Buying first Jordans
Barons, Black toes, or Royals?
Buying first Jordans
Barons, Black toes, or Royals?
Black toes for sure
Black toes, try to get old loves
Aren't old loves basically dwarf black toes?
I guess because of them being mid-top but they get more respect for their release year (2006) and the pack they came in (with the OG new loves)
Is the leather better than black toes?
I’m not sure, it’s pretty soft though mine are cushiony. Also old loves have a black tongue whereas black toes have white.
Too poor
How about no
Jordans are nigger shoes.
Edgy and hilarious. Go back to /pol/ and keep wearing your vans and converse
Black toes, barons then royals.
Thank you, I’m tired of seeing instant “nigger” calls just because of a preference in sneaker brand
you can get used 2013 pairs for under $300 online
Personally can't stand the Jumpman logo
Nah I hate most hyped shoes. I just think it looks out of place
ok your money i guess, if you were to buy a pair of chicagos eventually you can go ahead and spend $200 more for it to say nike air
Unironically worth it to me
>Barons, Black toes, or Royals?
none of the above
lmfao cancer. Get Barons or Black toes. Fuck royals.
only acceptable response
when did Veeky Forums become r/streetwear?
Off-white ruined an iconic shoe and hypebeasts are eating it up. Objectively ugly as shit, you wouldn't give it a second look if they weren't hyped.
>literally one jordan thread in a sea of menswear dweebs and rickfags
Fucking kek
Barons if price is an issue. But the shadows are dropping in April, and those are obviously classier than the Barons.
I like Royals > black toes, but that's me. The real answer is all 8 og colorways that have been retro'd, celtics, new loves, sbb's if you got it like that and Cyber Mondays, and then color coordinate with anything. But I' have a nasty 1 fetish.