That's alana champion my dudes/ She doesn't have them.

>cig in mouth

still a degenerate


Thx for light

The funny secret is that these are actually not granola at all, they’ve just been marketed that way, and you took the bait. But fashion snobs are worried about how you look, and these substances are fairly obvious when you’re on them, which makes them seem less cool, which is a shame because if you can keep your shit together on these, they’re fantastic party drugs

Like many things on the Internet, this only partly true. I work in that world. A large portion of the people you describe, the majority really, are indeed leftist SJWs in their politics, and libertarians in their lifestyles. A smaller percentage are politically libertarian, and an even smaller amount are conservative

These are actually the best drugs, desu senpai

It's got to be in b&w to be degenerate

this is so fuckin gay LMAO

>implying degenerates don't all have rich mummy and daddy to fall back on

>Drugs are cool, its a fact
this. if you're on a fashion forum and aren't using drugs what the fuck are you even doing?
objectively /fa. everyone in the industry is using some sort of stimulant. coke for parties, adderall/vyvanse for the days. benzos, alcohol, weed to take the edge off. ecstasy or mdma for techno parties

psychs are not /fa. coming from someone in the fashion industry I can say the most acceptable "fa" drugs are
alcohol, stimulants like adderall/coke/vyvanse/speed, ecstasy/mdma, benzos like xanax/etizolam/klonopin, weed but only if you lowkey smoke it and don't let it become your personality, and opiates but only if you have it under control
psychedelic culture is the antithesis of /fa


What makes you guys think stuff like adderal is "/fa"?
Not bashing it, I use concerta myself, but why would you need stims in the fashion industry? It's not like they increase your creativity, quite the contrary in fact.

make you very alert, talkative, suppress appetite so keep you skinny, cigis are even tastier, can work long hours and keep up a fast pace.
concerta is shit, defo the worst of all the pharma stims.

>russian underground edm music
fucking kill yourself. not all electronic is EDM moron. say this irl and watch everyone cringe

I suppose I understand the appetite part, it just seems like a waste to use them for social purposes instead of work/studying.
My doc doesn't give anything else. I only use it a couple times a month so doesn't really matter.

those girls make me diamonds w2c 90s shitty slav gf???

Ruin your life as much as you want to, I love being pure

yeah, it's so Veeky Forums to be enough of the loser to waste money on shit that makes you act like a huge faggot!!!

>unironically browsing Veeky Forums on a regular basis

jesus christ kys you insufferable faggot. imagine being poor and having to actually worry about your spending habits.

>not wanting to waste money means that you are poor
Nah, I am not poor, I am just not the lowest druggie scum. Hopefully you overdose one day, world would be better without your faggot self

HOLY FUCK that's it. Thanks you fucking incel twink faggot

The reason for this is that psychedelics decondition you from cultural programming. Fashion IS cultural programming.

Funny thing, I know quite a few couture designers that have hit it off pretty big, and just about ALL of them got their start in an underground scene doing psychedelics and making custom clothes. Their creativity was very much catalyzed by psychs. Granted all of them do coke / alcohol / adderrall socially as well, but all of them put their hours in with psychs and still take them on occasion.

>being this new

MDMA *IS* ECSTASY, don’t let anybody every try to tell you otherwise.

t. Oldfag who has been around, knows the chemists, and had taken loads of it

there's nothing degenerate about wearing all black and smoking a cigarette are you 16

>that visible pad

>make you very alert, talkative, suppress appetite so keep you skinny, cigis are even tastier, can work long hours and keep up a fast pace.
>concerta is shit, defo the worst of all the pharma stims.

That only occurs when just starting AD(H)D treatment/neurotypical usage of stims though... Long term stimulant use will not have these effects. For users suffering from AD(H)D, stimulant medication will help them function and alter their brain structures to conform to a somewhat neurotypical one. Being abnormally talkative, among others, is just a short term side-effect. You'll find that long-term stimulant addicts share a common experience of diminished effects when taking their drug of choice; the first time is amazing, and the effects diminish from then on.

Concerta and amp can both have desired effects, depending on the patients brain. Casual users in trip reports from the US seem to prefer the effects of dextro-amphetine, making adderall a likely choice since pure dexamp is harder to get for them. If we disregard individual brain structures, where either a reuptake-inhibitor or a releasing agent would give more desirable effects, the choice of dexamp is pathetic.

If you prefer dexamp over methylphenidate, you should choose meth. The two electron donating methyl groups of methamphetamine mean it is more potent than ordinary amps (or amp mixes) like adderall or regular ex-amphetamine. This isn't controversial nor debatable at all to anyone with a highschool understanding of basic chemistry...

Methylphenidate works best for me, and I can understand other people choosing amps over it, but stop pretending that adderall is a superior choice over methphenidate when you don't have even a basic understanding of chemistry lmfao

ITT : Retards who think they "work in the industry" talking as if they know what goes on

Sure maybe your instagram friends who "work in fashion" think coke is cool

Be in a higher level within the industry and you'll find that people are professional and don't fuck around with stupid shit like that and surely don't think it's "cool"

I'm talking about your editor-in-chiefs or international publications, head of design teams of LVMH-owned houses, buyers for internationally renowned retailers, etc.

>Le hur dur drugs are fashion meme

What's it like being 17

I smoke weed for fun with friends and that, my fa/ggots, is fa

Choose one

this is not a chad

nah both

If that isn't a chad explain the jawline

You can't have both. You can't at the same time be unfashionable and fashionable.

Why do you think it is unfashionable

I used to take speed or coke every weekend and i can tell you, there is nothing ""Veeky Forums"" about it

Wrong ectasy can have a number of things i it, like speed or meth in adittion to mdma


yeah sure, cracking open that monster energy makes you look fucking rad

No, twink. You’re confused because you don’t know your culture and have never had the real thing. It’s okay, sweetie


That's really a myth, hon. Harm reduction organizations have been testing thousands of widely (and less widely) circulated pills fo... Well, shit, upwards of 20 years. I remember when I was 17, yikes....

Point is, there were ALWAYS massive scares about pills. "It's got heroin in it!" was the big one when I was young. And then iit was meth that we were told was in our Mitsubishi triple stacks (or whatever).

TLDR, these agencies (2 of em IIRC) have been chemically testing hundreds of pills at raves all over America, The UK, Ibiza... And the only thing they ever found was caffeine (and in a 2 or three cases, maybe DXM - like in Robitussin.

The "laced pill" meme is just that - a meme. A line of bullshit. Just like they said weed was gonna make us all into sex crazed jazz fiends, back in the 40's and 50's.

Don't get memed on.

Why would your mind wander to energy drinks over coffee when someone says 'caffeine?'

No, that would be lean

Ketamine won’t kill you

it cured my depression, too.


what? idk what agencies you are talking about but there are also several which have found several research chemicals and stimulants in pills that were advertised as mdma