Where do I start?

Hey biz, never really been here before but I really need some sort of advice...

I'm currently 23 and married to a girl with no green card. I'm not allowed to claim her as a dependent and she can't work or go to school. She was one semester away from graduating with a degree too before we got married.... But that was two years ago.

I've been working full-time to take care of us for two years so far, and in spite of working harder than everyone else at my jobs (been told this numerous times, received plastic medals and shit) I've only gotten to 13.75/hr. I was literally crying at work once when my boss told me she would need to cut my hours.

Right now, my one checking account is negative $536. And thanks to my cunt of a mother and her constant lies, I'm in 25k total debt from college when she decided not to pay for it after I started and hospitals when she lied about having me on her health insurance. They've gone to collections and 10% of my wages are being garnished.

My mother has been a lying cunt her whole life and that is why I have no contact with either her family or my own dad. I've met my dad once in my life and my aunts/uncles twice, except for one aunt that I met 3 times because my mom wanted her money.

How do I get out of this situation? Is it even possible, when I have no relatives to help?

Thanks all...

tell the bitch to start pulling her weight or drop her

>she can't work
lol bullshit


I was ready to give you the Veeky Forumsadv/r9k/ copy pasta template getting your life together, but after reading your story, it's not going to help.

Your situation is fucked up beyond belief and you need to start acting immediately.

Firstly, you need to get the fuck away from your mother and fob wife. Why is it that she can't work?

Next you need to declare a hardship exemption to stop from having your wages garnished.

There's no quick fix to this.

Well you should probably ask someone who you can confirm has experience with this shit or a genuine reason to help you that you can actually identify instead of asking Veeky Forums

Also lose the dead weight. Why be married to someone who doesn't work if you don't have kids or excessive income?

I would invest in kneepads.
How did you and your wife fuck up so badly? One year from graduating andshe met you and married you and stopped going to school? Andyou don't even make $14/hr? And she didnt manage to get a greencard from the marriage? And 10% of your wages being garnished for debt?

Your in a fucking hole mate. I would suggesting whoring out your wife to get some extra income. If your not already in the shittiest apartment in town, its time to downsize. How are you negative on your checking account to? You niggers better stick to ramen noodles for a few years. I hope your not paying for any luxories like xbox live or cable tv or anything like that. You need to cut everything out that you possibly can, maybe refinance your debt/debt consolidation or whatever. Start saving your paychecks and paying that off. Figure out how to make your wife a legal us citizen and in the meantime find a way for her to bring in income

You sound like you're right up shit creek without a paddle bruh. Seek some more professional help than you can find here.

Regardless, drop the weight user, leave her if she will not contribute equally to yourself.
That job is your one lifeline right now. Do you have a car you could live out of at all and still maintain work?
You should be looking to cut all expenses down to an absolute minimum.

Also It's amazing how little one needs to survive when things get really bad, sounds like you are well on the way to being in such a situation.

1 - your stupid ass should of never gotten married
2 - declare bankruptcy like the financial idiot you are
3 - tell you bank no to overdrafts and get a new account that your shit mom can't access
4 - declare hardship to get rid of garnish
5 - tell your shit wife to go to a chinese place and ask if they're willing to pay cash under the table for a job
6 - you get a second job
7 - if you're as good as you say then look for another job that pays better

>I got married


This is "good" advice.

Consider declaring bankruptcy. No idea where you are but lot of places just means you can't get a credit card for another 5/10 years.

Shit man i have a really similar situation to you except im 24. I have a shitty mother and a foreign wife who doesnt work. If its not too late, file for an anullment. Youre a citizen. She isnt. She cant bleed a turnip. You have nothing she can take. Try to disappear. If you have a car, get the fuck out of town. Declare bankruptcy if you have to. Or do craigslist odd jobs that only pay cash. Heed my advice: fuck your family and wife. They weigh you down. We are way too young to be supporting two people. Im in the same boat. You and me are the nice guy archetype. For once in your life stop trying to be responsible for others, even if they are family and do the opposite of your instict and fuck them and only worry about yourself. Step 1: ditch the females. Settle your finances. Then get the fuck out of town. Hope you will be ok.

Op he ree

She can't work because she doesn't have a green card, but getting a green card literally costs at least a thousand...

And at the risk of sounding like some sort of beta virgin, leaving her is not an option. I've been working only for the past two years because before that I was far too depressed/numb to even try.

Mother dearest wouldn't let me leave the house, which was in rural buttfuck nowhere, and the nearest gas station was literally 7 miles away in another town. She would also take the modem with her to work so I couldn't access the internet, and called the police when I tried driving one of her 3 cars to borrow the wifi at McDonald's. I only got to meet my wife because my mother finally got me a van and I lived in it for a year.

The chinese restaurant idea might work, my wife has been trying very hard to make money as well.

We're negative in our checking account because we had to see a doctor and he had to have 200. Since we had only 50 cash we gave him the zero balance card which made it negative. It got to -400 because my bank charges a ton if it's negative for more than a week :/

My car was towed by a redneck cop for not having an inspection sticker so I'm having a coworker take me to work. It's currently in a junkyard 170 miles away.

At this point id just opt out of society. Learn survival skills and disappear off the radar. No debt. No more money. Find the nearest mountain range and go there.

I've literally been considering this option for a while. Mexico isn't really that bad I think

you're big time fucked.

Move to the city, why do you live in the middle of nowhere? Come to New Jersey and work with the Mexicans. You can literally get a job in a day, theyre everywhere. Mow lawns, paint houses, work in a prep kitchen... jesus dude. You need to escape.

How do I even declare bankruptcy?

I kind of don't want to though since my mother declared bankruptcy just so she wouldn't have to pay for repairing the last house she rented.

Mother lives in the middle of nowhere. I'm in a college town.

What town?

I'd rather not say. It's small enough that someone could figure out who I am. It's in the northeast though, maybe 2/3 hours from nj.

South East Pennsylvania

Look. I know all of this is hard to hear but these anons are (mostly) right.

Besides the fact that this girl is probably using you for a green card (she might actually like you sure, but you know she wants a green card) you can't support two people on your wage where you're at.

You need to find her some work. She won't get deported if she's your legal wife, it doesn't work like that. If she loves you she will help you stay afloat. I have my doubts about her actually loving you but that's none of my business.

Good luck user. Don't do something (more) stupid like squat on National Forest land playing at pioneer. Get her a job and work on getting her a greencard so she can find better work later.

Also probably don't declare bankruptcy as it doesn't wipe away student debt.

If I was in your shoes I would be escaping to Zimbabwe to take up a career in spoon whittling.

If you work for a small business and have a good relationship with your boss, explain to him that you ended up with a negative account balance i your bank account and the bank is raping you. Ask for an advance pay and tell him it would mean the world to you and get you out of a hole. If youve been working for the guy for awhile and have a decent relationship he'll probably be happy to help.

Prioritize fixing your bank account, then prioritize saving to get her a green card. a $1000 investment to get her a green card so she can start working will pay for itself very quickly. In the meantime, like I said, whore her out. At least try camwhoring. the bitch has to start pulling her weight which i can only assume (given the other details of your story) is at least 300 lbs, which would be about $550 USD

Stop looking for a handout and educate yourself. The best thing we can do for you is to tell you, that you must help yourself. We can guide you in the right direction but it is you that must take the steps.

Can you join the military?
Leave your life behind and get a new paycheck and well.. Have everything you need to survive given to you while learning a trade.

Idk. If it makes you feel better I'm 20, dont talk to either parent, or any family really. I'm not married or in debt, don't really have any advice, maybe ditch the wife? Good luck bro I'm sorry.

I think this is great advice. What would be the best self education practical economics book, according to biz?

I'm considering this too. How much would the military help though?

You gotta get your girl to work.

Green card or no, there are ways for her to work under the table.

Gotta flex that backbone lady.

Op here... bump plz? :)

Currently I'm in the military.
E3 over seas in Japan makes roughly $2k a month but I literally have no expenses but a phone bill. Food is provided, shelter, water, etc.

There is some stuff where the military can wipe your debts of prior enlistment. Though I don't know much about it.
Free college, free training, free life lessons, etc.

Overall good gig especially since you're like either die or struggle. Just start a new life.

If your debt and overdraft fees are piling up faster than your income, its time to declare bankruptcy and just start over. At $13.75/hr and supporting another person, I just don't see how you could ever surmount that level of debt.

Damn OP that's a tough spot... and I thought i had it bad looking for work with a felony

although a bit harsh, this is so far the best advice. Unless of course you can get into the military...

if you have a clean record, you will find another/better paying job eventually. in the meanwhile get that wife of yours doing something for income (pet sitting or baby sitting under the table perhaps?) if she always seems to find an excuse as to why she cant work she is using you for green card and you need to bail