Who makes up the /FA community?

I can't be the only one who wants to know what the M/F ratio is here?

Out of genuine curiosity, I ask that everyone (including those who lurk) to post a response ONLY ONCE. Just post an M or F.
Thanks in advance!

Also, how interested are you in finding out more about the /FA demographics? What would you like to know? Or do you prefer to not know anything at all?
I remember Tripsk used to consolidate results into graphs/charts/maps/etc. and that was pretty cool, but that was 5+ years ago.


this place is great because of the anonymity
why does it matter

>Just post an M or F
>Asks a question later on


Anyway main demographic of this board has probably shifted to highschoolers and teenagers who are into "hip" and "trendy" clothing like Supreme. Just look at all the nerds defending their shitty brand in the thread about it.

because OP is employed by a marketing firm and is doing target market research



Just joined the board yesterday, tho.


you only need to glance at the catalog to see that 90% of the threads are about male fashion, and the threads about female fashion are usually
>do you think girls look good when they wear these


I just want to know if this board is really 90% male. But it would also be cool to know that Im not just talking to a bunch of teenagers (no offense).
Just bc you know the general demographics doesn't mean its not anonymous anymore.

M. Not white thank god.

use strawpoll or google docs


This OP. You’re a complete retard. Straw poll is the best if you want to get accurate results.

Woah welp thanks. You answered my Q. Thank you

85% M and Mostly teenagers.

50% virgins hahahahahahahahhahahahhaha

3% asexual? what? is this REALLY a thing?

Guess I am bc I didn't know this existed. SORRY


41 m


/cgl/ cross boarder, so F

m 24
working in fashion

>3% asexual? what? is this REALLY a thing?
yes, and it's really common for assexuals to be obsessed with fashion

Happy to know Im not the only one older than 28

i am froggo

28 here, turn 29 in a few days. I used to come here a lot around 2k13. It was bad then, it’s even worse now. Reddit is better than Veeky Forums for fashion.

M 23. Been coming here on and off since age 20-21

what do you do?

interesting. can you elaborate? (genuinely curious. idk anything about asexuality)




M 18



These r probably very different now, everything died in 2015


f 15

this is me, but please don't look too much.....

Id wager this board probably has one of the biggest female populations, though its probably still VERY low


its also likely that a couple of asexuals were trolling



M 20

Cis F

Also yes let's do it

M 18

>claims to be an oldfag
>doesn't know about strawpoll
