you fags have taken the deanpill right
James dean
too masculine for you soyboys?
That's not how you ride a motorcycle
your insecurity is showing
*blocks your path*
Last time i heard james dean was soyboy here?? (pic related)
no wonder he does
I like the hairstyles men from his era wore. I think long hair is an under appreciated style guys overlook these days
Too bad rockabilly is so cringe. The Inspo they have is great, but execution is so corny
i did until i stopped fitting into my leather jacket from bulking too much lol
That's medium hair. Long hair is jesus tier Greasers. Rockabilly is a type of music, rock with hillbilly characteristics.
btw this is the jacket
can get current pics if anyone is interested
That's a very Soy look
He was a queer who liked having cigarettes put out on his upper legs and his fave leatherdaddies called him ashtray
is that the dean pill?
>james dean
I think he's a good example of Manlet appeal. He is short but he has a good stocky build, and a handsome face. He has those lower "pouty" lips, and the pointy jaw. His head shape is extremely triangular. I like this pic, in the colour, great inspo pic, and shows you can have big hug oversized coats on short guys. If you can rock it you can rock it.
>fucked Marlon Brando and Marilyn Monroe
>died in a car crash in a designer sports car
>read poetry and was once the most promising young actor
This guy is the only person that can give manlets hope
Isnt he like a literal rapist?
wait no I was thinking of the pornstar
dressing like this now will make you look like a cosplayer. it cannot be pulled off.
Why is he so popular? Didn't he die in his 20s?
but desu his widows peak looked good
the style, like dean, died young. lets let it rest.
also contributing
The literal icon of youthful success
James Dean was stocky? He was like 5'6 and 130 pounds. Dude was a stick.
He looks pretty thicc here.
That's what happens when you don't have a naturally slim build. Still, he was pretty skinny if you see his shirtless pics.
I know of a guy that tries to pull off that Dean/greaser look, but he just looks like a massive faggot. It's aesthetic af in the right pretenses, but you look like a tool playing dress up 98% of the time.
you do know the difference between a widows peak and balding right famalam?
Yeah, sorry he didn't have a widows peak. It's just how his hair is styled in many pictures that it looks like the hairline comes to a point.
so be short, be perfect in almost every other aspect.
ok. thanks for the tip
I own the same kind of jacket he wore most famously; a McGregor Anti-Freeze, although mine is brown, not red.
>the virgin dean vs the chad brando