post fits you like need more for the folder
This is all the inspo I need.
This dude is a legend.
i wanna do blow with this dude
looks comfy af
I need bimbo pink
Why are majority of Asians so effay ?
Last one
tyler durden
Because they're pale, skinny and place a lot of priority on health, being thin and attracting mates before a certain age, leading them to dress up more. Plus, since there's so many of them, they can buy fashionable clothes for very cheap prices, look at Korea.
If it should be worn by anyone, it should be by a blonde blue-eyed person.
>thinking blonde/blue eyes people are going to go extinct due to race mixing
That's not how genetics work, retard. If it gets bred out, by say a blonde woman having a kid with a black guy, the child still carries that recessive. The mixed child grows up and fucks someone who carries that recessive as well, guess what happens?
Another blue eyed kid. I shouldn't have to explain middle school level genetic science to fucking adults. Stop believing all the stupid shit you read on your alt-right websites.
>Believing (((middle school level genetic science)))
You won't fool me with your jewish tricks, you cultural marxist sjw libtard cuck.
the GOAT desu
ah yes, the comfycore
So is this actually bowie or some faggot impersonator
alt-righters are mainly uneducated don't even try
Bowie, obviously
The 1000 yard stare of a guy who's taken it up the ass wary to many times
>Why are majority of Asians so effay ?
Do you realize Asians make up a significant portion of the world's population? Do you realize Asians try really hard to look different because their natural features (don't bring up hair dyes) look so similar?
id on shoes?
don’t ever disrespect Roland S. Howard
the goat
And yet he was more loved than you will ever be, how sad.
Adidas Gazelles
damn is that richey edwards?
lmao i bet you are subhuman race obsessed Amerimutt who claims to be ""white"".
I'd on jacket?
Hell yeah. I always thought we was effay
That's early high school not middle school