I’ll start
WDYWT thread
>h&m chelsea boots
>ripped skinny jeans
>ill fitting coat
>none of the colors work together
2/10 because you atleast have clothes on
post fit
you should match the colors better
We already have a cringe thread.
dude are you color blind?
darker colored boots would be best if you insist on having that coat that sticks out like a sore thumb
Where the fuck do i find a decent marine long coat, searched on amazon and other sites but can't find some.
You don't expect Grandpa come in and teach you about fashion user
Buy a milsurp bridge coat
no desu ; /
Jesus Christ you're a fucking retard.
>hurr durr you can't talk shit about my outfit unless you have one that I deem superior because your opinion is meaningless otherwise
Then never criticize any movie, video game, cartoon, etc. Don't have any negative opinion of something unless you're fully prepared to do it better yourself.
Oh wait, that's not how opinions work user.
Pants aren't cuffed up nearly as high as they look in this pic, just lifted my leg to show the sock color.
My dumbass forgot to rotate it, sorry lads.
still haven't posted fit
this is from christmas but i've been wearing this fit everyday since then
Lot of points to consider here. Brown boots don't look good with black pants. Jeans are probably a little too tight and I would say ripped/damaged jeans don't really look so great with more "clean" pieces like a pea coat and chelseas. The peacoat is ill fitting. I personally don't find pea coats fashionable, but hey just me. Fit is probably the most important thing of all.
Unlike the other posters I actually don't hate the color palette.
Guys, brown shoes don't look good with black pants. This is especially true of suits, but generally for other stuff too. When will they ever learn. Timberlands are such an odd choice for an all black fit.
Just inoffensive boring core AF. Looks fine. You people and your all black though. Why so scared of color.
Definitely digging the color palette on this. Stan Smiths are a meme but hey can't say they don't look alright with this fit. Get rid of the beige socks. It makes things look a little too over coordinated and washed out. Try black socks. Might seem strange at first but I think it would look good and give the fit more pop. Maybe.
fuck j'ai besoin de text bruh
>brown boots don't look good with black pants
Stop peddling this meme, they're fine with jeans.
can you not differentiate tan and brown as colors or something
That is the worst cuff Ive seen in my life
Tan, brown whatever. Tan is just a lighter shade of brown. I don't think it looks good, whatever my opinion. Keeping doing it if you want.
Whenever I see guys in suits wearing brown or tan shoes with black I cringe.
LMAO so insightful you got em guys
Why does the headphone cord go between his legs?
Is this Veeky Forums?
I don't know what im doing
Love this, gloves are a tad bit iffy for me though?
My mum found a black 1950s Bundeswehr great coat similar to this at the salvos about 10 years ago, fits nicely now lmao
fits me****
The long jacket with those dress shoes is awkward for everyday wear. You look like you're either going to a funeral or a hasidic jew minus the beard, hat, and sideburns. You look morose and a bit awkward.
I don't know what you're shooting for here but I'd recommend: shorter, more casual jacket; sweater or hoodie instead of the plain button-up; boots, or Dr. M 1461 instead of those dress shoes.
Maybe look up Nick Drake for some inspo.
I'm evolving towards skater style and today I'll go learn for uni. Is this to edgy?
it looks average except for the shoes that are absolutely atrocious imo
I dunno, I got complemenent many times on them and I'm quite a sneakerhead too
get the off white socks with the lines to pair up with those shoes senpai
shit fit btw
Haha I already thought about buying these socks, normally I pair it up with the black n white Lacoste socks. I took the red one today to match the print on the crewneck
Yeah but literally everyone who hasn't complimented you on them is thinking that they look hideous and lame. The people giving you compliments just assume they must be good because they're so glaring. Like, I could grow a hideous little mustache right now and at least a couple of people would be like 'oh haaay what a cool mustaaaache'
Probably but I'm not interested in people complimenting me who wear canada goose, Alpha Industries and Superdry paired with tom tailor. In the Skater/Sneaker scene these fits are appreciated imo.
Filipa K
Goddamn what are you doing, shirt isn't bad by itself but the fact that you've got 2 eye catching patterns going on (shirt & shoes) makes the fit look too busy and miss-coordinated. However no faded woodland camo is kind of tacky and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the text on the arms isn't some cringy entry level streetwear statement. Jeans are questionable I'm not sure whats going on with those pocket arrows (are those back pockets sewn on the front?) but they also look cheap and mallcore to me. Why the fuck would you wear bright red socks to "match the print on the crewneck" you're stupid af for trying to match these two aspects. The sticky (rip) explicitly states that being matchy-matchy is a sin which is exemplified by your fit. Now to your shoes, I'm not partial to the sock shoes trend (ultraboosts, nmd, vapormax, whatever abominations are on your feet) but why would you pair such a technical looking shoe with non-technical bottoms. Imo jeans and technical fabric shoes are a bad look as contextually they are on two ends of a spectrum. Also how did you ever rationalize that those shoes look good?
Overall; 2/10 reevaluate your yourself.
yourself* sorry for grammatical errors I refuse to proofread
Haha m8 thx for tge insight :)
>The sticky (rip) explicitly states that being matchy-matchy is a sin which is exemplified by your fit.
What do you mean by sticky?
chicken legs
looks like you're wearing bales of hay on your feet
stop bending your pants
Allright eh?
I know the jeans are pretty crap. I try to build up a garderobe and I will trash them but actually I have no other black stuff. And bending the jeans is skater style witch I like but the jeans are not really good for doin this. I will definitely buy 2 to 3 new trousers which will work these way. And imo for sneaks you have to bend them
Fit is p good, ill-matching shoes aside...but what's with the head? Looks a bit shrunken.
I concur with on the awesome colour pallette. (Would be better with some open bluish scenery too).
Not a fan of the mock-neck myself, but it fits well.
1. You look too young to be posting here.
2. Shirt looks a size too big.
Details on graphic sweater?
I like this, though shirt's a little short...and slightly unbuttoned at the bottom?
I agree with on the clashing patterns thing. Either go with only the camo top OR only...you know what, just keep the top - the shoes are a little too excessive.
>I agree with on the clashing patterns thing. Either go with only the camo top OR only...you know what, just keep the top - the shoes are a little too excessive.
I think you're onto smth. What do you think about this?
Or this
Posted the wrong link:
Not the guy youre addressing but both are infinitely better.
1 inch of snow got me into an accident this morning. drive safe boys and girls
i like the pants but they dont work very well with the neutral color top and black boots. nice though. howd you tie your scarf?
looks very 'gentleman' tier. lose the hat and the suspenders and the blazer seems tight while the pants are looser
is this bait?
cant tell very well but the shoes look dressy and a white shirt would have been better or a black sweater if you wanted to go all black
pretty nice, like the shirt
would like to see how pants fit without your hands in the pockets they seem like theyd be ill fitted on you
i like it but the fingerless gloves arent great. darker gloves would work better as well
middleschool asian fit you remind me of a younger me
nice colors, but i wish the stan smiths didnt have that green on the back
I was wearing a navy blue velour t shirt grey socks slp jeans and my monos, because I want to look like an anime character
Oh and a thrifted dad cap
holy fuck these proportions are awful your small head and frame makes you look like David Bryne wearing his big suit
lol i could have sworn it looked okay when i first wore it and the others times ive worn this but the more i look at it the shoulders do seem big. hmm
Always da best
Just a reminder if you aren't 6'2, white, good jawline, healthy BMI, you can never be effay and shouldn't even try to dress good.
>December 29th 2017
Veeky Forums pls
This is good dude keep it up. Maybe some sunglasses
must be unfortunate for you to be none of those
Just smart casual for me today. Sorry for bad photo (tired)
I like it.
w2c jacket?
P solid terrorcore fit mate is that what you were going for?
nice forehead
You forgot the \s
r e p o s t
good good
also good but burn the gloves
This is cool.
Boots are Tims
>Details on graphic sweater?
Don't have a picture atm. It says Sophia on it. My student association made 30 of them. Gambling that no one from my Uni will recognize me on here, but if you do, hey.
w2c jacket?
he thinks he looks good
I need the gloves to signal mental instability. I know in some pseudo-platonic fashion sense the gloves aren't great, but that's never really been my thing.
There's a thread on getting art hoes every two pages on Veeky Forums, and while I recommend going for creative girls, you should mind the type. Go for the funny, intelligent, artsy babe and not the dull artsy hoe. Unless you're uninteresting, in which case grab whatever is sifting down to your basic ass.
hey guys first time here on Veeky Forums, am I kawaii :3333??? I hope I'm not too fat :(
can someone tell me without memeing what's wrong with this fit? also, most of you need to eat something and hit the weights and get a clue. you're never gonna get pussy or boypucci with a sickly looking lanky skeletal body, no matter how much you spend on clothes.
Kys fatty.
im gonna throw up
fuckin whale trying to into fashion
Stephan Schneider Merino, in "shadow" (black/blue/dark gray)
It's a legacy piece from FW11, but there are some reissues in other colors from FW14. And a lot of his other coats from more recent collections look really similar.
How to get art girls in general then? I mean, how easy is it for you, dressed like that?
>Perks & Mini "Psilocybe Patch" hoodie
>thisisneverthat flight jacket
>skinny-fit jeans from Burtons
>vans backpack
Are jackets over hoodies a meme?
i can just tell you have a big cock
good good but pls shave
missed u bby
I went to an Angel Olsen concert and literally 90% of the girls would eye-fuck me if I walked by them. I'm 6'5 though, that obviously helps.
To get art girls, just be knowledgeable about art, or better yet be an artist. A musician that can perform at a venue is best for easy lays, though obviously you'll never grow out of bandcamp because your music isn't as good as your narcissism will tell you it is.
>is 6'5
>thinks his fashion choices make him pull girls
May as well wear wal-mart tier clothing bud
Thats where youre wrong bucko
post nudes soon ty
thank you!!!! ^__________^
no prob >u0
Real cool. Reminds me of Leon a little bit
Well put together. I'd on boots?