hey guys, i’ve been thinking a lot about the varied gender non conforming looks and lifestyles of sexy people between like 1700 and 1970. mostly 30s right now, i’m tired of my socks falling down and saw garters and shirt stays, and got sucked into the churning subliminated horniness present in so many old clothing styles and rituals that i think would be fun to emulate. to start off i was wondering if any one of you guys who knows about good leather shoes to try to point me in the direction of some quality oxfords/derbys or whatever with an extra stacked heel, inch++, like in the image attached. if anyone is into this i’d love to talk ideas and share inspiration pics!
Erotically Charged Antique Androgyny
Other urls found in this thread:
i know... it’s bad but what can you do
Call you out on it
I've been on the board for a few years and haven't seen this kind of inspo
Honestly, you'll probably have better luck in Tumblr
Oh and getty images' pics are not that low quality, just change the url next time to try and find the original size
This is cool but I have nothing to contribute. Thanks for making one of the few good threads on this shit board
towards the one guy: thanks for holding me accountable for posting with wack image quality
to the other: thank you! i saw one of these old lesbian pics on tumblr but i’ve seen some dandy kind of people on here on occasion and hoped something like this might bring them out of the shadows to contribute something interesting.
See, having a relative who was in a picture like this herself, I can pretty much guarantee this is a European vaudeville actress
Cuz my great great aunt moved to France and became one herself
i’ve taken up fencing which is great and inspiring to me aesthetically, time to bring back duel scars as an attractive feature? i wish there were more little societies for people to practice good sport physical activities that’s also kinda gay in a fun carefree way. it’ll be great when it’s time to go on picnics again too in spring
that’s dope! did you ever hear any interesting stories from her? looking back on vaudeville debauchery, it sounds like it must have been pretty darn fun sometimes (overlooking the issues of the time period)
any of you all ever smoked hestias? it sounds nice to have something like a conventional cigarette with less chemical treatment and fillers, but only if it’s actually better
> overlooking the issues of the time period
Not that easy. She had a blast and was drop dead gorgeous, I'll get a pic up here someday. She got to perform with the biggest stars of the era, danced with pretty much every prominent dancer, you name it. But the alcoholism ruined her life - like everybody's - and by the time she was in her 40s she was practically debilitated. My grandma told me she would do shit like make egg salad with the egg shells mixed in
Fried brain
yeah... uh oh. horrible stuff to hear even though it was completely ubiquitous back then! thank god it’s even a little easier for some people to have the baseline level of comfort and security that prevents them from self destructing, still not that many though.
I think about how cool it must have all been during her hayday
Sure it was fun
Being a bendy Brezel is really androgynous.
How about looking at the fun and nifty looks of the child prostitutes of the Weimar era? Seems they were really into this progressive forward thinking stuff
Have you checked out the painter Gluck? She was a lesbian artist in the early 20th Century who played with these concepts a lot in her art and personal fashion. This is one of her self portraits.
Anyway, A+ concept, def the most original and inspiring thread I've seen here in god knows how long.
i had never heard of her, wow! really nice portraiture stuff and such a killer moniker
thank you!
which reminds me of this too! that i wanna find the source of
i’m sad that i abandoned this thread for a while, but definitely excited to see the contributions you guys made
like of course joan of arc!! may she rest in peace... fucked by every aspect of life
Are they stockings and how high do they go?
superb thread OP. Does anybody know where I can get shirt-stays and sock-garters? Does anybody have experience w them?
these images are from messynessychic dot com slash 2016/06/21/beautiful-tomboys-of-the-1930s btw
Wanna go for a ride?