FACT: over 80% of Virgins dont own leather Jackets
/Leather/ Jacket Inspo - Leather Jacket General
Will buying a +$1,000 leather jacket make people respect me?
You need to respect yourself first, and that costs more
Nothing you wear will make people respect you. You have to do that yourself.
can't argue
nonvirgin here and i have a rick leather for each day of the week
do leather blazers count?
on grailed for 228 c/n
Lol. the only people who wear leather at my college are try hard soyboy types or actual autists.If you want to be taken seriously and not profiled as future school shooter do not wear leather unless you really know what your doing.
I wouldnt cross someone wearing a leather jacket
The only reason you fags look out of place in leather is because you're making it a bigger deal than it is.
Got myself a 118 and it was worth every fucking dinar. No need for any other jacket ever again.
Make sure you get an American fit, not a fucking Slav shit.
raw friendo?
>FACT: over 80% of Virgins dont own leather Jackets
Pssh. I own 2 leather dusters.
can i buy a decent quality jacket for under $300?
Absolutely. You can also find amazing thrifts since leather has been in fashion since the 40s. Just be wary since some pieces look very 70s-90s esque.
Reminder that there are only two types of people who can pull of leather jackets. Muscular super Chads dripping testosterone like or skeleton heroin chic SLP models. The thing both types have in common is that both have at least 8/10 faces. If you don't fall into either of these categories you WILL look like pic related, and there's nothing you can do about it. Save yourself the embarassment and money before you buy a leather jacket, please. This isn't a troll post, this is a legitimate PSA.
I agree
good thing im an ottermode chad with a nice jawline
how is it possible to have such shit taste
your garbage slp look was overplayed the year it came out you fucking fashion victim
He would look fine if he just lost the hat, a little weight and had a better fitting jacket.
Because leather jackets are for fuckboys
>if he changed everything he’d look fine
leather jackets come under the same category as long hair. if you're not built like a viking or thin and tall like a rockstar then you're going to look like a proper bellend. 9/10 facial aesthetics are mandatory.
Like anything in life you have to work at it. That being said if losing a hat taking 10-15 lbs off and being able to properly size clothing is to much for you then you have no business trying to be fashionable.
>not owning god tier falcon garments
I think in general leather jackets are very loud pieces so if youre gonna buy one, you gotta have the wardrobe to match, whether its equally loud or more subdued. I dont think height matters so much as build either. if it fits just right itll look good, and you just cant get that from a sub $400 jacket
In the US maybe. In my country (France) leather jackets are pretty normie so there isn't that notion of pulling it off or looking like a tryhard
Is it okay to wear a "rockstar" leather jacket even if I don't own a motorcycle?
yes but it has to be well fitting. its also very aesthetic dependent
Hands down the nicest jacket in the thread, and by a very wide margin. Expensive, but definitely radiating high quality and design. I like how it doesn't have a belt, and I bet it would fit killer, too.
Plenty of soyboys in open relationships do though.
>1000$+ jacket
>duuur best in thread
No shit. The more you pay the more you’re gonna get usually.
I do agree that the lack of belt is good tho. Leather jackets with belts never look good.