How do I need to dress to get a girl like either one of these
How do I need to dress to get a girl like either one of these
Girls like that only have 1 night stands you stupid faggot
stop being a tryhard fuckboy
unless "getting" means just giving them mediocre dick once and have them forget your name a couple days later.
You stupid faggot, girls like that only have 1 night stands
Girls like that stupid faggot only have 1 night stands
Those stupid faggots only have 1 night stands
only 1 night stands for these bitches.
Faggot that like girls stand night stupid you one have
My night stand is a girl stupid faggot
Stupid girls that have one like faggot nightstand ONLY.
Girls that stupid like faggot one nightstands
My nightstand is 1 faggot
Stand on that faggot, stupid night girls.
This is now a nightstand thread.
13 poster itt
Veeky Forums has one nightstand faggot girls
best one
stupid faggots like that have only one night stands, girl
Girl on right is outstandingly beautiful damn
Only Stan's girl of one stupid night likes that.
Nightstands r 4 stupid faggots
You don't need to dress in any specific. You just need to be a tall and muscular Tyrone with a BBC. These girls love BBC.
night stands only my guy
They look like lesbians desu
*in any specific way
why is thot wearing beanie tho
Be black
dumb vapid whores love black people and drug addicts, they'd rather fuck a 6/10 lil peep over any 10/10 calvin klein model
This, just listen to white girl by shy glizzy
This song is clean as hell, thanks bro
This. I got more female attention when I was a junkie and my dick was unreliable.
>1night stands
I've been lurking here for like 3 years now. Is this an older meme that is resurfacing or did it just come into existence overnight?
Just kinda spiralled out of control last night. Only good thread yesterday desu.
If you were on Veeky Forums for 3 years you would know this was just a random meme
Dude, have more integrity than that.
Don't ask stupid questions. Girls like that don't go for shit. The only relationships they are going to have are quasi abusive ones with people who wield power and influence in media. They will spend most of there lives kind of getting raped by photographers.
So take it from me, you're never going to get in on that no matter what you wear.
DaFuq iz she at? The basement of some rape dungeon/prison thing?
How you dress don't mean shit. It's personality that gets a grils attention. That all depends on how fucked up her head is. She could be attracted to abusive, narcissistic, chads. She could have daddy issues. She could have abuse or rape trauma buried inside that pretty, snake infested, head of hers. She could be attracted to soy boi hipsters, especially if she's an art ho'. The key is to find her "thing" and exploit it. Down side is that if you're an autistic, neckbearded, NEET, wearing a freakin trilby and bragging about vidya game scores; that aint what those grils are looking for.
woooooooooooooooooooooooooow this comes clean
shes only got one night stand mah nigga
just be the gay bestie they have sex with for fun
"How you dress don't mean shit" - agreed. The fact that OP is asking how to dress to get a girl's approval means he is already drawing dead.
just keep your back straight for once in your life, be confident and know what you want before you start talking to her and you're set
seriously it's that easy