are these effay?
Are these effay?
on females yes
W2c shoes?
Pretty good for lounging around in.
>ever being effay
i like them a lot, but they're not particularly effay. plus, the can make your ass look weird and droopy
they look like fake y3 stan zip, so my best guess is aliexpress
Wrong. They work well for fit boys and girls. It's a good look.
No. Normies will think they're cool but the silhouette is very bad.
not very effay but good for comfy late night trips to get take out and the like
could accomplish the same thing with $25 h&m sweats
Comfy yes, effay no.
i wear these around the apartment
they smell of dick a lot
also i wear em grocery shopping for a slav look
>they smell of dick a lot
lol true
>muh normies
How is this mindset working out in your favor?
is it wrong to wear adidas track pants with nike shoes?
Yes, very wrong.
nobody cares in the real world
They could be but everyone seems to wear them nowadays, difficult to stand out
Yes. One of the most basic mistakes that you can make.
I do it all the time. Not combining them is corporate mind control working at it's best.
only if you are fit and they fit tight
>if you have no ass*
this is the true answer to every question posed on this board.
the gay store
Do this every time I go to the gym
This. You'll look like a huge tool if you're a guy but on girls it looks cute.
They’re pretty good for soccer, not really a “fashionable” peice but really just a basic, (its just a pair of joggers with 3 stripes) they look pretty good on guys with long legs as long as you arent a fatass
they are a good form factor, but they are simply not effay. this is just the harsh reality of being truly effay, nothing with 3 stripes on it is effay. no matter how sleek ans stylish it looks.
The classic are better