Wtf this crackhead is fa as fuck

wtf this crackhead is fa as fuck

He's boring looking. Awful shoes

shoulda spent money on a nicer phone, no self respecting white man should have a hundred dollar shit droid

he looks like a dweeb yet has that smug annoying face. what a retarded looking white guy


jesus, now he's streaming on Veeky Forums

Sure, if you're a 14 y/o

ttd ttd

he still need that s8 tho

Fucking LUL

Please stop posting failed hollywood actors

Honestly top and bot aren’t that bad but the shoes are unbelievably bad

that guy is fucking ugly

he's wearing form-fitting clothes, that's the bare minimum anyone should be doing to be Veeky Forums

isnt that ice?

TTD free brandon

This is the guy that got hit by a car on stream, right?

Quite the contrary. I think ppl who have bare minimum phone's care more about the important things in life. Like buying more crack for instance.

lmao what is this white teenage girl social judging shit


The pants have a nice fit. The long sleeve is good. I don‘t like the watch, too big, too colourful. The belt is meh. The shoes don‘t match with the tight fit.

8/10 for the average person, 6/10 if you care about fashion.

Nice bait
