Am I Veeky Forums

Am I Veeky Forums

>wearing a tuxedo unbuttoned
>skinny jeans

no, youre not


>being non-white

>being a cumskin

Rather be a cumskin, the essence of life, than a shitskin lmao

>wearing """tuxedo""" with a vest and a fucking whote t shirt

Animal musli fat fuck = no fa.

more like your favorite drink

>asos core

lose weight fatty

Op here...why is Veeky Forums so mean?

Why not say "Oh this can be improved"
"Oh but this instead" etc.

What gives?

Shitskins just wish they were white lol. Can't be truly effay ever without Asian or white skin

Shitskins have bigger dicks tho

Okay no tight jeans with a suit, in fact no jeans at all with a suit jacket. Vest on top of white-T, no, I mean with out the jacket is like some teen early pipster 2000's stuff but with the jacket it just makes the whole top mediocre. Your beard does not compliment the shape of your face, and that haircut was old when it started, it says I am with but I am a dad. Your mustache would look good though. In fact you could have just ditched the jacket, vest, and parted your hair to the side, which could have been a good average joe look. But yea, you need to change it.

welcome to Veeky Forums


There is nothing wrong with wearing a blazer with "tight" jeans. BTW The "suit" he is wearing is called a dinner Jacket.

The faux pas' with OP's fit are
1. Wearing a belt with a vest. Vests are meant to go with suspenders
2. The vest and pants color are too close in color to match and they're noticeably different enough to contrast poorly.
3. The vest fabric is glossy, giving it a cheap synthetic appearance. The texture also clashes with the rest of the fit.
4. Not wearing a button down with a vest and jacket is a highly questionable choice. Leave the quirky formal/casual mashups to people like George Michael and other 80s pop stars that have a deft touch in blending disparate aesthetic concepts

If i were going to try to redeem this look, I'd start with ditching the vest and go with a white or a carnation pink button down with a black tie. I feel like the black lapels really limits the options in matching the jacket, which makes dinner jackets poor choices for beginners.

you guys know op would take you in a fight and youre scared

h&m suiting core

>there is nothing wrong wearing a blazer with "tight" jeans
There is.

You are mad that we have a colour of essence of life?

>what is manure

stay mad and gay you sissy cumskin

From my experience shitskins are the ones who are mad when I refuse to date non whites ;) but yeah, keep coping

you look Veeky Forumsutistic, fucking vest with no tie is never acceptable, an with a tshirt and not a buttondown on all you are missing is a fedora. confirmed for suicide

are you a turk or something?

I didn't know DJ Khaled posted here