Should I shave?

Should I shave?

Huh, didn't know Hemingway browsed Veeky Forums

maybe trim, but deff keep the facial hair it looks good.

Lose the cap

Grow it out, you have a fat & flat face. You need it

Lose weight first.

give your neck a really really close shave

OH man you’re literally my type. I would totally kiss and do anything for you. I just hope you’re not a racist cus i’m nonwhite. But nevermind it doesn’t matter since i don’t live in the west anyway but you make me fantasize about doing shit to you

When are you going to finish the books OP?
>stop whoring around with the tv cast and get writing you fat fuck

what was it like filming with max, idubz and filthyfrank?

Yeah shave your fat intake

How about I up your lead intake.


Actually laughed.

Nah m8 it’s a decent look especially if you dress in that style often.


dont shave it, get it shaped. it looks thin and if you tidied up the edges it would look more like "i grew this on purpose"

nah the sweater, hat, and beard combo are good, just pump some iron and youll be a fine alt-chad.

No, but you definitely do need to get it trimmed.
I'd recommend going to a good barber and letting him bring some form into it, pay attention and watch what he does, after that you can do the basic maintenance to keep the look going yourself as long as you stay ontop of it.
The way you have it right now looks nowhere near as good as it could be.


