How should a man groom his eyebrows?
How should a man groom his eyebrows?
mine grow vertical so every week i pluck stray hairs on the top of each brow to straighten them
lol you don't, a guy with a mess for eyebrows looks deviously attractive
i get mine threaded its super needed for me though i dont think guys should unless they are truly fucking terribly bushy
>Buy these
>3 for a dollar.
>Find the highest point in your eyebrow
>shave away a tiny bit to define the arch
>go for a basic ^ shape.
If he does, he shouldnt skip grooming his vagina either
I just pluck the single stray hairs around the main eyebrow. Mainly underneath and beside the eye. I basically just slightly 'clean up' the shape, so I don't look like a gypsy.
Are you straight? Dudes with strong eyebrows are universally admired.
Picture for ants
Only to get rid of a fucking monobrow and stray hairs that clearly arent part of the eyebrow
That doesn't excuse a lazy unibrow
I'm turned on by a lazy unibrow so I guess that makes me a naturalist
men don't groom their eyebrows.
only fags and pussies do.
What are you, a fag?
I constantly get told I have great eyebrows and that I'm attractive. Granted they're my best feature but I'm not too good looking. Eyebrows are important man, they elevate me from being like a 6 to a 7.
Is there a way to make them darker without make up?
Lashfood? Beard dye? Minox? Doubt any are healthy or good for your skin so be fucking careful with these tips I mean it.
beard trimmer with #4 comb
a man shouldn't
let them be natural even if you have a unibrow. it's more Veeky Forums.
Yes, especially if you have a unibrow.
the unibrow triggers strong responses in people
For a straight man, it's only acceptable to shave the unibrow and cut long hairs. That's it.
Plucking is still considered for fags and guys shouldn't even own tweezers apparently.
That being said, i do pluck, because i have thick eyebrows, and fuck what people think.
Where do you think you are?
I see some women using the beard dye shit for theirs, maybe I could try it and just leave it on for like 30 seconds the first try.
Well I'd be very careful with beard dye above your eyes, and beard dye is notorious for allergic responses so you really should spot test it first just so you dont end up with scar tissue for an eyebrow should you turn out to be allergic. Otherwise, yeah I've heard of women using it before too. Normal hair dye isn't manufactured to adhere to finer hairs
Plucking is far superior if you have a sparse uni and messy edges desu.
>notorious for allergic reactions
how come? whats the fundamental difference to normal hair dyes
I usually just pluck the center and make the inner parts (near nose) into shape
plucking eyebrows = faggot cubed