Post fashion inspirations ITT
pic very related
Post fashion inspirations ITT
pic very related
Are you perhaps 15 year old? How many face tattoos are you planning to get?
holy shiiiit jeans and uh a Golds Gym tank... This is fucking next level... the cuffs, the boots, the white trash concentrate
I don't see any tattoos in my image, sir.
Post your fits. You don't even have the balls
Lookin' clean in the white tee. Takes a lot of courage to wear such a vulnerable article of clothing in a police custody situation. We all know that the vest was his own fit and not a police issued kevlar
caleb get off your phone and focus. you can't fail pre-algebra again this year...
Lookin' pure fash' on church day
Sometimes simplicity and a hint of irony is the key to success
What did this guy do?
Not sure. I'm sure it was justified though.
Oh. He killed 9 black people in a church. What a piece of shit.
Or 'niggers' as i like to call them
Some more white tee action. Lookin' real clean (and white)
Why are americans so autistic they have to say this? Use cunt or even faggot like a real human
I'm Indian, my friend
Anyways, this isn't Dylann but a fashionable individual nonetheless.
People say sir because some people weren't raised to be autistic spergs whose immediate thought when addressing someone is "faggot" or "cunt".
This. It's just Southern hospitality.
Id on boots?
If I saw those pics in a WDYWT thread I honestly would believe they are genuine fitpics.
>or even faggot
>foreigners have to take our words
lol brainlets
Are you the same guy just posting Dylan Roof threads over and over again?
Go back to /pol/
So glad they're gonna kill this faggot.
What a fucking qt
The things I’d do to this boi
Jesus guys, it's one thing to think he's fashionable but to act like a tumblr true crime uwu girl?
Damn this nigga looks good
did this guy put thought in his style or do you think the way he dressed was just random shit he already had
>rolled pants + boots
he was very clearly a regular on Veeky Forums
I doubt he's into ugly chinks, dan
He was attacked and had to defend himself killing 9 black gangsters in a church.
>thinking it takes thought to wear the right kind of clothes
id on pants