Post good Veeky Forumsshion from manga/comics.
Manga aesthetics
shitty pic, but every character in jigoku no alice is Veeky Forums
Hella like the girl in white clothes.
That's Deunan!
planetes is fucking phenomenal
>Tokyo Ghoul
Was this thread about the quality of the manga? No
That character is literally every post on fa
This seems like the perfect thread. Where do you get a jacket like this?
Jackets like this one is mostly worn by motorcyclist in the 80s.
Search for schuh motorcycle jacket. They mostly made from colored leather and has many seam to make shape
And if your talking about jacket from image you posted, these are Japanese school uniform. Design hasn't really changed until this day, but silhouette was changed a bit.
Thanks user, I was talking about the jackets in my image. I know they're Japanese school jackets, but I'm struggling to find any jackets of a similar style sold in the west. If anyone has any suggestions of where to source one, I'd be really grateful.
Try /cgl/, they had school uniform threads a while ago.
Go to your seamstress and order it. That's what I would do. Since trying to find one which would look good on your is pretty hard with most nips beings small.
yu yu is one my favorite things ever. God damn
Would this rust color on the lower right look good on a brown guy?
But this TG is objectively the best manga ever
More like how do I get hair like middle dude
Search for nehru jackets, maybe?