Men's Haircuts are weird

What the hell is with men's haircuts and having buzzed sides? It looks fucking stupid on most people and screams punk or freak to me. Especially when they have a styled top.

What happened to the modest man's haircut? Trying to find a men's haircut that isn't freakish seems near impossible.

Undercut has been around for ages. What the fuck are you talking about?

Not being Veeky Forums. Why is looking like a radical lesbian activist masculine?

I get it that shorter is more masculine, but mixing buzzed and styled hair screams, "I am mentally ill." Stick with one or the other please.

What? I think youre the mentally ill one here. Because youre obsessively associating hairstyles with mental illness. Meanwhile that mentally ill man in your picture is more successful than you ever will be.

Consider this: people will wear whatever hairstyle they want and no one else gives a fuck about it. What do you call the person obsessing about other people’s hairstyles and tying it to an imaginary conspiracy of mental illness?

Two words: paranoid schizophrenic

>post about fashion on Veeky Forums
>wow you're obsessed man
Well, despite the fact your post is ridiculous, I'll respond seriously. To humor you.

>Meanwhile that mentally ill man in your picture is more successful than you ever will be.
I think you'll find that many if not most of the most successful people are one step away from insanity. Artists have very eccentric mindsets bordering on what we would deem insanity. It's how they come up with stuff that evokes emotions in people.

Now, for the average joe, that isn't the kind of person they should want to emulate. Insanity without success is just neuroticism. When I see an average joe with some avant garde haircut, I guess they have some mental issues because no one sane wants to look like that. Same thing when I see someone with neon green hair.

Now why in the fuck when I search for men's haircuts do I only get this stupid shit? I know it is in fashion, but there's got to be some people who are dealing in more practical-looking haircuts because I don't see this kind of shit out and about. It's only popular amongst the fashionistas of the coasts, reveling in their own insane asylums.

I don't want to look like a fucking soyboy.

>I don't want to look like a fucking soyboy.
your insecurity is showing

>expecting a rap star to dress conservatively

My man. You are putting way too much mental gymnastics over haircuts. In real life people might give you a second glance if you have a ‘quirky’ haircut but that's about it. Your adherence to an imaginary quantification of mental acuity based on haircuts is literally the definition of paranoid schizophrenia. Why dont you just realize that people will wear/ style their hair in certain ways and no one really gives a fuck about it short of careers (stylists, barbers) and mentally ill people (such as yourself)

So why dont you stop pretending to appeal to a non existent measurement. And just admit that you’re a fucking retarded putting too much thought into hairstyles?

Btw if you ever move to a major city or go to university you’ll find that everyone experiments. And those with the wildest styles tend to be the ones good at socializing.

Something i imagine youre not adept it. Fucking autistic retard

Not wanting to look like pic related isn't insecurity, it's common sense.
I just used him as an example. I could pull plenty of other ridiculous haircuts, because that's all that pops up when you search for men's haircuts.
>Btw if you ever move to a major city or go to university you’ll find that everyone experiments. And those with the wildest styles tend to be the ones good at socializing.
Well, sure, and they're also the ones that solely live in the eyes of others, and consequently are hollow shells with mental issues.

You don't have to be a shut-in to be mentally deranged. Hence the blue-haired freaks. Sure, if you go to university, you'll find them, because that's where they congregate. That isn't the norm though, considering most people aren't liberal arts college students.

Why you so defensive of fucking freaks? Do you happen to be one? That second glance is a double take of, "wow, what a freak, better not gander for too long, they might notice me."

Not wanting to stick out like a sore thumb isn't a sign of "paranoid schizophrenia", it's a sign of being normal and not some daddy-issue attention whore misreading social cues.

Nah man. I got a simple ivy league haircut. But you’re romanticizing haircuts to the point of mental profiling. The fact that you use ‘liberal’ as a derogatory term implies your authoritarian stance: hence the obsessive compulsive NEED to quantify a particular trait to mental illness.

But heres the thing. In real life people who are perfectly sane and with full social capabilities will sometimes just experiment. Maybe for the experience. Maybe they want to fit in or stand out. The thing about that is, whatever reasons a person might have for choosing one particular haircut over the other is not mutually exclusive with their mental health.

In fact cultivating yourself to project an image or attitude is something everyone does. Meanwhile real mentally ill people dont care for this. Schizoids, depressed people etc often go for long hair or buzzcuts because they’re unable to function and cultivate an image. Let alone care for hygiene.

Essentially youre a reverse-snowflake and you need to shut the fuck up about peoples haircuts.

>stick out like a sore thumb
the pic you posted is the norm in the developed world
4/10 guys have the same haircut they had as kids
5/10 guys have some variation of your pic
1/10 has long/retarded hair

people getting undercuts arent attention whores simply cuz is the norm these days whether you like it or not and youll pass 100s of them if you leave your house for 2hrs

you sound like an angry man cuz hes too old/ugly to be hip and cool

ps i also think the shaved-->hair looks worse than short--->longer but that doesnt change the fact that you sound like a school shooter lul

You reek of bitterness lol

Post a pic of your face so i can see the face of a person so bitter over peoples haircuts

>But you’re romanticizing haircuts to the point of mental profiling.
No, I just recognize the fact that there doesn't seem to be any legit haircuts that won't make people in my town think I'm sort of mentally deranged person or have bad taste. Who the fuck wants to look like a lesbian?
>The fact that you use ‘liberal’ as a derogatory term implies your authoritarian stance
You do realize "liberal arts" is a technical term having nothing to do with politics, right?
>Maybe they want to fit in or stand out.
If they wanted to fit in, they wouldn't do something that stands out like getting an out-there cut.
>In fact cultivating yourself to project an image or attitude is something everyone does.
Fair, but if you let it consume your life, you're not mentally healthy. Yes, on the far end, not taking care of yourself is a sign of mental weakness. The same is true for those "beautiful ones" who groom themselves excessively.
>Essentially youre a reverse-snowflake and you need to shut the fuck up about peoples haircuts.
Wow, you're really salty. Did I hit the wrong nerve? Did your daddy not like you coming home looking like something from a carnival? Guess I reminded you of some bad memories or something, because you're off the rails.

Quite frankly all I want to know is how you justify all men's haircuts looking like lesbian-numale toss-ups.

Lol nah my man.
Youre a reverse snowflake getting offended over other peoples haircuts. If Veeky Forums was a real life forum people would be telling you to shut the fuck up because of how mentally ill you sound.

Later loser. I know you wont be getting invited to any parties soon.

>4/10 guys have the same haircut they had as kids
Guys who are either faced with "an inch off the top" or letting the barber make them look like butch dragqueens, and choose the lesser of two evils.
>5/10 guys have some variation of your pic
Guys who chose the greater of two evils.
>1/10 has long/retarded hair
Guys who chose neither.

>people getting undercuts arent attention whores simply cuz is the norm these days whether you like it or not and youll pass 100s of them if you leave your house for 2hrs
I don't know about you, but I don't see many guys my age sporting the "I wish male lesbians were a thing" cut. Is it more popular with Gen Z or something?

>you sound like an angry man cuz hes too old/ugly to be hip and cool
If hip and cool is one step away from a sex change, then yeah, I'll stick with old and ugly. At least older people aren't borderline transvestites.

>ps i also think the shaved-->hair looks worse than short--->longer but that doesnt change the fact that you sound like a school shooter lul
Well, I appreciate the sincerity. Quite frankly, I don't know of any Veeky Forums school shooters, so I guess I can't bend that to be a compliment.

ITT: old man bitching about young peoples haircuts

Dude u are in a fucking ecochamber. Just because you dont like their style doesnt mean that they are mentally ill. It


>Veeky Forums

there is nothing more modest than a crewcut which has buzzed sides... wtf are you talking about

>young peoples haircuts

Look at these faggots with undercuts. I bet they never did anything with their lives!

I bet these butch drag queens never even fought for their countries of origin!

these type of retarded paragraph posts are why i barely use this site anymore

teen shit

> t. never invited to parties

I'm gonna second OP and say the undercut is overplayed at this point and not cool. Just leave the sides a little longer and youre good.