Is never having sex and getting no attention from girls Veeky Forums?

is never having sex and getting no attention from girls Veeky Forums?

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depends if its in an arrogant artist kinda of way, than yes, if its in greasy neckbeard kinda of way, than no, but chasing pussy in general is uneffay.

it is if you consider thats what most people on Veeky Forums go through. but it isnt very effay

I do everything Veeky Forums tells me to but they won't come.
Maybe I should listen to Veeky Forums instead.

Read this. Spoiler: It's actually good. Its thesis is that the one supreme attractive quality is non-neediness. If women know you're desperate for them, it's a huge turn off. On the other hand, the PUA community exhibit neediness too because they're ultimately pursuing validation from others, in the form of sex from women. A truly non-needy person gives so little of a fuck that they're comfortable showing their vulnerability, which is essential for getting people to like you and trust you.

this girl needs to lose weight asap

got a pdf link or something ?

The difference between being a pathetic loser and Veeky Forums is choice

If you choose to live life without needing sex all the time or without the company of a female than that's fine.

If you just can't get laid because of the way you look then I'm sorry for you.

I've got attention from a girl recently but I kinda friendzoned her because she isn't that slim and her humor isn't mine.

I feel like a dickhead.

Yeah, an effay individual doesn't care for primal desires.

If you're actually trying to get their attention then NO. If you are some kind of autistic outcast who unconsciously reject them, then it might be.

Getting attention from yer runnadamill thots & ignoring them is. Leaving hoes on read cause you got a backlog is. Denying thots that one thing they think you got no power over is effay. choosing the time, place and setting in which you satisfy a primal and essentially unimportant 'need' is effay. Being a slave to it is not.

If you don’t want to be friends with her and aren’t interested romantically, just drop her, don’t make her feel like shit unnecessarily

As long as you don't lead her on then your good. It isnt your fault if you're not attracted to her.

>If you just can't get laid because of the way you look then I'm sorry for you.
I can get laid if I want to, but my standards are way beyond my reach so I don't bother with girls.

a midget

>so I don't bother with girls.
>Sticking it in guys instead

>One board full of lonely losers doesn't have the answer, maybe I should ask another board of lonely losers.
After you're done there, you can go ask Veeky Forums what kind of car will get you laid and Veeky Forums what dish you need to make to get laid.

i do both

>I can get laid if I want to, but my standards are way beyond my reach

my life... could get any 5/10 in the world but internet has ruined how I see women

It's older than the internet, there's this whole "nerd gets the prom queen" narrative that's run through popular culture for decades now and every generation we have more and more frustrated, awkward man children who can't develop real relationships because they forsake all women except unattainable trophies.

who she

I have this too , but I've come around to the idea that I need to raise myself to my standards rather than lower them

Look at it like this, if some guy wasn't willing to bang a 5/10 most of you wouldn't exist.

Women forsake themselves by taking 10 dicks by age 25. If a woman with less than 3 body count is "unattainable" Im perfectly fine with never marrying

It's actually pretty easy to find women who have only had 3-5 sexual partners in their lives. In fact the average for women in their whole lifetime is less than 10.

lay off the Return of Kings Matt Forney bullshit. You'll take what you can get when the time comes. Your principles are unrealistic and if followed to their logical end will end you up in a pinoy slum.

Be realistic, don't accept pseudofeminist BS and respect yourself while judging women's behavior with a grain of salt. Some women overcome the bullshit they're being fed, some never listened to it in the first place.

I had a friend when I was younger who absolutely could NOT get anywhere with women.
He was above average in looks, style and fitness but he was absolutely hopeless because he would hyper-focus on girls that were just not interested in him. He'd spend all night at the bar trying to spin game on a girl that just wasn't having it, while completely ignoring everyone else.
Then he would complain about how stuck up girls are. He never once contemplated that he was cock blocking himself.

I never said all women, it's obvious this applies to the majority of the women in my generation though.

>You'll take what you can get when the time comes.
I think you're projecting. I'll pump and dump any decent whore but I will never marry/commit my life to an std magnet

>You'll take what you can get when the time comes.
As an older Veeky Forumsggot, I'm trying to say that your current dealbreakers will cease to be dealbreakers when THAT girl comes along. And she will, believe me. You won't be settling, either. You will be... adjusting is the only way I can put it.

Personally sometimes the pussy isn't worth putting up with all the bullshit that comes along with it.

It's not that your standards get lower as you mature, it's that they change as you mature.
And by mature I don't just mean "get older" I mean grow as a person mentally and emotionally.
Don't focus on finding the hottest girl, or the most effay girl or the purest girl or whatever. Focus on finding someone you click with and that you can be yourself around. Even if you don't fall in love forever and are only together for a little bit it'll be a much more rewarding experience in the long run.

> it's obvious this applies to the majority of the women in my generation though.
This is what every frustrated young man has been saying since the 1920s. It's called confirmation bias, you're sure that all the girls around you are sluts because you only pay attention to the sluts and completely ignore the girls that are because you have a chip on your shoulder about promiscuous people.
Most studies show that younger millennials aren't any more sexually active and may actually be less sexually active than boomers or gen-x.
>tl:dr when you stop worrying about the sluts you'll start to realize that most of the girls around you are actually pretty cool and normal.

Smart man

the /fa relationship with women is cleaning the stains off your acne studios after regrettable hookups. Additionally, taking off your CP's prior to any hookup activity to prevent unnecessary creases. Always have a Mr. Porter white pocket square for clean up.

recently found my gf has an 8 count.. did I fuckup??

mine is at 40 count. I am a cuck

Just another internet marketing product aka a book tryna tell you how to act with women. It's not rocket science. Theory gets you nowhere. Everyone already KNOWS not to be needy, to maximize your looks, stop giving a fuck because youre gonna die in the end even if youre a billionaire. It's common sense. That book is a dime a dozen. You've got to start taking action, approach girls and make a fool of yourself. You have to toughen up. Expect to get rejected over and over till you dont have that fear anymore. think about it: if you approach a 100 chicks, the odds are very very low that you wont get at least a date out of it let alone pussy.

That book is the definition of seduction bullshit which is a cousin to the corny PUA gimmick. It's a numbers game, so play it.

Do you like your girlfriend? Can you both relax and be yourselves around each other? Does your relationship make you feel mostly comfort or mostly stress?

you dont know if your girl has had 8 or 28. you can never really know. "How am I supposed to know where your mouth been last?" - MF Doom

this is the same guy that wrote that tumblr tier "subtle art of not giving fucks" book with a bright orange cover that has been spammed in every bookstore across the continent. take the money and run manson.

bro if she was confident enough to tell you 8 I'd say times that number by 2 and thats being generous. Usually you times it by 3. Shes a fucking whore if shes okay with admitting she fucked "8" guys

One of the best ways to tell if someone is interested in you is to chat them up a bit and them up a little and then ignore them. If they're not interested in you nothing will happen. If they are interested in you they'll try and get your attention again, either subtly or overtly.
If they're not interested in you, don't chase after them. It's just a waste of everyone's time.

It's cool, shoot for girls out of your league because when the makeup comes off they're probably just as ugly as you.

"I don't know what dick last passed your lips, bitch" -redman

>tfw i took my gf's virginity
i feel like neil armstrong bros

enjoy ur middling sex

until you've trained her adequately, ofc

Seeing how you described 95% of Veeky Forums.... yes

ofc it wasnt great at first but we're doing fine now

Then you won! congrats, bruh. Serious.

lol i consider it more winning because we love each other now rather than meeting her as a virgin but thanks man

Been there. It is pure win. My prayers and salutations to you. honest.

appreciate the words and sentiments




It can be the ultimate Veeky Forums choice. But honestly most people just can't get laid.

girl has fucked 8 men ... she a whore

boy has fucked 8 women ... good job mateeee


>posting shapeshifters

If you're having sex in your current fit you're probably not self-conscious enough to ever be Veeky Forums.

To be effay is to be Venusian.

nice strawman. most non-degenerates have a problem with both

no you fucking 12 year old / gross boomer

It takes skill to fuck 8 different women.

Girls don't have to try to get dick.

Since sexual active men represent good genetical qualities and high fertility whilst high sexual active women look like they're not worth to reproduce with.

Besic evolushan.

>6 foot 3
>decent fashion sense
>good jawline

I'm too nervous to ever make a move on a girl, and I have no friends to ever introduce me to anyone.

Work on making friends first, it will make many other aspects of socializing much easier.

mostly comfort sometimes stress but we are ~1mo.
Forreal? Idk she doesn't seem like the type to lie about it and if she did I think it would been more obvious by how I see her personality so far

Not saying I disagree with u but why do highly sexual woman represent unworthyness

Because a valued trait in a woman is exclusivity. When a woman is a slut, you don't know if the child she births belongs to you. As the number of men they've been with increases, there also tends to be a correlation with a variety of negative personality traits.

But is a valued trait in men not exclusivity as well? If not, why? And do you truly believe in that correlation or are you stating it for the sake of your point?

Why do men then pursue these women?

>asking Veeky Forums posters about women
One small step above /r9k/ posters, why bother?

If you're only a month in you barely know each other, don't blow up a relationship until you get to know each other more and know it won't work out long term.
It's not like you're married or some shit, you're just dating.


Jesus, I don't even really consider a girl my "girlfriend" unless we've exclusively seeing each other for a couple of months.
Your relationship isn't even out of the honeymoon period yet, why are you worrying about it?

The problem here is that we're talking about two different values. Biologically, a woman will be attracted to a man who can attract other women. This is why women care about the opinions of their friends and family when choosing a man, but men mostly care about what they want personally.

On a societal level, taking women's desire out of men to its logical conclusion would mean harems or polyamory. These constructs aren't helpful for civilization, so these aren't valid options. Much like a civilization where a man could bend a woman over and fuck her in the street, or wherever they are, might be appealing to a man, but ultimately not a valid option for society as a whole.

so if I will never get laid any more, I should just not care?

No, you should just stop putting pussy on a pedestal.

Reminder as to why I don't ask Veeky Forums about real life issues lol. The time period in which you're dating should have no relevancy to whether you should be considering the validity of your partner. Why not be proactive and end it sooner rather than later so you have more opportunity? I'm disappointed in you guys.

From your point of view, I can theoretically still don't get laid. Or is it about being around women, chatting with them, but don't being insistent?

No, what it means is if you approach a woman with the intent to just get pussy 9/10 of the time she'll think you're a desperate creep and lock up her legs.
If you approach a woman with just the intent of socializing with her and don't worry about getting laid you'll be more comfortable, she'll be more comfortable and you'll get on better thus increasing your chances of getting some.
And if she's not into to you then just make an acquaintance out of her so she can introduce you to other women she knows.

Well, was it something new to you? It's pretty obvious, isn't it?

No, it's pretty obvious. The fact that people have to buy books about basic social is kind of sad and funny to me when it can literally just be summed up in a paragraph.

That's right

Well ok then.

The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had

It truly is a mad world when being social is considered a secret life hack.

Is getting attention from girls and never having sex Veeky Forums?

sex is overrated.

Post more of this fuckwhore sex slave

It's better that way honestly.
I've got a gf and I fucking miss just being by myself and posting on Veeky Forums and just being on the internet doing what I want.
Now, I always have to do stuff with her, and have no free time anymore. I love her and the sex is incredible, but sometimes i just wish I could be by myself.

With every choice something is gained and something is lost.

Images like this make me kinda glad I found Veeky Forums, I mean this place is a shithole but I think it helped me become a bit more self-aware.

Not always true. My wife was a virgin and after the first couple of times she's the best sex I ever had. Maybe I'm a good teacher tho.