Should I wear geos to a concert?

Should I wear geos to a concert?

you shouldn't wear geos period

Literally wear the shittest, cheapest shoes you own. If you're so rich that those are Geos, then yes wear Geos.

no one is going to be looking at your shoes user, but if you want to fuck them up, sure

If their real Geos then you're rich enough to buy another pair after the concert so go wild.
>but if their replicas and you cant afford another pair then obviously cook and eat them.

No, dipshit.


My friend did and theyre perfectly fine. Was a Carti show

I saw some Raf Velcros in a meshuggah gig in Amsterdam. Don't know if they were replicas


depends on the kind of concert

Will there be a pit? Will you be seated? Are you an alcohol drinking degenerate? A week smoking faggot?

I wore mine to a rave once, they'll be fine

>tfw i wore my campuses to a show and the suede got ruined by spilled drinks and moshing

Holy shit that was me! They're legit :)

>wear shoes to protect feet from damage
>spend twice as much time trying to protect shoes from damage
Just go barefoot desu

Last time I was here everyone hated rick owens because they were a meme. Make up your mind Veeky Forums.

/pol/, here. just dropping by to see if i can post elsewhere. also friendly reminder that nobody actually wears this sorta shit in real life, lol.

Veeky Forums, here. you can go back. friendly reminder that nobody gives a shit what you think, desu

I saw some kid wear Rafs to a Father concert in 2015, didn't see him after so I don't know if they got trashed

It depends on the concert, who are you seeing?

kek my ramones got raped at a rave last week

Do they even make replica Velcro’s anymore? Isn’t it all just balenciagagagaga now?

I also went to a carti show with my vans, and they got super fucked up cuz I was in the pit a lot