Are braces effay? Just found out I need to get them

Are braces effay? Just found out I need to get them.

I'm a boy btw

Just put them and stfu.

put them where? ;(

invisaline or kys

in your teeths lul i have them and im turning 21 this year and for your question yeah they can be effay

I have to get braces and jaw surgery, and I'm 25 :(

I think I just won't leave the house for whatever time I'll have to wear them
Not that it would much differentiate from my usual social life

On a female: One of my fetishes. Love it for some reason.
On a male: Don't give a flying fuck.

>tfw want to get braces
>tfw moving cities in 2 years

What do I do lads?

Damn man I'm 25 too. I'm grateful I don't need surgery. Best of luck to you :(

Get them? Idk

Massive plus side of getting them is I'll have amazing teeths the rest of my life :)

god bless I didnt have to get braces and have nice set of teeth

This is a 18+ website.
Drop trip and stfu.

ill drop my trip when you drop your spaghetti, which is never you gay

I gave you your 5 minutes of attention, now you can go to bed.

Gay bot is wasting it's time on earth

Get damon braces with clear front brackets


k thanks

lil uzis are cute


my name isn't damon

If you’re above 16 they are the antithesis of fa. Really juvenile and ugly. But it will be good in the long run

I got some last year, I'm 23

Went for a teal set, gonna switch to clear when they get changed in a few weeks tho. For some reason I get a load of compliments on them, girls love licking them when we're making out lol

Damon braces are fucking magic, my ortho said if I'd gone in ten years ago he'd have to have pulled 4 teeth and give me headware

That's what I wanna do to girls who have them but didn't know if it was the same with genders reversed. How long do you have to wear them for. Also, teal? Fucking teal!?

i'm torn between my fetish for crooked teeth and my fetish for braces

braces are sexier, but temporary. afterwards, the person's teeth are only as sexy as regular teeth. so i'd seek out someone with braces for a fling, but prefer someone uninterested in orthodontics for a longer relationship.

I prefer the silver one, my friend got the clear ones, and they went dirty yellowish because he ate curry with rice once

I've got mine in for a year minimum up to 15 months and then a fixed retainer behind both sets of teeth for 6 months. make sure you ask for a fixed retainer included if you're buying adult corrective braces, they're pretty pivotal if you want lasting improvements to your teeth and jawline. My sister had some invisibraces at 19 and she only wore a retainer intermittently after that and 5 years later her teeth are going back into their original positions.

also green teeth are effay as fuck, the clear ones can get discoloured so they need changing every 4 weeks

silver is a nice idea, i think ill go for that instead of clear when i get mine changed in a couple weeks

if you're getting girls on them can you tell me were you already hot to begin with?
I think they can only be effay if you're already hot because then they're just an accessory but if you're already ugly then they make you look worse.

>tfw attempt to get braces
>denied braces because i didnt meet the requirements

why would you get them if you didn't need them

i got a crocked tooth that makes the entire bottom row look terrible and i was worried about these 2 fang like ones on top row

I'm only 19 but with a fuckton of anxiety, I want to have a better smile but I also don't want to look like a faggot with metal in his mouth. Are these worth it? Have any anons noticed people looking at you differently with braces or do they not care at all?

I've flicked through some forums and stuff and pretty much everyone says they're well worth it in the long run and didn't have much social issues while wearing them. Although I don't see why you'd bother getting them if you didn't need to.

I got mine when I was like 22 and had them on for a year. Fixed my slightly off top row and really boosted my confidence in my smile.

No one gives a fuck and it really pays off in the end. It's self-improvement and a promise of being even more effay in the future.

Man I spent almost 15 years not smiling because my teeth were fucked, just deal with it for a year or two and your anxiety will be gone for the rest of your life

Go to hungary and get custom fake biters,

Got the same problem. Im 20 right now and have to wear mine for another 6 months. I also avoid smiling but it's more because my teeth are yellow af due to smoking.

Good thing there are white strips and shit. As long as you just got bracers it houldn't be a problem. People will make maybe some jokes for the 1st week but then they'll stop.

I got braces when I was 18. Have had for two years and getting them off in few months. I used to hide my smile and never laugh with teeth showing, now I can't stop smiling. People generally don't care if you got braces. And yes, braces are definetely worth it