Veeky Forums is making fun of us again!
Veeky Forums is making fun of us again!
both you guys are autistic
fit are always making fun of us and we are always making fun of them, nothing new user
/a/ here
youre both aids faggots
opinion discarded
someone post those ancient Veeky Forums-tan and Veeky Forums-tan gay comics
/int/ here
Veeky Forums is the faggot getting fucked by the Veeky Forums faggot
Its not that he wants to get fucked first, at first he wanted to please his dominant master.
But as time passed he never not once fucked his bf in the ass.
Its always him that gets fucked.
So his Veeky Forums bf promises him to let him fuck him in the ass but every time they start to cuddle and foreplay, its the Veeky Forums with a dick in his mouth and his asshole puckering and oozing gay ass fluid on its own for lubrication because it has become natural to him, and gets fucked again and his Veeky Forums bf is tired to get fucked in the ass, he came a gallon of cum in Veeky Forums ass already and Veeky Forums is forced to stay bent over to not let all the cum drip out but he has to soak it all up while Veeky Forums goes lifting
Then comes back to apologist not letting him fuck his ass for a change.
But deep down Veeky Forums knows that will never change, ever.
He will remain a dick virgin forever.
His asshole is long gone.
It was never his choice to be like that, it was his DESTINY
And Veeky Forums accepted that, his tiny pixie virgin dick squirts clear cum when the anal orgasm hits, without touching it
stop projecting and get the fuck back to krautchan fat fuck
We're all just trying to mask our collective ugliness and lack of personality with gains and grails,
did you make all of this up yourself
yes you did, its why you are off to rub out a quick one to some of the straightest porn possible because reading it tingled your dick like never before
can you write more of this? this is better than the usual gay fanfic i read to get off
not now, no
Its not as if i held this inside me for long, this thing comes along when i try to insult.
I thought, what is more gay that a faggot?
A virgin faggot that never stuck his dick anywhere, and it goes from there
But if anything comes to mind i will make sure to drop a wall of gay text on this board when its fitting. I hope you manage to see it somehow
Or Veeky Forums
And thank you
Veeky Forums is a board of natural alphas and Veeky Forums is a board of autistic betas who think rick owens is ACTUALLY fashionable
it is only natural that they make fun of us
this guy comes up to you, spits on your back and gropes your girlfriend. what you gonna do, fashion boy?
Shoot him with my fashionable 9mm
the test is making them lash out again
natty af
I spend way more time on Veeky Forums than Veeky Forums and I can tell you neither board has a lot of alphas.
>spits on your back
because that's as far as he can reach
stab him in the neck
Veeky Forums here
we don't talk about you twigs as much as you think we do but if you ever want a laugh, go to the /fph/ and /cbt/ threads once in a while
Pick him up and throw him against the wall
Put my hand in front of him and keep pushing against his forehead while he is trying to charge like i do with my little cousin
Put him in my rucksack and dump it out at the nearest gym into the manlet pit
this, /cbt/ is just as fun to look at as our /waywt/ threads
Can this be the new sticky
Damn user you seem to know quite a lot about taking a cock up the ass, don't you?
Your depiction of the passive homo is also oddly specific.
p.s. Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums are faggots, but everyone knows Veeky Forums is closet homos trying to act manly while Veeky Forums is straight people acting feminine
>your both aids
that such a fucking cringy weeb thing to say
You should visit /int/ sometimes. Look out for COCKS and esti threads, its where the gayness comes from
I am Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums. What is the next step?
Get off Veeky Forums.
>hating on anime
I'm not sure you realized where you are bucko
/thinspo/ is the most disgusting thing on blue boards
the non anime boards outnumber the Japanese/anime boards. This is not an anime website anymore.
>b-buh my anime banners!
Again, fuck off weeb faggot, there are more non anime banners.
Who cares?
I have my boipucci wide open to all bulls
Igor is soo fucking hot
I Dream every night about daddy skinhead Igor pounding my ass really hard
/co/ here... I'm really intimidated by [spoiler]attracted to[/spoiler] both these boards but I like Veeky Forums more
manchild faggot
Veeky Forums here. We don't ever talk about y'all. The only time we do is if we see a thread talking about dressing better.
Veeky Forums is more gay than /lgbt/ so why do you care?
/lgbt/ is surprisingly straight, believe it or not
>tfw fit sleeper agent who only wears khakis but likes our legacy button down shirts
get a load of this newfag
Would be even more accurate if /cgl/ was just looking at another /cgl/. Because they are all psychotic lesbian cunts.
>he posts on the cringy "anime inspo" threads
nice alien face
pic related, is a real man
ironic that nobody on Veeky Forums actually lifts weights
just like nobody on Veeky Forums actually wears four figure designer clothing
really makes u think
*grabs him by the throat*
Nice gyno soy faggot
how (You)'s will i get if i make a dubs and show my cock thread?
You guys are the weirdest people on the board that dont know it.
Fit is full of men desperately trying to become normal even though they are socially damaged.
this isn't 2007 this site is about identity politics not anime
If he wasn't fat kim jong un would be most effay world leader
soy faggot who gets pussies wet all over the world
havent u heard, its all in the face
>people on Veeky Forums arguing over who's the biggest losers
>as if we're not all fucking losers