Need help finding chill jackets, pants, and shirts that would make me seem chill when I smoke with my friends. A lot of them wear vans and volcom, sort of like street wear. BTW I'm male and in college at UIdaho
Stoner attire:
lmao. please kill yourself
Worst thread
stoner aesthetic is not good dude, makes u look washed up as shit. if ur gonna wear stoner shit at least look like california business casual like flannels and shit, u gotta clean up ur image if ur gonna publically admit to being a stoner
NOT Veeky Forums
>slouchy beanie
>zip up/pullover skate branded hoodie
>graphic tee, probably some shitty skate branded one
>skinny jeans
now fuck off faggot
just dress like a skater
Not sure if stonercore but i joking call this my drug look
>this guy rates your fit
never thought i'd see xcodeh on Veeky Forums lmao
lmao are you wearing an arch hat?
also you look like you smell no offense
SLP and avoid munchies is what i do
fucking kill me
You look like you picked out your clothes at Ross but still had to ask mom for approval because she buys your clothes and you dont know how to dress and should have let her dress your fat fuck ass self bitch fuck you
Oh my god, this might be the picture that destroys any and all credibility this board has ever pretended to have.
Going in the cringe folder
Also your fit needs to be baggier
Is that a DC zip hoodie??? ohhh fuck nonono
>arch linux
>arch linux
meme distro
OP I can only give you one piece of advice.
Nobody. Fucking. Cares. That you smoke weed. I smoke, but I'm not an obnoxious faggot about. Most people will look down on you unless they are your friends that you smoke with. Don't dress the part MAKE YOUR OWN IDENTITY. DRUGS DO NOT COUNT AS A DEFINING PART OF YOUR CHARACTER YOU DUMB IDIOT
funniest post this month thank you my man
One of the worst threads I’ve seen on fa, and that’s acruslky impressive. Or it’s either top tier bait
You seem underaged as hell, like 16
jesus christ
you just blew my mindddddddddddddddd
apparently all you have to do is be a failing non entertaining youtuber and wear a hoodie
stoner aestheic is both objectively good, an all time classic, and normies like it as well
i guarentee the people hating on are butthurt about being less cool than stoners in high school and have decided that you know axctually they were more cool
just look at the vibe objectively - it's obviously possible to have really nice stonercore fits
if "I smoke weed" is a major part of your outward identity past the age of 16 or 17 you seriously should kys as soon as possible
Hey you know what's really COOL and doesn't make you a boring very un-interesting person?
The fact that this is bait doesn't stop you from being retarded.
obvious bait, next time be more subtle
weed is 0% effay btw
but fuckit i smoke so il comply.
just put on whatevers comfy and not too attentionseekingy or fancy, to look chill you have to look effortless
Thanks for appreciating my meme fit
Hi abby
i just came into this thread to make sure i dont dress like this. Anyone else?
the square is immunized against all dangers
You really need to up your game