Whats the ideal male height?

whats the ideal male height?

between 6' and 6'3"


Actually today I saw two very very tall men (they looked 6'7" or 6'8" and they were not skinny either. I never realized how awkward and goofy the look. Fuck me his hands were huge. Good luck finding nice clothes, they were both dressed like shit.

Me myself, I am 6'1" and I'd say the sweet spot is 6'2" and 6'3". I wish I was a little taller. Anything over 6'4" and you'll look like an awkward faggot. Also enjoy dying early.


Nothing over or under is kys mode.


for me 6' 3"
t. 6' 2 1/2"

I want to be taller than tall people

5'9"-6'2" is perfect for most sizes. Anything under is sad and anything over is a nightmare.



I'm 6'7''
I wish I was 6'4''


am 6", my gfs family had to measure me multiple times cus she claims i'm short and really 5'11" and she keeps sending me memes of "difference between 5'11" and 6"" but I really am 6" cus I've been measured multiple times and I don't feel that tall, the sweet spot is 6'2-3"

im 5'9 but i wish i was a big tall boy like a big strong tall big boy ya digg?

>6' 5"
>go to my doctors office for a physical
>getting my height checked
>all the nurses are literally 4' 10" or lower
>they can't even take my height

5'11"-6'3" is the sweet spot. From an everyday life point-of-view, 6'1" or 6'2" is probably ideal. Psychologically, most people who are 6'1" or 6'2" would love to be 6'3".

5'9", 5'10", 6'4" and 6'5" is ok if you have some redeeming factors (good-looking, rich, smart, funny, athletic, ...).

Anything below 5'8": you will have to compensate somehow. Your pool of potential partners will also be reduced. It's still possible to find a girl, but you will have a hard time.

Anything above 6'6": Other people won't perceive your height as a big problem, but you encounter difficulties in your everyday life (clothes, public transportation seats, planes, ...). Kissing regular-sized girls will feel awkward and, unless you have high self-esteem, you will find yourself in situations where your height draws unwanted attention to you (for example when dancing in a club).

>t. 188cm

Your girlfriend sounds annoying..

Spotted the manletto

6ft is ideal, With anywhere from 5'10" to 6'2" being good as well.

I'm 6'4 and I wouldn't trade it for any other height.

>tfw I'm 5' 9.5" (might be taller now but haven't measured since last year and I doubt I've grown)
>always been very self-conscious about manlet height
>people always tell me they assumed I was anywhere from 5'11" to 6'
I haven't measured myself in a while but I doubt anything would change.

kill me already

I've never been into tall guys, always thought around 6ft is best, until I got my now fiancee, who is 6ft 4

I don't know what it is, but walking through the street, the way people look at him makes me wet. He walks into a room and walks down on everyone. I never considered height to be important before. I feel so small next to him, it's intimidating and it's good.

Before him, I didn't want to date anyone over 6ft 2, but if we were to ever break up I think I'd have a problem dating anyone under 6ft 3.

6'2 for an average person, 6'5 if you're willing to eat anabolic chicken

She's gonna bang a taller guy one day.

5'7 everyone else is a faggot
Fuck you

And fuck all you other people to

this is probably bait, but I can confirm that most people will look at you in the street if you are 6'4 and anything above average looks.

Yeah, never happened with any bf before. Is a huge confidence boost.

not going to lie, it's kind of negatively impact my life in that aspect.
I got use to it, and started depending on other peoples stares or looks to validate myself. Thankfully I stopped being a retard.
Also, how tall are you? In my experience it is mostly really short girls who like tall guys

I'm 5ft 4, but as I said, I always went for guys who ... well. This one if actually hugely off my norm.
All guys before were 5ft 10 - 6ft, black hair, pale skin and skinny.
This one is 6ft 4, blonde and blue eyes. The only reason I was interested in him was because we met on here, and I had no idea what he looked like until a few months later. He likes that I'm short though.

5’10” but kinda want to be 6’2” because clothes look better on that frame, and 99% of girls are shorter

anabolic chicken being """""steroids"""""?

yeah i like short girls as well, it seems to be a common pairing actually

around 6-6'2 is best, but if you're good looking and have great body proportions taller than that isn't necessarily worse

Honestly? I'd be happy with 5'9". I'm only 5'6" and I hate it. It's literally my only insecurity.

5'4 is too short for me and I. 6'0. Good luck keeping him midget. Lol there is no way you will last ahahaha

Anything under 6' is a manlet. 6'2" - 6'4" is ideal.

not that user but im 6'4" and my gf is 5ft. it works better than youd think

Wow wtg u have a gf who is way too short for u! You're amazing

Next get one who is too black for you or too tall for you


I'm a bit taller and I have a huge crush for 4'11" girls


Manlets will say 5'7 - 6'3
>Ideal height is 6 - 6'5
I'm 6'4 myself and they always have shoes/clothes in stock or left over.

Most conventional sizing gets fucky for men above 6'4" since sizing options assume big AND tall not just tall. If you can afford a good tailor then that'd be great but for simpler pieces or leather it gets a bit annoying.
Your gf sounds like a bitch. Is she trying to humiliate you or is she the type of cunt to say "if your height starts with 5'..."?

5'6. And you slim down and start going full cute trap mode.

I mean, without context of y'all relationship. That sounds kinda douchey.

I'm full manlet, and even taller girls I have never really made that much about it to my face.

anything above 6'1" to be honest, at that height a girl can hardly say you're not imperfect, if that's what you're getting at.

For girls=6’4
For Modelling=6’2
For Girls and modelling=6’3

tfw 5'8 but dad is 6'0

180cm or 5 foot 9, if we are talking about Veeky Forums standards.

Anything below that you look like an overcompensating manlet because of all of that muscle.
Anything over that you are too lanky to actually have any muscle mass (we are talking natty).

>tfw tallest person in my immediate family, but i'm still only 5'10

Tfw 6'3

I’m 5’7” and not insecure about it. Women fucking love me because I’m not an insecure moron. I don’t even dress fashionably, necessarily, but I do dress in a way that stands out, and I like what I wear. Just quit being so fucking insecure and your height won’t matter.

Anyone who replies to this saying that I’m a manlet is such a fucking insecure pussy that they couldn’t survive under 6’ because they’re weak.

180 cm is 5'11"

I'm 6'8" and I want to kill myself.

>tfw when you're 5'10 but little brother is 6'4

fucking millenials!

you're not insecure because you've never allowed your ego to see the advantages.


a 7'0" guy would realistically make a 5'7 guy look like a kid though.


Living the Jeb Bush lifestyle


What's wrong with her proportions?

living the king lifestyle.

nothing wrong with them, those are normal goblin proportions.

2 inches above the average in your country.


Holy shit


From personal experience, it doesnt really matter that much.

I think the perfect height is 6ft, because you can fuck tall and short girls.

But that said, being tall does not instantly turn you into some chad, and I know a couple of 5'9 guys who fuck some other girl every week.

Regarding girls, just dont be shorter than them and you will have a chance.

Fitness > confidence > height

This. Manlets btfo

How the fuck
My brother is 5cm taller at best, he plays basketball and eats well while I just sit in the computer, run and eat trash

i'm 6'4 and even as a cringelord i have had no problems getting everything i've wanted from life

I’m 6’0 and think I would be better off if I was taller. Also it’s fucking annoying because the girl I’m interested in is a 6’2 volleyball player.

I think 6’3 is perfect height, but I’m thankful I’m not shorter.

My oldest brother is 5’7, middle bro is 6’2, and im 6’0. Feel like dodged a bullet.

> Fitness > confidence > height

>Fitness > confidence > height
Somehow, I don't believe you.


>between 175 cm and 195

>170 - 175
>hard mode

>lower than 170 and you are not asian
>You are kinda fucked. You can try to become some kind of charismatic devil (and this shit is possible), but you are playing on a hard-mode while being blind and raped by your own genes.

>50/50. If your body is good - you are a fucking God. If not... well. Enjoy your suffering. Still better than being a manlet

feelings of inadequacy wash over me

If you're below 5'9, always wear sleezecore, it's the easiest core to pull off and it'll make girls think you're way more confident then you truly are. Trust me, it works.

what's the best way to pull off sleazecore as a 6'6" lanky?

5'7" is IRL manlet cutoff, 5'9"-6'2" is perfect

Wear darker sleaze, see elias ronnerfelt

I'm 6'6" and wish I were shorter so I could buy clothes. I see people say they're 6'0" and wish they were taller. It's somewhere in between I suppose

I'm 5'5" and have a 5.5 inch penis :(

5'5, extra points of looks like a girl


Look at the bright side, your body is so small it will make your penis seem bigger

are you me? im 188 too!

>my gfs family had to measure me multiple times

Smaller things general look nicer. When you get into tall territory, most clothes don't fit right, most shoes look bulky and ugly. If you're really talk you risk clown shoe territory. Also if you're short you can pass off a lot of girls clothes that still shit dudes fine. Being tall is only good for seeing in a crowd and chasing women.
t. 6'3"

Scientifically, the ideal height for humans based on them as a species is around 5'9"

You can't keep increasing human height without evolution changing the human overall into something else. Being 6'8" is never healthy. Your heart will work hard, your joints will suffer, you'll be sluggish and you'll generally have overall poorer health.

Aesthetically around 6'0" is ideal. It's the best of all worlds, not short, but not tall enough to have negative life impacts.

I have blonde hair.

What would happen if I spritzed it with a solution of water and sea salt every day?

5'8-6'1 for women
6'0-6'6 for men


I’m happy I’m 6’2” instead of 6’ but I don’t notice a man’s shortness until about 5’8”. Because I’m usually looking slightly down at people, I usually think people who are 6’0” are my height and people who are 6’2” are actually taller than I am.

What science is this?

wow this is familiar, every time I visit my girflriend she measures my height and weight talks about how she wishes I was taller