Why niggas rocking champion all of a sudden?
Why niggas rocking champion all of a sudden?
because the 90s dude
Stop typing like a nigger
i dindu notin man
You made me think faggot, I started wearing Champion in 2015 but I don't know when it came back in style
Why do these fine African-American gentlemen adorn themselves in garments from the athleticwear company known as Champion in the current zeitgeist?
Because the logo is really nice.
>all of a sudden
what kind of bag is he carrying? my guess would be gucci or some type of bullshit like that, but the size and the shape of the bag appeal to me - it's very masculine looking for some reason.
It's a duffle bag. that specific one is by Bottega Venetta.
imagine making this post
do you know how stupid you sound ?
was champion ever cool? i had some champion shorts in like the early 2000s when i was a kid and i thought it was kind of a shitty/cheap/ugly brand. weird to see people hyping it up now.
been that way for a while bruh
Supreme collabs with them, rappers start wearing them etc
I think it's an insanely old brand
What is this glove hate autism? Most people don't like frozen fingers afaik
its comfy
theyre nice quality though, they stay soft and comfy and slightly silky. A good hoodie feels like home desu.
that's fair although not really the response i expected from Veeky Forums
When I was in elementary school and middle school people made fun of you if you wore it. They said it was a poor person brand. Shits comfy though
>started in 2015
Real motherfuckers never stopped wearing champion
>why is this fedoracore accesory hated?
gee I wonder
same about brands like stone island, tachinni and fila
trends come and go lads, and if ure dickriding them, you should kys
Lol what does this even mean
It means it is on the same level as wearing a fedora or a cane.
Which is true at least for leather gloves.
u stupid? they started pandering towards streetwear in 2013 when they collabed with stussy
>brand remains the same
>people who purchase their clothing won't influence their next design
>being a brand loyalist
why do niggers try to be fashionable? they don't belong in fashion they belong in huts in africa, low iq apes
>king of the underage fuccbois starts wearing X
>now all underage fuccbois are wearing X
Champion went from low-tier brand, being sold in discount retailers like K-mart and Walmart, to now being a upscale name available at quality stores like Macy's.
you're on the same level as wearing a fedora or a cane
>being this salty
Let me guess, you use leather gloves?
I see you're someone who's never lived in the snow they're utilitarian not fashionable.
also: during the winter everyone wears them, and they're good for driving in when you get in from an outdoor winter activity and your hands are cold.
same with canes if you need one desu, they're a lot better looking than crutches.
>t. lives in the snow, wears gloves every day, and walked on a cane for a month when i sprained my ankle
>I see you're someone who's never lived in the snow
>wears gloves every day, and walked on a cane
lmao neckbeard
>good for driving
You are checking all the boxes
You are so stupid it hurts
I thought the whole 90s resurgence got people wearing vintage champion and it gained steam from there
Welcome to a year and a half ago
this is embarrassing
It probably is. Kayne is just trendhopping faggot he just has so large media precence that it seems he started all these trend by himseld
when u dont actually know any big words
Been wearing Champion 90s style "I sell crack out of section 8" sweats for years, shits are beyond comfy, weird how Champion went from a stereotypical poor person's brand to a brand everyone is getting hard over, but they've always had bomb clothing for cheap imo regardless of what the general public's opinion of the company was
Champion also goes great if you're going for a fit like this
weak retort
Best he ever wore.
Cus off white printed there early shit on champion blanks, so dumb people thought champion = quality
>all of a sudden
when u a bitch ass nigga