Go Out Dump

Hey I got you my dude, won't shit up the other thread

Dumping Go Out issues until I'm bored of it, because I'm drinking and snowed in currently. Starting randomly, here we go

Shout out to old Jap magazine user who gave me his account ages ago. Lost it but still have a solid amount. ilu user



















See: this is why I stopped posting mags
Nobody here gives a shit and it's too time consuming

It's tradition in image dumps to let OP dump instead of filling the thread with posts, but also I'm drinking and could give a shit. Hope someone enjoys it, but I'm not collecting (Yous)


I care Mag-sensei, without you I wouldn't have been able to find my aesthetic and favorite brands I've been looking for.


I finally got something today in the mail worth scanning
Something I've been trying to find for six years, limited print, finally found it
Fanzine anthology written by and for northern England casuals


Looks neat, user.

What? this is amazing. I'm sure 90% of people reading don't post but you do the board a service.

The dude wrapped the book in an Ark Air bag
Love it when I realize other people like the same exact shit as me


OP here, original Jap user posting Go Out Issues was a real hero for me. Lived in Japan briefly and the magazine doesn't exist in the US like Popeye and the more popular Jap imports. Real hero.

One of my highlights of Nip living was getting the new Go Out which usually came with a little chain or gift promo. Jap mag user had access to jAmazon and hacked it to allow free unlimited downloads if one had the patience to do one-by-one issues. I've got quite a fill, sure his old archive is still floating out there too.








Can you guess what's coming next?

More vests, hopefully

No, it's a coat.









Curious to know what inspired you specifically? Did you just find one really badass outfit or did the cumulative mag dumps just steered you to wearing head to toe Go Slow Caravan / Chums JP and a $500 Mystery Ranch bag just to go grocery shopping


Not that user, but for me living in Japan and being a big hiker introduced me to the Japanese outdoor gear, where I ran into Go Out mag. Still rock 80% montbell/snow peak, it was only later that mag user began the dumps that brought me them feels.



> Columbia x Ojaga Designs
Fuck I wanna know what the rest of the collection looked like



This mag is like 60% these wild Japanese-only collabs. Wait until it's Japanese x Japanese companies, wew lad


You think this is wild, look up their furniture collections. BEAMS x JEEP tier





Guess I could have picked a better issue or something. Oops.




Look at this dude


You can't go full kit wanker with this. Gotta throw one piece in that goes with the outfit but is from a different style, like maybe a modern milspec jacket or a blank pullover hoodie
Otherwise, yah, pure autism


I was always into function within my clothes. Not on the scale of wanting to be a ninja, but I was looking for a middle ground of form and function. It was your collection of Popeyes GoOu, and 2nd that helped me find more brands looking out to create what I need in an aesthetic I find more pleasing.

As cringey as some of them are, good for these dudes having a good time in their fun outdoor fitz



Honestly I would like to go to a Go Out Camp thingy just to see what they're actually doing
Sure they're just hanging out, smoking pot, and listening to shitty Japanese rock bands, but I wonder if some of them are just there hoping to get their pictures taken

I was able to go to mountaintop party on Mt Aso, tons of autismo Japanese dudes in wild outdoor fits just happy to be outside. Good for them.

It's both, but weed is comically illegal and hard to get in Japan. Other party drugs less so. Japs in my experience just need a little booze to get wild and let the true autism flow

t. 5 years partying with Japs in Kyushu hiking country

As opposed to user, Japs doesn't have a function -/- fashion. For them, the two were intertwined so going outdoors in rad fits wasn't separate from the function of them. Lifestyle branding is completely the activity for them.


Well, glad to hear it helped. This can be an expensive hobby, and I was originally inspired by the Korean/Japanese magazine sharing blogs from 10+ years, even though those sites had no men's mags that were cool to me lol

Figured: guys who can't afford to get into this should have a chance to flip through a few dozen; some might not like it but every once in awhile it'll totally change a person's style


Take it from me, user. I've completely rebought my hiking/camping gear of brands and still don't have a single fit. wew lad, it's pricy. Living in NYC doesn't help in any sense.













