Why does every single r/mfa think that these boots make them some sort of fashion god...

Why does every single r/mfa think that these boots make them some sort of fashion god. Are these boots the biggest meme of all time?

There is nothing wrong with Red Wings. I own a pair of the Blacksmiths and they're great. They are high quality and look good.

I think you're more triggered over the style, over wearing boots, rather than the brand

Why does every single r/fa think that these boots make them some sort of fashion god. Are these boots the biggest meme of all time?

People who wear pic related are fucking hipster trash with no sense of personal style. I'm with you, OP.
Brown leather boots with blue jeans, cuffed right to the top of the boot. The bottom half of every blandly dressed white guy.


That's completely different and actually styled well. Not triggered by that.

this guy spent 15 min to get the cuff of his jeans look perfectly disheveled fucking try hards

Wearing Brown boots, is a deeply philosophical decision. Some people are deeply rooted with the Brown boot blue jeans look, because to them, it's part of who they are and where they feel comfortable. It's "country", it's relaxed, it's not worried about getting a little muddy, and roughing it. It's a huge identitiy thing, whether people who swear by it, even realize it or not.

Conversely, the Black boots black jeans, Black is very "downtown", industrial, "formal", snooty, London. People who swear by this are deeply rooted in the feelin of "formality" and not getting "muddy' philosophically. Black is the absence of all colour/light, and it is "default", neutral, it goes with nothing, and yet goes with everything, because it is "darkness", the void. It's the colour of night.

Blue (jeans) are the colour of "Day", of sky, of Oceans during the day time. The Brown boots, contrast with the blue, blue sky, brown Earth. It's just a look that always looks "awake", even to its own detriment.

Black and Blue Jeans, is like a netherworld hybrid, where it just doesn't look quite right. You can try, you can try, god knows Motorcycle riders try, but it will never look right. It's like Night, and Day, Black and Blue.

Brown boots and Black jeans, are like a big Fuck You to all this nonsense I am saying, if you know what I mean. And you can ride that high, and be a rebel for a while, until, you will, WILL, ultimately realize it looks horrible.

How very profound. I'm not talking necessarily about the colors here, more of the style of brown lace-up boots with cuffed blue jeans. Thanks for the soliloquy, though, Homer.


Is this a long forgotten pasta? Because it is totally gay, but everything that was said was.... somehow spot on. Like Frank Ocean or something

What is this shit

>Wearing Brown boots, is a deeply philosophical decision.
Kek, this is honestly perfect -- the capital B, the extra comma, this is top notch pasta.

Why does every single r/fa think that these boots make them some sort of fashion god. Are these boots the biggest meme of all time?

they are sneakers not boot
and they are a massive streetwear meme
I was considering copping lows a while ago but ultimately decided not to partially because streetwear faggots kinda killed the aesthetic to me
same with creatch cargos, was a grail for the longest time but just kinda bored seeing them so much and I'm glad I never bought them

I don't post on r/MFA but I wear a lot of clothing that Veeky Forums describes as very "reddit".

Personally I like leather boots because of the versatility. They're durable, comfortable, easy to clean/keep clean. When it comes to shoes I prefer "jack of all trades" properties; I don't want to have to constantly change what shoes I wear based on the weather, where I'm going, or what I'm wearing.

I wear Viberg boots. I've only gotten compliments from a bum and a bus weirdo.

>tfw bought a pair of Iron Rangers because they made good winter boots and are easy to keep clean
>People now think I want to rp some cowboy or redditor

I just really like leather as a material.

W2c paisley shirt matey

I don't know about fashion god, but they're great boots

reddit seems to love the worst colorways though, Hawthorne Muleskinner is the GOAT Iron Ranger but barely anyone has a pair

I really wish I had went with a pair of them rather than oxbloods. Love them, hate them, doesn't matter. The iron ranger is a well made and durable boot although I wouldn't wear them to any real worksite.

So do they come in Mens?

Look at the soy excreting from this pose. Jesus Christ

they're cool boots user

I'll cum in you if you ask nicely

Redwings are overpriced but good quality and decent. Seems like people are more upset with the people that wear them, not the boots themselves

>There is nothing wrong with Red Wigs. I own a pair of the Morriseysmiths and they're great. They are high quantity and I cook food.

I don't get boots.

if it's casual enough to wear them... why not wear some cool sneakers?

if it's more "smart" look you want, why not opt for some loafers or derbys.

outside of actual work environment, why wear uncomfortable looking shoes?


Boots are /out/ as fuck which is inherently Veeky Forums as nature/being in nature is Veeky Forums as fuck

Nusoys however don't go outside so wearing boots to them is like living vicariously through their possessions which is quite depressing

I had a pair of iron rangers for a long time and got some good use out of them but I noticed around 2014-2016 they quickly became the go to footwear for any dickhead with a fleeting interest in "fashion." Sold mine for my Ramones and haven't looked back since.

I wear mine through the cold part of the year, and they're pretty comfortable when they're fully broken in. also I donno sneakers just seem a little too childish

Cool story bro

Obviously they're more practical for some things but this is a fashion board. I like boots on myself because I have long skinny legs and cropped/cuffed pants balance my proportions and look way better with boots than with low shoes. I also like the, for lack of a better word, aesthetic of boots (both combat boots and muh heritage workwear boots). Combat boots with black skinny jeans tucked in is a good versatile look even if it's played out on Veeky Forums since 2013.