I dress better than all of you peasants
Turtle neck 120€
Chain 2750€
Pants 350€
Shoes 650€
iPhone X 1300€
I dress better than all of you peasants
Turtle neck 120€
Chain 2750€
Pants 350€
Shoes 650€
iPhone X 1300€
Other urls found in this thread:
im sorry i dont understand your poverty currency
>thinks he can compensate for being a fat manlet with money
I‘m so sorry
this is Veeky Forums not /fat/
this but unironically
>paying €350 for generic snow camo cargos
a fool and his money etc
if only you could invest into a decent diet plan
you could buy nicer clothes if you bought less food
sad you could actually be good looking if you were 100 lbs lighter
nice hair
obvious bait but
Its amazing!
fucjing lole
w2c watch though?
every piece is fucking ugly and also you're fat lose weight
it's impossible to be fat and Veeky Forums
yeah cool but now stop being fat, isn't that expensive.
not only is the fit lame as fuck, but you probably put it all on credit. faux flex.
>what is bloatmaxxing
Do you wear size 36 shoes or something?
>iPhone X 1300€
They now have a biometric 3D copy of your face.
Seeing as this is a shit thread, what are some good clothes to buy if I have really wide shoulders and no hips? I look like a guy from behind
Why don't you try milsurp?
Come join us
Wear whatever you want bby you look good to me
Military? Kek, despite my frame, woman aren't much of a benefit to the military and I would look like a larper in their clothes
Oh come on, you'll look cute.
Like Telnyashkabro.
Sorry but my Burberry coat cost more than everything on your list and wasn’t made in China
you're fat, and you're obviously wearing $20 Rothco pants.
Looking good friend. Keep us updated with any vid clips or pics. I was to see hoe Veeky Forums you get!
I don't know, but weren't massive shoulder pads fashionable in the 80's for women? You should look into that, I'm sure they mastered the giant shoulder thin hip look.
Obviously user wanted to avoid emphasizing it, but the patrician way is the opposite
not even an objectively ugly at all bruv lose a shitton of weight and stol wasting money on whatever the fuck your wearing
you can make it brah
>Not saying the price of the jacket because it's a $20 jacket from Amazon
the hair isn't bad but
did you go to Ross?
your typical fashionreps user everyone
>pic related
I don't think this would actually look bad if he wasn't fat. Not good, but better
Shitty bait.
350 for the pants is a fucking ripoff
Socks 1€
just goes to show, money can't but taste. Quit trying to be edgy, fashion boi, cunt. Dress in the classic styles. All that $$$ makes you look low rent.
w2c watch?
Merde tu m'a grillé
Il a pas honte ?
Also, tweet deleted.
fucking hell
You look like an absolute pellet
and just like that OP was torn a new asshole.