Is the four in hand the ultimate patrician tie knot? Every other knot just seems try-hard and nouveau-riche as fuck

Is the four in hand the ultimate patrician tie knot? Every other knot just seems try-hard and nouveau-riche as fuck

Anything other than the half windsor is try hard faggot shit.

I much prefer the cavendish knot.

Just kidding, I dont wear a tie because Im not a fucking clown.

>a harder to tie knot
>less try hard
It's like you want to be a fuccboi.

The half windsor is second only to the full windsor in status-obsessed lower-middle class desperateness

Symmetrical tie knots are basically rule #1 of what to avoid

I don't wear ties often, but when I do 99% of the time it's a grenadine tie with a four in hand knot.

Simple knot master race
learn it in twenty seconds

kys OP

I got one in hand for ya, bud

Fucking casuals.

fedora tier.

The knot you tie depends on the context of the occasion and the rest of your outfit. When in doubt, Windsor.

You guys are really shameful. This is like entry level shit.

The windsor is an entry level knot for gauche footballers

>still wearing ties

ok grampa

basically yes, four in hand is superior. the smaller the knot the better, windsors are always enormous

Windsor exudes confidence and leadership, which is why lawyers and businessmen wear it


only right answer, came here to post this

>nobody in here mentioning that different knots work better with different collar types
OP you're the kind of pleb that wears a four in hand with a spread collar, aren't you?

Anyway, I pretty much stick to three knots depending on occasion and collar:
Four in hand
Nicky knot
Half windsor
Everything else is just redundant. And desu I could prob nix the nicky knot and just go between the two and be good. But sometimes I just don't feel like tying the half windsor and the nicky looks 90% the same.

Point at this user and laugh.
Windsor is the go-to knot for senior prom faggots with those tacky matching tie/pocket square/waistcoat sets.

Yep, and Deano sports presenters

Yeah, but if you're so clueless you think there's one endgame knot, just stick to Windsor or half-Windsor. Tying some fancy knot is fedora-tier when your suit game is weak and you don't know how ties compliment different fits and proportions.

I've yet to find a tie that doesn't end up being too short if you use one of these weird meme knots.

>Is the four in hand the ultimate patrician tie knot?
Only if you tie it extremely tiny.